Because Cooking Is Fun

Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
Tybalt Archer had passed a pretty good holiday. He'd never really had a bad holiday so far. His family were good, he was good. He had a lot to look forward to and nothing that he feared. Well, not any more. He had come a long way since that little first year boy who had been small and scared of almost everything. He was now a fourth year, and just about loving everything about Hogwarts. he loved his classes, he loved the people, he loved his girlfriend. The sports. The yearbook. He couldn't wait to get started on another year of it all. It was just proving a little busy. His winter had been pretty quiet overall. Apart from spending his time teaching his little sister, and visiting his cousin and other family he hadn't done much. There was little they ever had or did do during the summer. There were many negative memories with summer, but since in New Zealand the seasons were switched it had changed things for the better. He was happily ready for things. He could enjoy it more than he had before, so he did. But returning to Hogwarts, it had been noisy. All the new kids running around, causing havoc for his eyesight as he adjusted to having to make out lots of people at once. Specifically in some lights. Back home he didn't have to think of that so much. But, now he was at school. The most interesting thing about this year, was the fact that during sorting, the name Archer had come up. Tybalt was sure that she wasn't a relation, there would be plenty of Archer's in New Zealand, and in other areas of the world, but a part of the teen believed to at least find out, or just go see the person. He had been right before, why wouldn't he be right again. In any case a new friend would be good. He liked people he wouldn't mind making new friends. Which he would be happy to do, once he got used to all the people surrounding him. Which wouldn't take long, just a few days. Just to get readjusted. However, this would leave the teen time to do other things. Like on this very day, instead of spending lunch in the incredibly crowded Great Hall, that would also be incredibly noisy, the teen had decided that he would spend his time in the Kitchens. The decision had been made as soon as he had gotten up that day.

The castle had been warm that morning, and so this had meant that unlike most days, where the teen would be in his now perfectly fitting Gryffindor jumper, the boy had only worn the nicely fitting Gryffindor t-shirt. He had once again gone through a small growth spurt over the summer. He wasn't quite tall yet, but he was sure on his way. He was growing with each passing day. And he was looking forward to his fifteenth birthday which was also soon. Something that he was looking forward to indeed. Happily the teen tied his laces before practically skipping out the dorm, and heading straight to the Kitchens. Which upon his entry was empty. If ignoring the elves who were silently working away. He was smiling to himself, as he entered. greeting them fondly as he made his way to part of the kitchen where he could cook his own lunch. He hadn't decided what he was going to make himself. But, his motto in life was also just do what you want, then lead him, to making what he hoped would be taste peanut butter cookies. It wasn't hard, the boy was pretty good with his hands. As he gathered the ingredients, Ty who was always energetic began to sing to himself, while dancing away with each step. A personal song playing in his head. He was smiling. God, this was a good day. He wasn't a very good singer. He could hold a note sure, but he wasn't destined for any singing career, Tybalt also didn't care, he just liked having fun, and part of that was just singing to himself. Once the ingredients were gathered the boy just got started on cooking. He hoped he was a better cook than he was a singer. Since his lunch would depend on how good these cookies were. And the boy was pretty hungry already and he'd have to wait over an hour for them to be ready to eat. But, he didn't care. It was part of the fun. Plus, with the mass amounts of ingredients he had, he was sure he'd make plenty so that would keep him fed for a good little while. He wouldn't really need to worry about dinner. The cookies could cover it. Tybalt did double check all the ingredients, to be sure they were what he needed, and he'd need the help of the elves where his sight would fail him. If the mixture had the right colour, to be sure the cookies didn't burn. As he began with the ingredients, the boy realised that even though he was here to escape the craziness of the school, he also sort of wanted someone to share this fun, and eventually the cookies with.
Everything was so new for Joanna and being new in the magical world did not make things any easier. Joanna was sorted in Hufflepuff, but she still did not know more about Magic. A hufflepuff was supposed to be loyal and trustworthy, something that Joanna was. The thoughts that everyone here knew more about magic scared her, what if she got bullied for being different. She always knew she was different, but thinking she was different and knowing it was a whole different experience. Joanna had decided to cook something today, cooking stayed the same although it was in the magical world or not. The great hall was crowded and people asked too many questions, some that she did not even know the answer to. Some things were clear now, like the times that she accidentally grew flowers out of thin air. She loved nature and the flower thing was a freak accident then, but now it fell in place. Joanna Archer was lost in the magical world, knowing nothing only that it existed.

