Belladonna Metzger

Belladonna Metzger

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust


Full Name:
Belladonna Augusta Metzger
Belladonna (bell a DON uh): Italian for Beautiful woman.
Augusta (aw GUS tah): Latin for Venerated.
Metzger: (mets grr): German for butcher.

Date of Birth:
April 6th, 2023 at 6:49am.

Current Age:
11 years old.

Basic Appearance:
Hair: Belladonna has ash blonde hair. For the most part a light blonde can be seen, but she has steaks and patches of a very light brown mixed within. Due to the Veela blonde, he hair possesses a natural shine to it. For the most part, Belladonna will leave her hair down and left wavy, or throw up into a messy bun. Belladonna's hair goes a couple of inches past her shoulders.
Eyes: Belladonna has big blue eyes. Her eyes a pale milky blue, and aren't too noticeable unless one is up close to her. However, her eyes do have a natural roundness to them, that allow her to have a more innocent look than she actually possesses. Belladonna also has what one would describe as girly lashes as they are naturally long.
Skin: Belladonna is fairly pale. She burns easily so she has to be careful how long she spends in the sun. When she is in the sun long enough her skin can sometimes get blotchy and make it seem as if she is always blushing.
Smile: Belladonna often does soft smiles. Rarely big enough to where her teeth could be seen, but enough to show others her happiness.
Height: 5"1
Weight: 105lbs.
Build: Belladonna is rather petite. She's only eleven so she's hoping that her body will develop over time.
Tattoo's: Belladonna has no tattoo's.
Piercings: At the moment Belladonna only has her ears pierced.
Closet: Belladonna's Closet

Belladonna's personality can be split up into the following ways/categories:
Bold: Belladonna isn't afraid to take risks or be brave when she needs to be. She feels like life is too be afraid of the unknown.
Hot-headed: Belladonna can be hot-headed at times. She is quick to upset, and once upset she often doesn't think rationally.
Loyal: Belladonna is very good to her friends and family. She would do anything for them, and would fight anyone who dared to hurt them.
Unlucky: Belladonna is also considered generally unlucky. She never wins anything, and often anything that can go wrong, will go wrong in her case. She brushes this off by saying she fails at life.
Clumsy: This is likely caused by the fact that she is hot-headed and impulsive, but Belladonna tends to make rash decisions and tends to fall over, break, trip over anything in her way.</SIZE>

Dietrich Metzger - Father - Seeker for the Thundelarra Thunderers
Dietrich Metzger is Part-Veela and is a Durmstrang Drop-out. He was born on November 3rd, 2004. Belladonna admires her father's personality and loves that he is the one raising his children as opposed to most families where the mother is the one that raises the kids once the parents aren't together. Belladonna is also thankful that he taught his children to be themselves, whether it was normal or not. The only thing she doesn't like is that her father can go away quite a bit, and sometime she comes home with injuries from games.


Erik Metzger - Older Brother - Slytherin First Year
Erik Metzger is Part-Veela, and is currently attending Hogwarts New Zealand where he was sorted into Slytherin. He was born on May 3rd, 2022. Belladonna and Erik are very close. Whenever Bella is having a rough time with something or someone, she will often go to her brother for help or advice.


Damian Metzger - Uncle - Unemployed
Damian Metzger is Part-Veela, and is Graduated from Hogwarts New Zealand in June of 2030. He was in Gryffindor. Damian was born on March 2nd, 2012. Belladonna isn't as close with her uncle as she thought she would be, but she does adore him to no end! Belladonna also loves to look at his tattoo's.


Apollinariya Dimitrova - Mother - Unknown
Belladonna knows little to nothing about her mother except for the fact that she had Spanish descent, and that she didn't care too much for her children. Bella cares very little for the woman but thanks her for at least being around long enough to give her life.​
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A male kitten named Roscoe.


A male horse named Beastly.

Belladonna is in the process of trying to talk her dad into letting her get a bunny and an owl before school starts.

Area of Residence:
Napier, New Zealand

Blood Status:
Mixed as Belladonna is also Part-Veela.

1/2 German, 1/4 Spanish, 1/4 Swedish

Special Abilities:
Belladonna is Part-Veela, but she doesn't have enough Veela blood that would allow her to transform and toss fireballs when she's angry.

Interests or Hobbies:
Quidditch: Belladonna still isn't very skilled with Quidditch just yet as she really hasn't learned to fly, but she does know a lot about the game and the rules thanks to her dad. Belladonna likes to follow up with Professional Quidditch as much as she can.
Gymnastics: Belladonna has been doing gymnastics since she was very little. Though she's probably one of the worst members on her team, she really enjoys it, and hopes to improve her skills if at all possible.
Cartoons: Belladonna likes to watch cartoons, even if it's more of a muggle thing, she finds then amusing and lighthearted.
Potions: Belladonna hasn't had the chance to really be able to brew potions, but she's look through a few books and has found the subject interesting.
Animals/Creatures: Belladonna really loves animals and magical creatures of all sorts, this has led her to desire working in a field with with them someday. She also tries to being all sorts of animals home.
Baking: Belladonna is pretty talented at baking, when her dad actually trusts her enough to use the oven. (Since she can be a little clumsy)
Traveling: Belladonna likes to travel. She's done it quite a bit with her dad and his games. One day she hopes to be able to travel around too and see different sights and experience different cultures.

