Becky Gale

Becky Gale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14" Essence of Unicorn Hair

“Smile for the camera, everybody's looking at ya!”

Now What Shall We Call Her?:

First It Shall Be: Madeline
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: The name Madeline came from Becky’s mother’s best friend Madeline Duquette. Becky’s family calls her Madeline, though most know her as Becky.
Second, Maybe: Rebecca
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Most people call her Becky, even though Rebecca is her middle name. Officially, her name is Madeline, though most people aren’t actually aware of the fact.
Finally, She Shall Be: Gale
A Name Is Nothing Without A Meaning: Wind. The name Gale came about from Becky’s mother, who didn’t want to keep either hers or her husband’s surname. She made up a surname because she liked it.
A Rose By Any Other Name: Becky is a nickname, and is used by most people. Maddy is a nickname of Madeline, and Becky is called that by her family. Some friends also call her Bex, though she does prefer Becky.


And When Did She Come To Be?

Of The Twelve Months: November
The Number Being: 17
Making Her Star Sign:
Significance Of Her Star Sign: Traditionally people with the sign have positive and negative traits.
Life Story: Becky was born in New Zealand, but spent most of her life living in France. She should have attended Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts, but she was eligible to attend Hogwarts. She wanted to go to school in New Zealand because she wanted to be with her friends. During her first year, she was sorted into Huflflepuff. Her best friend Natasha Bell was also sorted into Hufflepuff. She met Patricia Styx in her first year, and the three girls became best friends. Becky had a crush on Natasha’s brother James, though she never told him. Becky got over James after the Yule Ball of 2023, and the two remain friends.

Becky left Hogwarts in her third year, and went to Beauxbatons for a year. While attending Beauxbatons, she met Stephen Duquette, whom she had a crush on. Becky pretended not to know French in order to get Stephen to teach her. They became good friends, and Becky fell totally in love with him, though Stephen didn’t know it.

Becky’s family began fighting, and Becky ran away from home. She stayed with Natasha Bell’s family for a while, and returned to Hogwarts. Eventually her parents got divorced, and Becky decided she would live with her mother as long as she could stay at Hogwarts. Becky spent the rest of her schooling at Hogwarts, though stayed with her family in France during the holidays.

In her fifth year, Stephen Duquette transferred to Hogwarts and was also sorted into Hufflepuff. Stephen admitted that he had feelings for Becky, and they began going out. Stephen graduated in 2026 and Becky graduated in 2027.


When She Smiles At The Mirror, Does The Mirror Smile Back?

She'll Stare At You With Her: Blue eyes
Her Wild Locks, Blowing In The Wind Are: Becky has curly blonde hair, which is always perfectly styled. Becky spends at least an hour on her hair every morning and secretly hates the fact that her hair is curly instead of straight.
So, What Shape Is Her Face: Heart-shaped.
Tall? Short? Stand On Your Tiptoes: 5'8"
You've Been Inside Far Too Long, My Dear: Becky had quite pale skin, though she does tan in summer. Any freckles on her face are covered with makeup.
You Look Like You Robbed A Department Store: Becky will only wear dresses. She refuses to wear jeans and anything bright. Her favourite colours are pink, purple and white, so she wears dresses in those colours. Becky’s dresses are expensive and are the kind of dress that most girls would wear only to the Yule Ball. When she was younger, she wore ballet flats, but she now wears high heels as well.
Other Features We Should Know About: Becky is never seen without makeup on. She likes natural colours and shades of pink and purple for her makeup and hates anything bright. She has been called a Veela often, but she has no Veela blood at all. Becky is always on a diet, and she refuses to eat junk food.


If You Met Her, What Would You Think?

At First She Seems: Sweet, but ditzy
But Then You Befriend Her And She's: Still sweet but ditzy
But Make An Enemy Of Her And: Enemy? Becky just doesn’t have enemies. If someone doesn’t like her, she is nice to them regardless.

