Better days will Come

Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
In the events of suffering a broken heart, Victor promise himself each waken day he will not let that stop him from being what he plan to be. The events still hunt him, yet he force the image out of his mind and out of his life. She may have loved a dog more than him, nevertheless she will not take him down.
Determine to bring back some sensibility he spent every days of the hour trying to improve himself worth than most expect of his capabilities. Victor did not suffered low self confidence, he just often time find himself slumping into a ditch he could never seem to get out of.

With all that happening, emotional stress taking over he's still was mending his broken arm. Ally continuously apologizing for the reckless flying he endure yet she was still taking the blame for it. No matter how much he describe the accident over and over again she wouldn't drop the subject anymore than he asked for her to stop mentioning. She had follow him around school assisting Victor, but he kindly rejected her help. The more he saw her each day the more he highly annoyed her present. Victor was glad when brightstone weekend came around. Before he saw Ally walked the school's corridor, he ditch the rest of his lessons just to get away from her.

Before long Victor travel the school's landscape in order to catch the trail were brightstone village lead him to. The weather outside felt chillier than a month ago, wearing a sweater he felt comfortable by his surroundings. Sort of glad the summer was done with, but when he head back for the states it was back to sunshine and waves. Victor loved summer, but here you get all four seasons. He loved the cold days, the felt of the brisk air chilling his face, he didn't mind it at all. Victor assume it may have been adapting since he's live in New Zealand for quite a while. He couldn't put his finger on it, he just let it be. After a short fifteen minute walk he reached where the village scenery began. Being the first few students arriving, he walk the cobblerstones walkways, his mind wandering not minding the solitude of being alone. With his hands in his pockets he felt comfortable and free, like he could breath for the first time after so long. Victor couldn't honestly describe this feeling but it felt great. Maybe lucks on his side today, no one can really tell without just finding out.
Rylee was glad to finally get away from her parents. It hadn't been easy, but now that she was alone she wasn't sure what to do. Back home she was never alone, she always had friends to hang out with, things to do, some party to attend. Now? She didn't know anyone, there was nothing for her to do. She knew if she brought someone home who was just like her old friends her parents would flip. She wasn't sure why that was. Couldn't they see, she was making their life an adventure? She had been away from home for just a few weeks, and already she was tired of this boredom. Did they really want this life? Rylee wanted something better of it. Life was too short to worry about all the little things. And yes, getting arrest to Rylee was a little thing. She hadn't gotten in that much trouble!

Sneaking away had been harder than she had first thought it would be. It seemed that her parents were somehow... smarter? No, she was just getting predictable. She had to roll her eyes at the thought. What would her friends think of her if they heard her say such a thing? Or what if it were true? Though she had been walking before, she found herself running. The farther away she could get from her parents the better. It wasn't as if she didn't love them, because she did. They really did mean the world to her. They were just getting old and boring, she didn't know how to settle down in the life they wanted of her. She ran faster and faster, and if she took the time to realize it, she wouldn't have known where she was.

She paused for a moment, Brightstone Village, she thought quickly. She was sure she had seen a sign somewhere. She shrugged to herself picking up the pace once more. She turned her head, something had caught her eye in a window. She wondered what it was, but decided not to both with it. As she turned her head to face forward once more she realized that she had almost run someone over. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she said surprised, though she hadn't actually run into the person. She had been able to stop herself before hand. "Are you alright?" She found herself asking, but she couldn't help it, she hated to think that maybe she'd somehow get in trouble for this.
His plan for this breezy autumn day were to down a few butter beers and forget the troubles back at Hogwarts. Butter beer made everything feel better. Just the thougth of the warm fuzzy feeling filling up his tummy made him less tense and more relax. True the last time he had one was a couple months back. With whom? He sure it had been Arisa, thought Victor could be mistaken. Thinking about butter beer just put Victor off more now that it had him thinking about Arisa. Victor couldn't hate her, he just couldn't
trust her again. Maybe someday they will reunite as friends, for now its safe bet to stay away. Victor turn his direction, switching his destination in the middle of his wondering thoughts. A flock of students walk passed him chatting amongst themselves paid no attention to the lonesome boy. Within the crowds Victor spotted a red head he was very familiar with in his muggel sports club. Attempting to get the boy's attention he waved his hand, but by the time he did so the group had turn disappearing down a corner, he had missed his opportunity to hang out. A tad disappointed he kept going, only when he turn to jerk another corner, he had almost collided with someone he never seen before. "it's cool no one got hurt" before he made eye contact he made sure they both didn't cause any damage. When he looked up, he notice it was someone about his own age, and definitely not a red headed boy who bluntly ignore him just to be an ass. "Or ummm fell or anything..."

