Beauxbatons Quidditch Try Outs Y29

Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (35)
Grace was nervous for this day. Now that Zeke was no longer on the team, it felt like she was bearing more responsibility, even with Jessica as her brand-new co-captain to support her. Even though she had been happy with the team they had last year, they had lost miserably to the Hogwarts team at the end of the year. That couldn't be allowed to happen again, and she had to be critical of any new members of the team they would allow in. She glanced at Jessica at her side before she addressed the people that had gathered.

"Welcome, everyone. I'm happy to see that even after our loss at the end of last year, there are enough people who want to show Hogwarts New Zealand what we are really made of. For those who weren't on the team last year, I'm Grace Holland, one of your captains this year." She nodded at Jessica to introduce herself as well before continuing. "If you were on the team last year as a regular player, you only need to attend tryout to be guaranteed your spot back on the team. Alternates will need to try out again." She paused, letting that sink in. "We have a few openings, and I can't wait to see what you'll all bring to help us become a stronger team." She looked to Jessica to see if she had more to add before they got started.
Grace HollandChaser/Co-Captain
Jessica ParkBeater/Co-Captain
Brendan FulkeChaser
Peter Lee-PrescotBeater
Liesl HubertaSeeker
[th colspan="2"]Beauxbatons Team[/th]

OOCOut of Character:
Anyone on the team line up last year as posted by Alex can get their spot back by posting in the try out, unless obviously your character has graduated since then.If you were on the team last year but no longer wish to be: please send me a PM stating so, or simply don't post, we will fill your spot.

If you try out keep a few things in mind:
- If you're new to the team, you will be listed as having played from this year forward. Last year we let people decide how long their character has been playing, but from now on Beauxbatons will work like any other Quidditch team in this regard.

- If you don't have your OOC name connected to your character, please add it to the post in an OOC note. I like to contact people on their main accounts for announcements and games, since the Beauxbatons side accounts (understandably) don't get checked as often.

- Please keep in mind that the game you are trying out for won't be for a while, since it will take place at the end of the IC school year. There will be three or four training sessions in between, which I count almost as important as matches since it's the only experience this team gets in between actual matches once a year. If you try out, please keep in mind that we would like you to participate in the training posts as well as the final game.

- Please make clear which year your character is in. If your member title still reflects the year from Y28, we ask you to update it for clarity's sake.
Jessica was ecstatic to find out that she had been appointed a co-captain for their Quidditch team this year along with Grace. Over the past few years the two had gotten really close to the point that she could call the girl her best friend. The two of them were total opposites but took Quidditch very seriously in different approaches, and she knew that would work in their favor as they ran the team together, balancing each other out. Jess had her bright pink hair up in a messy bun as she stood beside Grace, smiling at her encouragingly as she began tryouts. Sica quickly introduced herself when Grace paused for her to do so, announcing the position she played, and then let the older girl continue. Once it seemed like Grace had said everything she wanted to say, she turned to Jessica to see if she had anything to add and the sixth year took her cue.

"We do have a few positions open but remember that every single person is valuable here, even the alternates. So don't be discouraged if you only make it as an alternate because that position is just as important," she stressed. Last year they had needed to put their alternate in to play as Seeker for them so she knew the importance of training one throughout the year. "If you make it as an alternate, you might be trained harder to make sure you can take up any position, not just one you prefer. No pressure, but we need to win," she said seriously, her pink bun wobbling as she nodded her head. She still couldn't get over their loss against Hogwarts and she was determined to change that this year."But don't worry because you have great captains to help you along the way," she grinned, nudging Grace lightly. She was sad that Zeke would not be playing with them anymore because the boy was a great Keeper, but she felt hopeful that they'd find someone just as good during tryouts today. "So, let's begin!" she cheered happily.
Dominik walked onto the Pitch, smiling brightly when he saw Grace and Jessica standing together. He'd heard that Zeke left the team so knew that now would be his chance to show the co-captains that he could do more than talking about dragons all day long. He walked up to them and nodded at both girls, though when looking at Grace he smiled slightly. Dominik nodded his head to their speeches. It was rather amusing seeing Grace so serious about it but that was what he liked about her the most; her passion for the sport. When Jessica told them to begin, Dominik walked up to Grace when new players had to introduce themselves and tell the captains the position they were trying out for. ''Dominik Milne, trying out for Keeper.'' He mounted his broom and flew towards the hoops they had assigned for today's tryouts. He was a bit nervous, to be honest, but since he had been training for this position for quite some time now he knew he wasn't going to screw it all up. Dominik took a deep breath and nodded at the Chaser as to indicate that he was ready for his tryout. He managed to save the first shot by punching the Quaffle away with his right hand, something he regretted doing afterwards because it hurt, and saved the second shot as well by catching it. Dominik felt confident so far and threw the ball back to the Chaser in front of him. He'd saved the third too, though barely as it almost slipped out of his grasp. Dom bit his lower lip and chuckled slightly seeing how close he got to let one through. The fourth time, however, he did not manage to save the ball as it went right past his head. He groaned and tried not to lose focus. He was doing well so knew that he needed to save his last shot. Dominik took another deep breath and locked his eyes on the Quaffle. He waited patiently for the Chaser to take the shot, and when he did, made a quick right to save the ball from going into the hoop on his right. Dominik smiled at his results and flew down to the ground when he was done up there.
Peter was glad to be back on the Beauxbatons pitch after spending the summer at home in England working off the frustration of losing to Hogwarts New Zealand last year. The shortness of the game still bothered him from time to time, and this year he was determined to see their team show what they were truly made of, especially because it was his last year at the school. Listening to Grace and Jessica address them all for the upcoming tryouts, Peter was interested to see who would be joining them on the team this year. He hoped they were ready for all the hard work that was going to be coming their way.
The loss against Hogwarts New Zealand still stung, and the mere mention of the foreign school by Grace served as a reminder of how much they had failed, and how pointless the trip across the world had been since they'd lost so quickly. While he wanted to prove to them that Beauxbatons was a worthy competitor, part of him didn't want to trouble himself with wasting all of their time. Why didn't they challenge a school that was closer? It made more sense than New Zealand. Ultimately it wasn't his decision, and he loved Quidditch too much to argue about it and risk not going. They'd been somewhat at a disadvantage anyway, with some late changes to the team. Next time, they'd be more prepared.