Inside Her Mind: Becky is a very kind person. She is nice to everybody, even if they aren’t nice to her. Becky tries to see the good side of people, even people who are considered ‘evil’. She isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, to say the least, but she is a very sweet person. Becky is rarely sad, and she always manages to find something good in every situation.
Becky is a little vain when it comes to her appearance, and she is a perfectionist. Becky flatly refuses to leave the house/dormitory without looking her best.


Love or Hate?

She Likes:

Ballet: Before Hogwarts, Becky took ballet classes. She loved the pink tutus and stage makeup particularly.
Pink: It’s a pretty colour!
Friends: Becky loves her friends, and would never do anything to hurt them.
Ballroom Dancing: She has taken ballroom dancing lessons ever since she could walk. She absolutely adores the Yule Ball, and her family hold a Ball each year.
Quidditch: Stephen plays Quidditch! *giggle*

She Hates:

Short People: She has nothing against short people, but they make her feel freakishly tall. Becky doesn’t want to be freakishly tall!
Dirt: Icky.
Black: It’s such a depressing colour!!!
Not Knowing Stuff: There is a reason that Becky was not in Ravenclaw. She never has a clue about what is happening around her. It seems as if Becky lives in her own little dream world and is just visiting the real world. She likes gossip because when people gossip, Becky actually knows what is going on.

Her Achilles Heel(s)
Allergies: No allergies that are known.
-Bugs. They are icky!!!
- Water. Becky almost drowned in a lake when she was six.
- Becky has bad short-term memory and can never quite remember what she is supposed to be doing…


They Love You, Or Do They?

Her Mother Happens To Be:
Rosalie Gale. Rosalie is a fashion designer, and makes most of Becky’s dresses. She is forever attending fancy balls and such. She seems like a bobble-head, but Rosalie is actually very smart. Becky looks up to her mother, and Rosalie adores her eldest daughter. Rosalie divorced Becky’s father, and now lives with her new husband. Becky’s step-father is called Giovanni, and he has a lot of children from a previous marriage, but they all live with their mother. Becky met his children at the wedding, but doesn’t like them very much. Rosalie doesn't like her daughter very much, as she thinks Becky is stupid and useless.

Her Father, Who Is He:
‘French Guy” Becky’s father sends her money and presents, but doesn’t have much else to do with her. He divorced Rosalie, and now has his own family.

Friends Leave, Siblings Stay:
Erica Gale is Becky’s younger sister, and she attends Beauxbatons. Erica is a year younger than Becky, and they are very close. Becky and Erica are forever writing letters to each other.

Lauren is the same age as Erica, and is the daughter of Giovanni, and is Becky’s step-sister. Rosalie has always treated Lauren as her own daughter. Becky and Lauren have always been super-close, though Erica does not like Lauren. Becky has trouble stopping fights between her two sisters. Lauren died in early 2027, and Becky refuses to believe that she is dead. Becky pretends to write letters to Lauren and acts as if her sister is still alive.


My Home Away From Home
Sorted Into: Hufflepuff
Best Subject: Um? Becky barely scrapes an A in all of her subjects.
Worst Subject: All of them?
Favourite Place In School: Her dorm room because that is where her friends usually are, and the rose bush because that was where Becky and Stephen had their ‘date’
Least Favourite Place In School: The dungeons because the Slytherins make fun of her.


Template made by Elphie (you may use)
Heading graphics made by ohmy_gawd @ CAUTION 2.0
Colour codes from Adobe Photoshop


Family and Friends

Becky's Sister|Beaxbatons Student|Sweet Girl
Erica is one of Becky's best friends, and they rarely fight. When they do fight, it's usually about clothes.
Photo Album



Becky as a baby.


Becky, aged six.


Becky Now



Erica as a baby.


Erica, aged seven


Erica Now



Lauren, aged six


Lauren, aged nine


Lauren Now

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