Closed Betrayed

Amethyst Michaels

Loner- Blunt- Dancer- Writer- Trying
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
10 inch knotted rigid Ash with a Hippogryff feather core
2/14/2034 (24)
Amaya was furious. She had been vulnerable already, hurt and unbelievably disappointed that because she had grown taller than Kace she hadn't been able to dance with him at the wedding. But now, to find out through the rumor mill at school that Abian was with someone, without telling her, without saying anything after she had opened up so much to him, it hurt her.

"Abian Hunter!" She yelled as she stomped into the Hufflepuff hall. She spotted him quickly and grabbed his shirt, smacking him up against the wall. She was embarrassed there were actually tears in her eyes. "Explain to me," she snapped, "How it is that my only friend that I've shared everything with goes from maybe liking a couple of people to being involved and doesnt tell me."

She shoved him a bit before stepping back and crossing her arms, looking away from him and letting her hair fall to cover her face. She had thought they were friends, that they were best friends, and he hadn't said a word to her. Not about liking someone in particular and definitely not about liking someone enough to date them.
While it was nice to be back at Hogwarts, Abian felt anxious in the back of his mind pretty much constantly now. This was it, his OWL year. It would be so important to do better than usual this year, but he had no idea how to do that. He hoped that most of the lessons would focus on repeating old information, but he kind of doubted it. He was trying his best to hide how nervous he was, but had honestly been contemplating asking Vader where to get coffee as it would probably help at least a little, right? He was actually on his way to the library, even though he usually was never found there this early in the semester. But as he made his way through the corridor, he jumped when he suddenly heard his name be yelled. He looked around in alarm, his eyes wide. "What?" He squeaked, seeing Amaya march up to him. He yelped as she pushed him into the wall. "Ouch." He hissed, rubbing the back of his head after it bumped into the stone wall. He blinked as she spoke more. "What?" He mumbled again, confused. Amaya stepped back and looked at him, and Abian frowned. "You're upset that I'm dating Emily?" He asked, not really getting it. "I didn't... didn't think it was that important to you. I figured I'd tell you when I saw you." He said with a small shrug. "It happened pretty fast. Turns out she had been sending me pink roses... and I had sent her one too." He rubbed the back of his head again.
Amaya threw her hands up into the air, frustrated and hurt. "I'm not upset you're dating, you idiot, I'm mad that you're dating and I found out from someone else. I thought you were my best friend." She snapped, stepping farther away from him. "Oh great, wonderful, more things you dont tell me. Were you actually planning to find me or wait until I ran into you?" She ran her hands through her hair, hating feeling so vulnerable. "You know what? Forget it, I knew you were a bad idea," she shook her head and tried to turn away, hating how close she felt to crying.
Abian frowned in confusion and blinked at Amaya. "I was... going to tell you. It wasn't a secret." He mumbled, not sure why she was so upset. He frowned when she said there was more he had been hiding. "I wanted to tell you, but during the valentine's dance you were all upset... I figured it was best not to bug you with my stupid stuff. I didn't really think anything would come of it anyway. I got two pink roses last year too, it was just one of those things." He explained. He faltered when she said he was a bad idea, and grabbed her sleeve when she turned away. "That's not fair." He said with a frown. "I didn't know I was doing anything wrong. I didn't think you'd care about who I dated." He was sad that Amaya was sad, but he also didn't think it was fair for her to say he was a bad idea.
Amaya froze as he mentioned the dance. "It's been going on since the dance?" She couldn't help the little stab of hurt that went through her. "I told you," She insisted, shaking her head. "It's not that you're dating. It's not who you're dating. It's that something important happened and the rest of the school knew before I did." She stepped away, wrapping her arms around her torso. "I... maybe it isn't fair of me. I'm just... I'm hurting already and I know it isn't your fault but I can't help but feel like this friendship means more to me than it does you. I tell you everything, Abe," She bit her lip. "And then I go looking for you because I'm feeling alone only to overhear some other kids talking about how you have a girlfriend now,"
Abian made a frustrated noise as Amaya misunderstood him. "No! I meant the roses, I wanted to tell you about that part." He argued. "I didn't know who had sent me one yet then, that stuff didn't happen until later." He frowned. "And I don't know why people gossip about that stuff. I didn't really expect anyone to notice or care." He admitted. When she said she felt like their friendship meant more to her, Abian frowned. "I'm... sorry you feel that way, but it's not true. I care a lot about you." He told her earnestly. "But you know I don't remember a lot of things, I'm kind of stupid. I never meant to hurt you, it just slipped my mind that it might be important to tell you." He said honestly. "You know that me dating Emily won't change anything for you, right?"
Amaya listened quietly as Abian spoke, knowing that everything he said made sense. When he had finished, she let out a long sigh. Her shoulders slumped in defeat and she turned, laying her head on his shoulder as a few tears slipped out. "I'm sorry," She murmured. "I've just... been so frustrated lately and I snapped. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that." She stood there a moment, wallowing in her own misery.
Abian felt relieved when Amaya seemed to calm down. He put an arm around her and sighed. "Look. I didn't want to make you feel bad... it's good that you're letting me know." He told her, then he laughed softly. "Could've done it less painfully but well, it got the message across." He joked lightly. "I'm glad you know now, I'll definitely need your help figuring out girls." He said, hoping it would cheer her up a little. "Do you want to talk about what has frustrated you?"
Amaya almost laughed. "Sorry," She muttered. She chuckled as he said he'd need her help. "Fine, but next time something big happens, just tell me. Even if you don't think I'd care," She told him, sighing as he turned the attention back to her. "It's stupid," She said softly, "Just... things aren't going well with Kace," She wrapped an arm around her torso, "And it's harder on me than I thought it would be,"
Abian nodded at her words, scratching the back of his head. "Sure... I'll let you know stuff." He said hesitantly. "It feels a little awkward to talk about that stuff." He admitted. "I just... feel like it's weird to put into words, I guess?" He wasn't really sure, but it was oddly embarrassing. "I mean, should I tell you when I kiss someone too? I kissed Arvel last year, but that's all." He paused. "Why are things going badly with Kace? What did he do?" Abian asked her with a frown. "Do I need to talk to him?"
Amaya chuckled lightly. "I never said you have to tell me well," She told him. "It's the thought behind it that counts," She hesitated as he said he'd kissed Arvel. Last year. She whacked the back of his head lightly. "Last year? Abian, we need to work on your communication. When I ask 'hey, how was your week?' things like 'yeah it was weird I frigging kissed Arvel frigging Ayers' is probably something that can be added in."

