Overall Personality: Bellamy thinks of himself as a kind of detective. He enjoys solving mysteries whether he reads about them in his books or uses his imagination to create them in real life. He is known for paying attention to the details around him, often taking note of things that many people would overlook. He finds himself using his imagination often to come up with 'make believe crimes' that could occur using his surroundings. Bellamy is extremely curious as well. He likes to find out how things work whether that be people around him or inventions. He often gets absorbed in these projects of his and can often become hyper focused on them.
Skills/Talents: Observation Skills, Imaginative, "Crime Solving," Well-Read
Likes: Mystery novels, Board Games/Puzzle Games, Inventing, "Sleuthing"
Dislikes: Mess/Clutter, Books with Anticlimactic Endings, Fighting.
Sense of Humor: Bellamy believes there is a time and place for humor. He enjoys puns and jokes that aren't at anyone's expense. He doesn't think that jokes should be applied in serious situations though.
Superstitions and Beliefs: None. Bellamy does not believe in silly superstitions, although he has researched quite a few.
Traditions: Bellamy will observe all the details he can whenever entering a room. This is more a habit than a tradition in order to take in all his surroundings. He doesn't like to be caught off guard.
Strengths: Determination, Detail Orientated, Creative, Critical Thinking Skills.
Flaws: Can get hyper focused and hyper fixated, Not the most social individual.
Lures: Knowledge, Closure
Tropes: Smart and Curious Ravenclaw, Annoying Little Brother
Five Words: Curious, Imaginative, Detail-Oriented, Determined
MBTI Personality Type: Architect (INTJ-A)
MBTI Personality Type Description: Architects are known for being very imaginative. They also tend to be strategic thinkers who always have a plan. Bellamy tends to avoid large social situations when possible preferring to spend time along. This places him in the Introverted category. He is very open minded and curious which puts him with percent intuitive. Thinking, on the other hand, is a big component of Bellamy. He is a rational thinker. He uses his mind over his feelings and believes that effectiveness and results outweigh feelings and emotions. Bellamy's personality has 92 percent judging. This means that he likes to be organized and thorough. He likes to make a plan over being spontaneous. He very slightly falls in the Assertive category, meaning that he is slightly confident, especially in areas he thrives in. As well as, someone who does not let stress and worries get to them.
Temperament: Choleric
Temperament Description: Choleric Temperament individuals tend to be analytical, and goal orientated. They set their mind to it and work towards reaching their objective. Individuals may ignore their emotions, focusing on facts. This can make them seem harsh and uncaring at times. These people often enjoy their independence and alone time.
Enneagram: Investigator (Type Five)
Enneagram Description: Those who find themselves in the investigator category have a desire for knowledge and a curious mind. They prioritize self-sufficiency and gaining information. Bellamy's other defining areas are the Challenger, the Achiever, and the Perfectionist. Overall, Bellamy takes a very fact orientated view on life, determined to show and prove what is right even if he is against others, aims for perfection and being his best self, and sets high standards for himself and others.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Favourite Colours: Blues, Greens, Silver
Favourite Animals: Rats, Ravens, Hummingbirds
Favourite Magical Creatures: Niffler, Mooncalf, Demiguise
Favourite Flavour: Salty
Favourite Foods: Pretzels, Potato Crisps, Chips, Seafood.
Favourite Drinks: Juice, Milk Tea
Favourite Music: Techno
Favourite Sports: Bellamy doesn't really enjoy sports.
Favourite Muggle Subjects: Math, Science
Favourite Magical Subjects: Charms, Defense Against Dark Arts, Astronomy
Favourite Numbers: 7, 15, 999
Favourite Words: "Elementary" "Exactly!"
Favourite Quotations: “My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don’t know.” "The Game is afoot!"
First Impressions: Bellamy can seem a bit odd at first. His eyes wander around taking in details and he is very into first impressions. He can be a bit too curious or at times very focused on what he is doing so he may seem distracted.
Stranger Impressions: Strangers may think that Bellamy is distracted and cold. He doesn't really show emotions and views everything from a logical point of view. He may almost seem 'in his own head' a lot. Not always approachable.
Family Impressions: His family often calls him Sherlock in jest. They see him as a very focused kid who has unusual interests. They know he had a kind heart though even if he isn't that big into showing emotions.
Friend Impressions: Bellamy's friends know he is a very inquisitive and open minded person. They realize that he is often in his own little world of creations and can be distant at times.
Compliments: Smart, Determined, Rememberable, Problem Solver.
Insults: Odd, Dorky, Nerdy
Mood: Overall, Bellamy has a very happy mood. he is usually happy, although this is not always obvious on the surface. Bellamy views everything as a challenge or puzzle that he can solve which brings him a lot of joy to view on the world in this way.
Attitude: Bellamy has a slightly optimistic attitude. He knows the world can be filled with crime and evil, but he likes to focus on solving these to make the world a better place. He tries to view everything as an opportunity or a fun challenge to solve.
Expressiveness: Bellamy is not the most outwardly expressive person. He doesn't actively hide his emotions, but he doesn't really show them either. He finds that facts and details are more important than the feelings toward them.
When Happy: Bellamy will smile or laugh when he is happy, usually if he solves a 'case' or succeeds at something he was focused on. He isn't bubbly happy, but he does show that emotion more than the others outwardly.
When Sad: Bellamy will often retreat to alone time if he is upset. He isn't much for crying or getting openly upset. He just likes to sit in the quiet and be left alone with his thoughts.
When Angry: Bellamy does not show anger. He has only gotten extremely angry a few times in his life. At those extreme moments, he will blow up and just yell to no one in particular to get rid of these frustrations. Most of the time, when he is angry, he will distract himself with something that he enjoys.
When Excited: Bellamy uses a lot of one more quotes of excitement when he feels this emotion. When he is excited about solving a 'crime' or problem, he often will bounce on his heels of his feet and maybe even quote some of his favourite books.
When Anxious: Bellamy has a nervous habit of tapping his fingers when he is anxious. He will not tap songs or anything, but still tap absentmindedly. He will also look around a lot, almost as if he is waiting to detect danger or an attack.
Language: English
Accent: New Zealand
Tag Line: Curious by nature, drawn to the facts.
Signature Quotes: "If you'd let me explain.." "The devil is in the details." "Don't you see?"
Main Goal: Start a Detective Agency
Minor Goals: Discover all the Secrets Hogwarts has to offer, Gain all the Knowledge that classes offer.
Future Goals: Bellamy wants to open up a magical detective agency or become an auror. His mother feels like the second option is more feasible.
Current Career: Hogwarts Student
Biggest Failure: Not Yet Occurred
Greatest Success: Not Yet Occurred. Right now, probably being sorted into Ravenclaw.
Regrets: TBD
Best Dream: Becoming a famous mystery solver and having books written about him.
Worst Nightmare: Losing his eyesight, or any of his senses really.
Boggart: TBD
All Book Quotes Taken from Sherlock Holmes Series (Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 1892, Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 1893, and The Ultimate Collection 2009) Written by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Personality Tests Taken From 16 Personalities, Psych Central, and Truity