The Hufflepuff girls dormitory was pretty crowded, but all the girls were asleep expect for one. Joanna wanted to go to the kitchen and fix something. The House elves were great cooks, but nothing could beat a home cooked meal. Joanna missed her mum, she was her mother and best friend. Her cooking skills were sublime, where Joanna her skills only were a third of her mothers. Joanna brushed her hair without waking on of her fellow dorm mates. Tiptoeing down the stairs to find herself in the Hogwarts Kitchens. The House elves looked cute and they were working silently on their meals. A boy was standing in between the House elves almost dancing amongst them. Joanna looked at the house elves and she greeted them nicely. She did not know how they were supposed to be treated, but respecting them seemed like a good way to go. Not wanting to bother the boy with his cooking, she found a stove that seemed deserted. Her search for cooking ingredients began at looking in some cupboards here and there. She found no ingredients, but some tools she might need. Asking the house elves seemed not a good idea, since they all looked so busy in silently cooking. She did not know where she could find the ingredients, so she had to disturb the boy.

''Ehh.. I am sorry.. But, do you have any idea where I could find cooking ingredients?'' Joanna said with a strong voice, she did now how to treat boys or males in general. Her dad left her and she had not seem him since she was seven. Staring at the boy his Gryffindor robes, she guessed he was a third or fourth year. He looked nice enough to answer her question. The boy was obviously having fun and Joanna wanted to join in. She wanted to be herself Joanna again and not Joanna the Witch lost in the great Magical World.
The teen was feeling pretty good about things. He was just happy in his own little world. His mind drifting to the usual things that it drifted to. The fact that his lovely girlfriend, B, had sort of been MIA recently, but that he could deal with knowing that she still wanted to be with him rather than someone else, despite the obvious problems that them being together caused. They weren't able to be together in public at all. The closest the teen got to her on any given day in school had been those arithmancy classes, which he had taken with her in mind, Thinking that no matter what he just wanted to be close to her with out the other sibling knowing. His mind drifted from that to his eyesight, the monochromatic-ness pretty horrible. He had been thinking it over, what if they could fix it. What if somewhere down the line they could fix it. He could figure out a magical cure to it. So that at the very least if he had any boys it wouldn't be something they had to deal with. He wasn't wearing his glasses as he cooked. He'd switched them for the contact lenses, which he liked a lot more. He thought the glasses made him look overly boyish. Maybe, he mused, that he just needed new ones. That the ones he had were not strictly speaking back, just that he needed new ones. It didn't really matter, the teen looked good without them. He was growing up that was for sure. Things that hadn't suited him before now suited him now. Things that had been too big for him, finally fit better. All in all, the teen was feeling pretty good about how this year would go. As he got started the teen heard the door to the kitchens open. He ignored it because he was lost in his own world, and really he doubted this person would probably need his help.

His singing stopped when he went to concentrate on what he was doing. Glancing into the bowl as he carefully measured out the ingredients. He barely noticed that there was someone else in the room, and that they were having a little bit of trouble. It wasn't until the voice spoke that he whirled around and was faced with a small girl. he smiled at her as she asked where the ingredients could be found. He chuckled slightly remembering his first time in the kitchen and how awful that had been. How long it had taken him to find everything. Mostly with the help of the elves. He stood back from the girl, "No problem, and they are sort of scattered, but most you'll find" He walked away and to a set of cabinets, with a magical fridge not too far, "here. But, the elves are always happy to help out" He said with a bright smile. He opened a few of the cupboards and motioned to them for good measure he didn't she'd have problems finding them, but there was no harm in showing. He wandered back closer to where he had been working. "What are you going to be cooking?" He thought the girl looked a little familiar, she was from the sorting ceremony that was where he knew her from, but something about her just told his mind that he should pay attention to her. Then he remembered his manners, "I'm Tybalt Archer, everyone just calls me Ty. I'm a fourth year" He said with a bright smile, not holding his had out to her, because honestly that was a little odd to do when the other person was just younger. To him it would be like shaking hands with his little sister.
The idea of cooking today was maybe not as good as Joanna was thinking. She was too new and she did not even know if the school had a cooking policy or something. Joanna her lessons had not even started and come to think of it, she did not even know the names of other first year puffs. Joanna was not a big talker, she was having difficulties already where would she be if the year was properly started. Joanna wiped a hair out of her eyes and looked at the boy. Joanna nodded, the boy was nicely enough to show where everything was scattered and Joanna could begin her cooking. ''I don't want to disturb the elves, they are working so hard and they are under lots of pressure.'' To be honestly though, Joanna did not know what personality a house elf had and she did not want a violent house elf on her hands. Knowing no spells she would be useless against a magical creature.