She shook her head as he inquired more about Kace, leaning against the wall next to him. "No, he didn't do anything on purpose," She bit her lip than sighed. "I had a growth spurt. He didn't. I'm too tall. We can't dance anymore. Not together," She wrapped her arms around her torso, sniffling a little. "That dance I was so excited for? At the wedding? It didn't happen. The dance lessons don't happen." She told Abian softly. "And he likes someone else. A ravenclaw prefect. He doesn't- I don't stand a chance, Abe..."
Abian blushed. "Well, it wasn't just my life... I didn't know if Arvel would want me blabbing." He said with a shrug. "It wasn't.... really anything, we're just friends. " He added sheepishly. "Besides, you probably don't always tell me when you kiss someone." He added with a shrug. Her explanation of what was going on with Kace made Abian frown. It sounded ridiculous. "So? You're older, it's not that weird that you're taller. He's going to catch up." Abian argued. "And why would that mean you can't dance? Can't you just change the dance if that's the problem? It's stupid that he won't dance with you because you're taller." He frowned. "And who does he like?" He asked, a little offended on Amaya's behalf.
Amaya rolled her eyes. "Abian. Please. You know everything about my life. I told you when Kace kissed me when he panicked about finding out about Baron." She shrugged as Abian tried to defend their right to dance. "I wish it was that simple," She pouted lightly, letting her hair fall to cover her face. "Alexis Kramer," She replied to his last question. "Smart, musically talented, great grades and quidditch star." She sighed. "Kind, sweet, beautiful. Everything I'm not," She sniffled a little, upset with herself for being so upset she couldn't be like Alexis. "You know what? It doesn't matter, come on, let's go," She shrugged off the wall. "Forget I said anything. We have class,"

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