Being Super Busy Sucks

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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Yeah, so I haven't been around much lately.

I started University last month and I though I could easily manage everything, but turns out not so much. I'm taking a while to adjust to everything about University life and all of that. Currently right now, I'm splitting my limited time between classes, coursework, work, friends and my awesome bf who lives in Edinburgh, which requires me to travel. So all in all, I'm attempting to get a handle on everything, and it's taking a lot longer than I thought it would.

What this basically means is that, I'm still not able to wisely split my time, and therefore, don't have any time for you lovely people of HNZ. I've created some space later today for Accio! because I don't have any classes tomorrow, and I am slowly managing everything, so I hope to start coming back a little more in the next few weeks.

But, yeah, all in all, I'm not around much. I'll try to be more right now, but I can't make any promises. I miss you all, and I can't wait till I get a better handle on everything. I'll begin my slow return now, but, it'll be sketchy to say the least.

Anyway, I miss you guys, and I apologize to everyone I was in a topic with. As of right now, I'll just be bringing, slowly, back Stefan, Tessin and Lily.

Thanks, <3

Thats okay sweets, RL is very important too :)
Take your time, and we will be here with open arms ready for you to come back ^_^
Good luck with uni and all that jazz!

Donna :wub:
Good luck with settling down Emize !
Best of luck with university and getting yourself settled and into a comfortable routine :)
See you when you're back! :hug:
Heyy folks!

I haven't really been on much lately, and I apologize, like a hundred times over. Things just got super busy super fast, Like I didn't even realize how busy it got until it was three am on Friday. Anyway, I've just been really busy with university coursework, French mostly, I've had a lot to do for that class. In my work, I now work at the bar, so I have a few more shifts being offered to me, and with the christmas season coming up, I really could use the money, so overall, I've just been really busy.

So, I finish up for the year on the 2nd december, and then I should be a lot more free, to spend all my time here. So, I'm sorry that I've not been around, and I'll be back soon. I'll start replying to topics and such. PM me if there's a topic you need me to reply to, with any of my characters. Thanks!

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