The boy asked what she was going to cook and that was a good question, since Joanna had no clue herself. ''Mmm, Chocolate chip cookies.'' Joanna just said the first thing that came into her mind. Joanna loves chocolate chip cookies, the ones that her mum always made were so crunchy and chocolaty. This was the first time she had seen the boy and he looked familiar, Joanna just having the weird deja-vu shoved it on the early time she had rose from her bed. Joanna had a grin on her face when he said his last name, they had the same last name what a coincidence. ''Hello Ty.'' Joanna muttered in a almost shocked voice, she thought that her last name was pretty rare. ''I am Joanna Archer, First Year Puff... My friends call me Jo.'' Her friends just Jo as a nickname, Joanna did not mind really although she preferred Joanna. Joanna was thinking about her last name, it came from her father and she had not seen the man in four years. Joanna was wondering where he was and why he had left her. He was nice enough to show her where everything was in the kitchen. ''Nice to meet you, Ty.'' Joanna said this on a soft whispering tone, she did not really know what to say. With a clueless expression on her face, she looked at Ty.
Tybalt had never really considered the house elves whenever he was cooking. He just sort of asked for their help when he needed it. They always seemed happy to help, and as far as he knew they never had any issues. Which was pretty cool to him. He was suddenly worried that all the times he'd called upon them to help they had actually been doing something else which had been more important than what he had asked them to do. Although the young teen would not have been annoyed if they had told him to hold on. Tybalt wasn't stressed, or worried about things when he made an attempt at cooking. They usually also ensured that he didn't mess up and end up like burning everything. Which was nice of them. Since with his eye sight, it would take so much longer for him to notice than it did for him. he usually didn't trust when things smelled like they were burning. It usually had nothing to do with him, but, he wasn't the best at cooking so burning was always a possiblity. It just was avoidable when the house elves watched him. He shrugged at the young girl. "Ah, I wouldn't worry about it. The house elves all seem pretty relaxed, they know how to handle it. I'm sure" He gave a small laugh and a shrug before looking back at his empty station, wondering if he should go back to what he was making. "Chocolate chip? Hmm." He made a sound of approval, with a smile at the girl. Ty was himself making peanut butter cookies. Which made him happy. He missed those. Hardly ever finding in New Zealand wasn't great. But that was the only thing he really missed of his home. New Zealand was so much better. He preferred it. He had so much more here in this part of the world than in the part he was from.

The girl told him her name. Another Archer? A relation? He didn't know. How could it possibly be. His uncle lived in Georgia, U.S.A with his two young cousins, and his aunt didn't like kids, so didn't have any, and anyway her kids wouldn't have the same name as him. And left his dead uncle, who obviously would be the only link, but this girl had none of the wariness of strangers that his older cousin had. Though there was a lot of missing information on that side of the family. A whole seventeen years that were relatively unaccounted for. Smiling at the girl, he ignored it. She just had the same name as them. "Archer! Wow, same last name!" He held his hand out for a high five. He didn't want to be left hanging by the young Jo. "It's nice to meet you too Jo" Ty had this habit of giving people nicknames. He called his cousin Stefan, Stef. His girlfriend Bitiun, B. His best friend, Indi. His little Lydia, Ly. While this girl had a nickname, and a nice name, he would still be sure to give her another that really only he would use "I was making peanut butter cookies, we could combine and make half and half, then eat the rewards." He gave her a warm smile. Even if they weren't related and just had the same second name, Archer's look out for one another. He didn't care that they wouldn't be blood related, most likely. "What do you say? I've practically finished the base, all that needs added are the bits of peanut butter?" He motioned behind him to his little station where he had all the food he had been preparing. It was pretty much done, but then again, maybe she wouldn't want to share, or make it together. Which he would respect while being a little bit sad. Ty really liked meeting new people, and making new friends.
The boy was really helpful and sweet to Jo, Jo was still a bit scared from the whole Magical world. She came from two Muggles and this boy could be a pure blood for all she know. Something inside her told Jo that this boy looked familiar, this time the deja-vu feeling went on for longer. Joanna missed her dad, but she had gave up on the search for him. He had left her for a reason and now they only shared the same last name. Joanna found the house elves cute and beautiful little creatures with there own free will and they could stand wherever they wanted. Joanna nodded, not really confident, but it was a curtly nod.

