Closed Best Service in the School

Valeria Iglesias

confident; aspiring artist
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
boys <3
Straight 12" Sturdy Redwood Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2042 (19)
Valeria had woken up a little later than she'd intended to. The semester was just starting and she was admittedly getting used to not have the alarm clock of her parents to get her up in the morning. Being responsible for yourself was certainly more difficult than Valeria had ever thought it would be. Val had just slept through breakfast but she was determined to not go without a meal, she knew it was important to eat healthy and be in good health and skipping meals was not a part of that. She made her way to the kitchens after some prompting of one of the other students, she got that it was out of bounds - technically - but she was hungry and she couldn't imagine a teacher would let her starve.

Valeria walked in and saw a very busy kitchen, filled with house elves. Her parents had had a couple of house elves until recently, when her father had decided to get into cooking more and had dismissed the elves. She thought it wad dumb the elves they'd had had been paid and were much better at cooking that her father was, why should she suffer because her dad wanted to experiement. But she put that thought aside and sat herself down at one of the tables, giving a house elf very specific instructions about what she wanted and how she wanted it. Then she just took out the fasinating muggle studies book and began reading as she waited.
Louis had a good break, but he was happy to be back at Hogwarts with a lot pressure off his shoulders. He had organised with the charms professor last year to do his charms privately with her, and this definitely had him worrying a little less about what was ahead for him. However, when he was unpacking his trunk upon his arrival back at Hogwarts, he noticed that his charms textbook was missing when he most certainly had packed it. The boy was trying to find his sister to ask if she had seen it. He thought perhaps he might have put it into her trunk by mistake. She wasn't in the great hall during meal time, and so once Louis had finished his food, he headed downstairs to make his way to the dungeons where her dormitory was.

Louis became distracted however as a younger student made a turn for the kitchens. Louis hadn't seen her around before, and she definitely didn't look suspicious or anything, so perhaps she was simply just lost. His heart beating against his chest as he knew what he was about to do was breaking the rules, Louis took a beeline after her. "H-Hey!" he yelled out at her, frowning as he realised she probably didn't hear. He continued to follow her down to where the kitchens were, stopping in his tracks as she closed the door behind her. No one was allowed in there. Why was she going in there? Louis didn't want to see anyone getting into trouble so early on in the semester, and so taking a deep breath, Louis opened the door to reveal the kitchens with a shaking hand, staring at all of the house elves as they stared back at him. The girl was sitting at one of the tables reading a book. "Hey, um..." Louis tried not to walk too far into the room. He was scared a professor might be right around the corner. "I don't meant to be rude, but we're not allowed in here. We need to get out."
Valeria wasn't sat long when she heard a voice from far away in the room. She turned slightly, towards the voice and spotted a boy a little older than her stood in the doorway. "Oh are we not?" she replied, with a confused tone. She did know she wasn't supposed to be here but she knew she could at least pretend that she didn't. What would be the harm in that really? And this boy would believe it. "Sorry, I'm new, just transferred," Val giggled lightly clearly beru content to be a transfer. "I was hungry and needed to eat something, and the elves don't mind," she was telling the truth that the elves didn't mind but she wasn't sure they could mind. "I'll be quick, promise," she assured him.
Louis was glad that he managed to save the girl from getting into trouble, however he hadn't quite succeeded yet. She was adamant about wanting some food from the elves, and Louis didn't have it in him to tell her no. She was new, and Louis also didn't want to be making enemies with her so soon. "You should've eaten at the feast." he told her softly, frowning a little. "Okay, as long as you're quick. I can... stay outside and... keep an eye out for you." He wasn't sure how often the house elves told the professors on the students, and just hoped that these ones were nice enough not to. His heart was still beating against his chest as he tried to think of an excuse if a professor came by. He couldn't find one at all and just hoped that the house elves would be quick with making the food so that they could both be out and go about their days.
Valeria wasn't sure why such a room would be so eary to get into if they weren't supposed to be there. "I'm sorry, I've never before, I'm still adjusting to like set eating hours," Valeria said to him, trying to at least explain it, though she didn't really care about if the boy agreeed or disagreed with it. "Okay, thanks!" she told him. She wouldn't mind if he was at the door, making excuses for her. The boy was cute, a little older than her, and a little too nervous about breaking rules but he was cute. She'd be able to get her food in peace. The elves brought the dish, and she began explainiing to the elf how it was wrong and how they'd need to remake it. She knew she was supposed to be quick but she wasn't going to eat something wrong.

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