Best Friends Forever?

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Julian Hain

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name

Well this is my character Julian with his two best friends in the whole wide world. Julian and one of the other boys are well off economically, but the third isn't(the reason this is important will be explained below). At the moment Julian hasn't told his friends that he won't be going to school with them anymore starting on the next school year. Julian is trying to put this off as long as he can because hes worried that his friends wont want to hang out with him anymore because hes leaving them.
Age: 10-11
Blood Status: Muggle Born

Lets call him John for the purposes of this plot development. John and Julian have been best friends since kindergarten and have always been a bit closer with each other then Jake. John is a wizard but still unaware of it. His personality, background and pretty much whole character would be up to you. He just has to be nice, and not care that Julian is a bit girly.
Age: 10-11
Blood Status: Muggle

Lets call him Jake. Well Jake met John and Julian in grade two. Jake has always felt that John and Julian wouldn't really mind if he didn't hang around them. He is also very self conscious about his families lack of money. Jake has never really voiced this though and pretends nothing is wrong. Since this can't be the perfect story Jake is not a wizard and wont be attending Hogwarts. Because Julian and John wont be able to tell him exactly whats going on he will feel hurt that his best friends are going off the to same 'fancy boarding school' together and leaving him behind. This will solidify the idea in his mind that he never fit in with them and will begin to dislike the, a lot. I'll discus the rest of the plot over PM ^_^

If you want to make one of these lovely boys please post here :)
I'd willingly make 'John' if you want! I'd just need to know his PB.
Sammy :hug:

I'm all for making 'Jake' if you would like. ^_^ Does the name have to be 'Jake' or can it be something else?
Julian Hain said:
John Matthews said:
Julian Hain said:
w00t ^_^ Do you wanna rp Julian finding out that John is going to Hogwarts?
Sure! Do you want to start, or should I?
Could you please start it? ^_^

And yay ^_^ I'll PM you, Hamza :D
Sounds good. ^_^ Please PM me on Selwin's account.
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