Behind peoples back's

William like his touch but his mind was alittle fogged." where should we go?" he kiss again this time alittle harder. " you are very handsome and soft skined" as he touch his face.
Josh laughed very slightly at his comment, not used to complements off people. "Well my parents are out for the holiday taking the rest of the family abroad so my place is free if your ok with that." Josh said as his hand made its way to Williams chest. "Besides your calling me handsome. Have you looked in a mirror lately." Josh said with a grin
william blushed hard " well i am having a hard time making up my mind. would you want to go on a date or something?" he rubbed his on on josh's leg and moved it to his chest. kissed on him on the cheek.
Josh had to admit he was a little surprised by what Will said but he didnt mind, again happy to be in his company. He couldnt help but smile at the thought of him going on a date with an older guy, of course Kenny was older but this was different. "Yeah sure a date sounds cool. What did you have in mind?" He asked curiously to see if he had a plan in mind or if he had just said it without thinking of where to go first
" well we can go for a walk in a forest in the moutains or walk on a beach or get something to eat" he kiss the other guy cheek again and moved closer to his jaw line.
Joshua though for a second slowly smiling at the guys touch. "Urm well we are near the beach now so i guess i will go with that one." He said as he ran his hand through Williams hair
william felt he was losing his alittle to his boy. " well....... i like the idea of kissing you in a private place where noone can see us and than talk some more." he stood up and pull joah up with him into a big tight hug. kissing him hard without a care in the world or even if people would see or even watch.
Josh kissed him back for a while before pulling away to talk. "Well you mentioned eating before and somewhere in private sooo how about we go to mine and i cook. Although it would only be something simple, im not exactly a master chef." He laughed and he fell quiet to hear Williams response to his plan
William liked the sound of being alone and see how things will go. " i would like that alot. lets go and see what comes of it." william looked into josh's eyes and lock his lips on the other guy's and could only think about what was going to happen soon.
Joshua smiled widely and nodded. "Right well ok then." He said as he stood up slowly. "Well i live about a five minute walk from here if you want to go on foot." Joshua said as he looked over in the direction of his house
"thats is perfectly fine with me" he grabs josh's hand and stood up , pulling josh up and to him. kisses him again. " i hope you find something for your mind to think on" will winks at josh
Joshua smiled at William as he kissed him. "Oh dont worry i will have a lot to think abut." He joked. He led Will in the direction oh his house. "Sooooo." He said as he thought of something to say. Josh wasnt really used to thins kind of thing, taking a more or less stranger back to his house. "What school did you go to?" He asked the first thing that came to his head
" well i was mainly homeschooled but i did go to salm acadamy in the states for a short, realy short time. where do you go?" william was nervous about this whole thing but did not wnat to show it. he was thinking why he found this young man so good looking and want to do stuff with him. "what do you do for fun?"
Joshua nodded as he listened to the guy talk. He was nodding to show that he was listening to him and not just ignoring him. "Oh i go to Durmstrang. And what do i do for fun?" He said pausing to think. "Well i meet up with some friends and hang out or i play quiditch. I suppose what i do depends on how i feel." He said with a shrug. "WHat about you then?" He asked turning the guys question on itself
William heart was beating alittle faster and he grub josh. kissed him on the lips and said " i like to do whatever my mind and my mood tells me to." he started to walk slower. kissed him again and was just thinking how things will go.
Joshua kissed him back, enjoying the feel of being able to kiss someone new again. Back when he was with Kenny he had never kissed another boy so this was a welcome relief to him. Josh smiled at William. "Well I hope you mind and mood is the same as mine because we will be having one hell of a good time." Josh said as he walked closer to his house. They were only a few minutes away now
" i hope so too." will loved looking at this young man and thinking about the to do. " you hungry?" dam i thinked that sounded like a bad pick up line.

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