
Becky Gale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair
(Continuing from this topic)

Becky fled the Great Hall, heading towards the Black Lake. She reached the lake, and glared at it, as though it was alive. Her eyes stung, and her throat felt like someone had shoved a Land Rover in it. The tears began to flow, falling into the lake. "This is so going to ruin my make-up." she said in a very 'Becky' way. She didn't want to go back into the hall. Becky needed company. right now, but at the same time she was desperate to be alone.
Patricia had been having quite an enjoyable night at the Yule Ball. As per usual she had no date, but she had long since gave up on caring about having one, she was only 13 for crying out loud, she didn't need one.

Of course she had given up after realising how stupid it was to need a boy in her life after she had fallen so easily for one Jude Thompson. Long had she forgotten about that boy, that boy who she had liked the minute she met him, a connection she thought was mutual. But after 9 months of not hearing from him, not matter how much searching she did around Brightstone, she never saw him since. It was as if he fell of the face of the Earth.

After a night of dancing with her friends and a few snacks Patricia grew tired, the Yule Ball was almost over so she decided to stay the last few songs out, watching the couples slow dancing. One couple she was looking out for in particular was Becky and James. She hadn't seen Becky from much earlier as she was meeting up with James. Patricia was proud of her friend, that she finally swallowed her pride and ask the boy to the Yule Ball, she was even more happy that he accepted, but he would be a fool not too.

As Patricia searched the room for the happy couple she finally saw Becky, making her way to - Patricia followed her gaze - James. But James was with another girl. Patricia recognised her from the Fashion Club, Nia. She seemed nice enough so why was she kissing her best friends date? Patricia felt rage build up in her, how dare that tramp? She saw Becky, as she started to run out of the Great Hall. Patricia turned to Nat, who said she was going to stay behind. Patricia shrugged and ran after Becky.

On her way she met James and told him it would be best to let her talk to her first, somewhat angry that he let the second year kiss him back. She made her way down to the lake, thankful that she wore flats this year. She lifted her dress a bit as it was quite long and she didn't feel like falling flat on her face. A few feet in front of her she could she Becky crying. Patricia slowly made her way over to her fellow Hufflepuff third year. "Bex, are you OK?" she asked, Stupid quiestion she mentally slapped herself.
Becky sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I'm fine." she lied. She knew perfectly well that Patricia wouldn't believe her, but 'I'm fine' was what she always said. "I-I-" Becky choked on her words. She couldn't say it. Becky wasn't brave, she was a coward. She couldn't tell her friends the truth, it wasn't fair. It occured to Becky how little her best friends knew about her. She knew a little about Patricia, but not as much as a best friend should. Becky let out a small laugh, amused that she was thinking about friendship when her heart was breaking.
Patricia sat down beside Becky, putting her arm over her shoulder. It amazed Patricia how people lied about their emotions when it was clear that they were the complete opposite of what they were saying. She waited to see if Becky was going to continue from her 'I..I' but instead she heard an unexpected laugh. "Becky, I know you're not fine." she said eventually. "I can't believe James let that girl kiss him when he was at the Ball with you. I hope Natasha gives him hell for that." she said with a low voice, angry seeping through.
Becky shook her head. "No, I'm not fine." She looked at Patricia, aware she looked a sight with her mascasra smudged and running down her face. She looked a little bit like a crazy panda. "I... I can. I-I..." she sobbed. Becky broke down in tears and refused to say anything else.
Patricia felt so sorry for her friend as she sat there in tears. What a why to end the night of the Yule Ball. A night supposed to be fun of celebration and enjoyment, yet her she sat, in full Yule Ball attire, crying her heart because of a silly little girl making a move on her date, and even worse, her date kissing the girl back. Patricia's hands were clenched into fists. "It's OK. Natasha is sorting that girl out. She had no right to kiss your date like that." she said reassuingly. Nia was going to get what was coming to her.
Becky's eyes widened. "She had every right to." she said harshly. Someting inside Becky snapped, and she changed her angry look to one of pity and sadness "It's all my fault!" she wailed. A wave of emotions swirled inside her like a whirlpool. Jealousy, hate, love. But most of all, guilt. Both her best friends thought an innocent girl was stealing her date, but the fault was hers.
Patricia retracted a bit from Becky as she snapped. "What do you mean? she asked confused. How could Becky think someone had the right to steal her date from her and kiss him nonetheless. "Becky, none of this is your fault. Never think that." she said forcefully, trying to get Becky back to the right sense of thinking again. She must be too emotional to think right, Patricia thought to herself.
Becky sighed. "It is my fault. It's all my fault." she said. Becky repeated this several times in a whisper before she got the courage to tell Patricia. "It is my fault. I lied to you and Nat. I did go up to James, but I chickened out. I didn't ask him, he didn't say yes." she exhaled and groaned. "What am I going to do?" she asked herself quietly.
Patricia listened to Becky tell her what happened. Patricia couldn't believe what she was hearing, not the fact that she lied to her and Nat, they could forgive that easily enough but the fact that James must have been going to the Ball with Nia, and Natasha was about to lay into her. "Becky," she started off, not clearly sure about what she was going to say to the girl, "Why didn't you just tell us?" she asked the first question that came to her head.
"I was an idiot." she said simply. "I didn't want you guys to think I was a chicken." she said simply. "But, I obviously didn't need to." Becky said simply. "We have to go find Nat." Becky stood up and felt her ankle click. "Bloody chicken legs." Becky said, in a very un-Beckyish way. She took of her silver sparkly high-heeled shoes and looked at them. They were a one of a kind pair of shoes, made especially for Becky. She looked at the lake, and hurled her shoes in as far as she could throw. Becky smiled as she watched her shoes disappear, there was something satifying about it. She turned away from the lake and thought about where Natasha could be.
Patricia shook her head lightly, "Becky we never would have thought any less of you." she said giving her a one armed hug. She watched Becky up and throw her shoes in the lake. Patricia was gobsmacked that she did such a move, Becky had done nothing but ramble about the perfect one a kind shoes and now they made their way to the bottom of the lake.

Patricia stood up and flattened her dress out, whiping any grass of the back. "I think she's in the Entrance Hall. She seemed like she was going to talk to Nia." she informed Becky.
Becky smiled. Having friends here was different from all her other friends. Her other 'friends' pretended to be nice, but talked about Becky behind her back. Becky laughed. "Talk, we'd better intervene then." She began to walk towards the castle, hoping that Nat didn't attack Nia.

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