Additional Skills:
Being Part-Veela, Belladonna does have the ability to use her charm. However, she doesn't really know how to use it or what it even truly is. She grew in a family with mostly male Part-Veela's who couldn't teach her much about it or how it is used, so she's clueless.

Belladonna is very bold and quite the go-getter, she tries not to let fear stand in her way of accomplishing things. So she's very good at going out there and getting things done.
Belladonna is pretty fast as learning things. You can give her material, and it won't take her long to grasp it. Especially when it comes to subjects that she cares to learn about.
Belladonna is fairly loyal and shows a great deal of care for her friends, because of this she is considered to be a very valuable friend to have.
Belladonna has a bit of Knowledge of Quidditch Although she hasn't really played it, she does have a pretty good knowledge of the game due to her father playing it Professionally.

Belladonna is a hothead. Her shorter temper can cause her to make rash and very unwise decisions at times. It really clouds her sense of judgement and caused her to get into a lot of trouble at times.
Belladonna is only eleven, but when it comes to boys and crushing, she's just plain awful at it. Belladonna grew up in a house of boys, and while she is still a girly girl, she really hasn't had a chance to be around enough women to see how to flirt properly.
Belladonna is also very impatient. She hates waiting and often becomes angry when people force her to wait for things. It can also, one again, cloud her sense of judgement and cause her to make rash decisions.
Anything with math or numbers, Belladonna is also not very skilled in. So subjects like Arithmancy would be really hard for her.
Belladonna also has a knack for being late. Even if she tries to be early for things, she winds up finding a way to be late.

Describe your character in three words:
Hotheaded, Fiery, Loyal

Favorite Things:
Drink: Peppermint Tea, no sugar.
Food: Chicken Parmesan.
Dessert: Pumpkin Pie & Vanilla Ice Cream
Scent: Anything with cinnamon in it.
Season: Autumn
Color: Neon Pink
Animal: Horses.
Day of the Week: Wednesday
Weather: Chilly but still sunny outside. A typical autumn day.
Magical Creature: Dragons.

Favourite place to be:
In her room. It has all of her favorite things in there, so naturally it would be her favorite place to be.

Belladonna doesn't quite have friends other than her brother, and she barely counts him. During Primary school, the other girls didn't seem to like her very much, and the boys bothered her. Belladonna was picked on often by the girls so she didn't really have a chance to bond with any of them. Of course she had a couple of friends here and there, but they all moved away or stopped being her friend, so Belladonna doesn't really have any friends.

She hopes to make some at school though, especially friends who are into Quidditch and baking as much as she is.

Hogwarts House:
Will be revealed during when she starts attending school in 2034, Y19.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Belladonna would love to learn how to fly so she could try out for the Quidditch team in upcoming years, maybe even one day she could become a co-captain or something. But Belladonna would also just be happy playing on a team in general.
Belladonna would also like to get decent grades. It doesn't need to be all O's, but she knows she needs decent grades for a good job, and she wants to make her dad and brother proud of her.
Making some friends would also be nice. Belladonna wants lots of friends, especially ones similar to hers since she has gone most of her life without really having any.
Belladonna would also like to get asked to go to the Yule Ball at least once. She thinks it would be really sweet and magical to get asked so she could buy a pretty dress and spend the night feeling like a princess. But with her skills when it came to that sort of stuff, she isn't counting on it.

Best school subjects:
Currently unknown because she isn't attending school yet.

Worst school subjects:
Currently unknown because she isn't attending school yet.

Extracurricular Activities:
Belladonna does not have any extracurricular actives yet.

Set to Graduate May 2041.

Current Job:
Belladonna is only eleven so she doesn't have a job.

Plans for your future:
Belladonna would love to someday either work with animals or in the Quidditch field, both are something she loves quite a bit. The rest of Belladonna's future is unknown because she is currently eleven years old and doesn't know much of what she wants with her life yet.

Your Patronus:
A Wolf - It represents fierceness, courage, extreme loyalty, yet still have the ability to be alone if one needs to be.

Your Patronus memory:
The day that Belladonna first went to a Quidditch game with her dad. She will always remember the way the Pitch looked, the smell of the food, and watching her dad play for the very first time. It was the day she fell in love with Quidditch.

Your Boggart:
Herself being crippled. Belladonna would hate to have what she believes to be, a very big disability. Even if other people who cannot use their arms or legs claim they can still function as normal as anyone, Belladonna believes they are lying and that such a thing would ruin a person's life forever.

Your Animagus:
A wolf. Same reason as her Patronus form.

Mirror of Erised:
If Belladonna looked into the mirror or Erised, she would see herself holding the Quidditch cup, along with Graduation robes on. She would be smiling and her dad and brother would be there celebrating with her.

A page from your diary:

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