Bellamy Pike

Bellamy Pike

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OOC First Name
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Swishy Hazel Wand with Essence ofBelladonna Core

The Basics

Bellamy Lucia Pike

Character's Birthdate:
May the 13, 2025
Lille, France
Blood Status:
Halfblood - Mum is a witch, Dad is muggle
14 1/2 in, hazel wood with essence of belladonna core
Educated At:
Hogwarts New Zealand

Long blonde hair, naturally straight. Bell enjoys braiding her hair because it isn't slippery, but, very easy to braid and do fancy up-dos.
Bellamy has huge baby blue eyes. She is very fond of her eyes and gets many compliments on them.
Bell stands at the average height of 5'1". Surely she will get taller as she ages because both her parent s are very tall people.
Bellamy has a very polished style. Lots of pleated skirts and little collard blouses. Her mother also buys her lots of stockings, so she wears those in the cooler seasons. The majority of her wardrobe is light blues and pinks, or heavy colours such as deep purple and ruby reds.
Other Distinguishing Features:
Bell has an explosive smile. Her smile is her favorite feature because once she starts smiling she can't stop!

A Little Deeper

Bellamy is a very imaginative person. She would be at home for hours on end as a child so she learned to use her imagination to the fullest. Her mother, Fleur, is very strict. Bellamy was raised to be her perfect little French doll, so Bell is very serious but very polite as well. Her father, Sebastian, is an muggle author, and when Bellamy's mother wasn't home he would ramble non stop to her, and that created her good listening skills.

Special Talents/Abilities:
Bellamy is a natural flyer. At the Pike's summer cottage in Lyon Fleur would allow Bell to ride on her childhood broom. She is also a gifted reader.

Bellamy has been home schooled her whole life. Because her mother didn't want any bad influence endangering her little doll Bellamy has always been left almost friendless. This makes her a bit demanding, and constantly craves more human contact/emotions. She was also pushed by her father to be very poised and quite frankly, old fashioned. Because of that Bellamy doesn't have the best sense of humor, quite witty, she can crack the odd joke, but she mostly just reads about humorous people instead. One of the only times Bell is truly herself, happy and care-free, is at the summer cottage. In Lyon she can be as funny as she wants or as courageous, and brave and nothing else matters to her besides being the person she has always wanted to be.


Mother: Fleur Felicity Pike - Socialite
Father: Sebastian Leo Pike - Author​

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