''I am chocolate chip addicted.'' Jo had a slight pink colour on her cheeks, it was more of a revelation. The last name thing was pretty scary, they did not look alike so they could not be family right? Joanna her name wa usually shortened to Jo, because Jo was shorter and easier. ''That would be lovely, since Peanut Butter Cookies are delicious too.'' The warm smile that Ty shot her made Joanna warm inside, she felt accepted in the Magical World. For the first time since she knew about this world she felt home somewhere. ''Lets make some jummy cookies.'' Jo was pretty excited she was talking to people and they were not arrogant and vain. Joanna had asked a house elf for the materials for the chocolate chip cookies and then they could start together.
Unable to see the young girl get embarrassed over her revaltion the boy could only laugh. He had never been a chocolate chip addict, not really. He did love a bit of chocolate chip that much was certain but it wasn't to an addict sort of level. He didn't think he could ever get to that sort of level with any food. Though maybe this would change things. Peanut butter cookies were really the way forward for him. "Ah man, chocolate chip addict? Maybe I shouldn't be enabling you?" Ty laughed once again. It was not a malicious laugh, just a friendly laugh that showed he meant no harm and was unsurprisingly having a lot of fun. Though it honestly didn't take much for the teen to be having fun. Tybalt was all about having fun. he hated boringness. Almost as much as he hated when people were upset. He felt the need to fix things if that was as such. He always felt the need to help people out if they were upset. Having so very often been in that sort of position. He had been the subject of pretty nasty bullying when he'd been younger, and so now it was sort of a personal mission of his to ensure people were happy. This girl seemed happy, if a little nervous. Which he was hoping to fix. Plus he was sure that his general friendly air, and tone would be enough to sort of help her feel less uncomfortable with things. More so than normal. Tybalt was a determined sort of person. He would do such things. When the girl agreed, he smiled at her. Happy that she seemed to agree with him about peanut butter cookies, not all people did. Just some. Which was how things usually happened.

"True that!" He exclaimed happily, "They are simply delicious." He walked to where he would also find the chocolate chips, and little bit more ingredients, he had only been making one batch of peanut butter, now he'd need a little more to be easily able to split them between himself and the girl, Jo. "Right, we're almost done with these. Just need a little extra unbaked cookie dough" He said as he brought them over to his bit. "So, are you new to magic, Jo?" He asked. It was a very casual way of him starting conversation with the girl. Seeing if it was possible that they might be related. That and he was genuinely curious. it seemed a good way to start a conversation as they baked together. "This place is a little daunting, my ma's a witch, and I was completely at a loss in this place." He gave a shrug, and then flashed a smile at the younger Archer. it would be incredibly interesting if this young girl was a relation of his. Considering how common a name like Archer was.
Joanna loved chocolate on everything and loved the desert round in the Great Hall, the chocolate pudding was really lovely. Joanna liked not only chocolate, but cookies too. The thought of them being related was pretty scary, there was a possibility that they were related in some way. Jo did not know her dad his family and she was still wondering if they even existed. The cookie making made Jo smile, she was having fun and that was what counted right. She had heard that some kids were bullied on this school, because they were different and such and Jo could only hope that they would not pick on her. Her old Muggle school was not her happiest memory, the girls there would always pester her about her freckles. ''If you enable me from chocolate, I wish you good luck.'' Jo laughed happily, this boy was so nice and sweet to her and it was all so new. Jo was becoming a bit more comfortable around him, he was trust able in her eyes. Jo her mother was a chef and she had lots of good cookie recipes, but Jo could never copy them or make them as good as her mother did.

Jaquelyn her mother would always bake cookies for her to to take to school and she wanted Jo to follow her footsteps into a cooking carrier. Jo wanted to be an artist, making landscapes or portraits from people, but now she was a becoming a Witch Jo was clueless about what she was going to do. Jo smiled when Ty said he liked Peanut butter cookies not all people liked them and that was something they had in common. ''Well, we can quickly make some extra unbaked cookie dough right?'' Jo was looking with a questioning expression at Ty. Being a Muggle born was not easy, she was different and most people seemed to hate Hufflepuff for no reason. ''Yes, my dad and my mum are Muggles. My dad left us when I was seven.'' Jo did not like to speak about her, she only knew his name and last name. It was pretty weird that he left her and her mother. Jo hoped that this boy did not dislike Muggle borns, but she trusted Ty and she knew that he would not hate her. Jo sighed in relief, he was too good to be true as a friend. ''The castle is so big and everyone knows magic expect for me it seems.'' There were more Muggle borns right and they had the same problems that Jo had.

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