Rylee smiled, at least he didn't freak out or anything. She knew some people would. Tell her she needed to watch where she was going. Maybe even call her crazy. And ok maybe she was a little... or a lot, but that wasn't the point. It was no wonder she got along with her friends back home, they were just as crazy as she was. She made a mental note of that to tell her parents. Her friends, they understand her the way others didn't. They knew she was crazy and out of it, and always ready for fun. And if she hurt one of the on accident, they knew it was all in good fun. Even things like hazing, which wasn't half as bad as the things she saw on talk shows and stuff. It was always small stuff, running around town in their underwear, getting a five finger discount, nothing was that bad. Of course that wasn't how other people saw that. She had to make another note, not to add half of the things she was thinking. They wouldn't understand her any more than the next person.

"Well I'm glad you didn't get hurt," she told him, partly because it was true, partly because she wanted to avoid and all complications. That really was the last thing she needed right now, just as she had gotten some freedom. "I'm Rylee," she said introducing herself. "And I'm sorry I almost ran you over, I guess I got a little a head of myself," she told him in casual conversation. Meeting new people was always an interesting thing, especially when they have a reason to tell her off but don't. Also, she had to admit, it was nice to talk to someone who seemed to be her own age. Instead of her parents. Again, she did love them, but sometimes they did get on her nerve. "I guess I'm just trying to avoid going home. Getting some fresh air is always nice. Sorry I'm rambling aren't I?"
Victor stood bemused for a minute or two. At first impression he could tell off the bat she a little off key. Judging however never been a good quality of his. He would think at first oh yeah so and so pretty cool. Till later on he develop some sort of relationship with so and so, than realize so, so is a b!tch. That sounded very hilarious in the back of his mind. Instead of listening to the girl babble on, he had drown her out just for a bit. Enough to catch her name nearly at the end till several words came after. "Rylee? I know a Riley" for a moment longer he studied her face. It seem rude, but she wasn't the blonde platinum girl who's been known to be dating Sam Prince. In fact this girl may not have been attending Hogwarts. I mean, he could've notice her once or twice. Judging by her style and young face she had to be around his age wave. "No really its fine, and trust and believe I know a few clumsy people around here. Least you manage to stop before it happen" she wasn't Riley and his best bet she didn't attend Hogwarts.
"I'm Victor nice to meet another Rylee" he would've done the whole gentleman handshake thing, but teenagers don't shake right? Yeah especially if he's that surfer dude from L.A. Maybe a dab would do, but she a girl. Its more of a guy thing he suppose that made enough logical sense. "Well it is the fall, so yeah its not bad taking in some fresh air. I rather be outside on any day." now he was one babbling his gums. "Seeing as I'm not from here though that would make more sense in California and not New Zealand" he added to the last bit. California hardly ever effcted by cold temperatures, its always sun and shine no matter what time of year you went over there. You wouldn't encounter a dramatic change of temperature, it would drop to mile weather than up again high in the hundreds. That's when its smoothering heat and you had to be at the beach all day. Or your gonna be fried and feel like you've just sweated a rainstorm from all the humidity. "Do you go to a school around here? I've never seen your face, just out of curiosity" he asked out of the blue to make sure. If Victor started to discuss magic with a muggel he would put himself an awkward positions. Maybe even get terminated from Hogwarts. Muggels weren't suppose to be aware of magic unless you have relatives that were muggels and you had no choice but to tell them like Victor had done with his parents. They were still accepting the magic portion from Victor, sometimes they have a hard time believing that its true. That's when events becomes difficult for Victor. He's still struggling to decide his future because of his parents beliefs at times. He didn't blame them however, any would be going through the same situation if they were in his shoes. Its just a life he guess, he would have to learn to accept one way or another. Weather it be easy or difficult to comprehend.


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