As the try outs kicked off, Fulke took to the air for some quick practice, and a better vantage for watching some of the newcomers show off their skills, or in some cases lack thereof. He had some concerns about the amount of spots they had to fill, replacing those who had graduated, and that they'd lost a few experienced players, but hopefully with enough practice, the newbies would be just as good.
Jamie hadn't wanted to try out for the beauxbatons house team in the last semester, but the beginning of the new year and semester peaked his interest in the subject and he decided why not give it a try. He walked out on to the pitch and just looked in front where there were several others stood with brooms in hand. Though the team hadn't won at the game with Hogwarts, he was pretty impressed they had gotten to play anyway. It was so cool that they had been invited and Jamie loved the idea of going. He had of course spent his first year at the other school, so returning might be interesting. The only thing he needed to do was get on to the team, so he'd spent the break between years practicing and practicing until he got good enough. Then he was able to try-out, which was what he was doing now. He walked up when the try-outs started and smiled, "I'm Jamie Derouin, and I'd like to try out for chaser," the boy said. he hopped on to his broom and shot up into the air.

The try-outs for Jamie went well, he couldn't stop smiling over them really. He'd scored a few, done a few passed, fumbled a few times but he felt pretty confident in himself and in the work which he had done to think he had at least a chance to end up on the team. Jamie was still flying around, he had the quaffle under his arm, and he was heading to the hoops. The other people trying out were trying to take the ball from him, and he didn't want it to be stolen from him, rather he threw the ball to someone nearby, showing his ability to also pass the ball. The try-outs drew to a close and the boy flew down the ground and landed steadily on his feet. He looked towards the captains and hoped, hoped with a large smile that he might've had the chance to earn himself a place on the team.
Having a quidditch team in Beauxbaton had been so refreshing, the players bonded, students were cheerful about the games, and so much more positive energies. With this in mind, Liesl Huberta decided to drop off the quidditch pitch right after she jogged for an hour straight.

Blonde hair tied in a pony tail, red face, panting breath, there, Liesl Huberta stood behind the co- captain of Beauxbaton's quidditch captain. "Hey guys" she stretched her arms and legs from one side to another as she watched the soon to be quidditch player trying out eagerly. "Good luck!" she winked and waited for them to fly.
Emma has been disappointed to only be an alternate the previous year, but had surprisingly ended up playing as seeker in their game against the Hogwarts champions. It wasn't for her, she was happy that going into the new year there was an opening at chaser, which is what she had wanted in the first place. Emma grabbed her broom and made her way down to the Quidditch pitch. She had to admit she was feeling pretty confident after spending a year as an alternate. She walked out onto the pitch with her broom in hand and made her way over to the captain. "Emma Barnes, trying out for chaser,"

Once she was in the air, Emma had a quaffle threw up to her and made her way to the hoops. She knew the drill by now so she didn't waste any time. Her first shot went straight through the middle hoop after she confused the keeper. The second shot missed, the quaffle hit the side of the hoop and fell to the ground. Worse still her third shot was saved. Emma pulled herself together and went again, she managed to score her final two shots, so she should at least have a chance. Emma signed when she got to the ground, feeling a little deflated.
Celine had been wondering whether she might like to give competitive Quidditch a try for some time, and now that try-outs had finally rolled around again she figured she may as well give it a shot. Her friend Elvira had decided to attend the try-out as well, so Celine naturally stood next to the other girl as she listened to the captains address them all, her broom resting against her shoulder in a relaxed pose - it wasn't time for nerves just yet. After she'd seen how good the others were, that was when she knew they'd start. Elvira was going to get in the air before her, considering the position she was trying out for, so Celine held out her hand for a little fist bump as her friend passed by. "Good luck, El," she said with a smile. Patiently waiting for her own time to get up in the air while the other keeper tried out, Celine used it to prepare herself for the performance ahead. Her nervousness was beginning to rise now, but it didn't really show through the aura of calm she tried to project as she stepped towards the two captains. "Celine Lussier, trying out for Keeper." She smiled briefly before turning to mount her broom, kicking off into the air with a whoosh.

Being up closer to the sky settled her, and Celine headed towards the hoops quickly, hoping to take advantage of the feeling while it lasted. Setting herself up in the middle of the three posts, she watched the chaser come towards her for the first shot, trying to anticipate where they might score the goal. Though at first they seemed to be heading straight for the middle hoop, Celine remained watchful, and was expecting the feint to the left when it came. What she wasn't expecting, however, was for the feint to not actually be a feint at all, and by the time she pushed herself down to the left she was slightly too late to stop the Quaffle tipping through the hoop. She could have kicked herself if it was physically possible, and Celine shame-facedly returned to her previous position. What a terrible start to her try-out. She couldn't afford to waste time wallowing in it though, because the second attempt was already in play. Trying to reset her brain, Celine once again watched closely, and this time caught the Quaffle solidly in both hands as it soared towards the lower right hoop. Tossing it back, she also managed to save the third after that, but was too slow to reach the fourth after being tricked by a particularly good pass between the chasers. As the final attempt began, it became apparent that it was going to be a repeat of her first blunder, and for a moment Celine thought she had waited just a fraction too long - except that this time it was a feint, and she was able to change direction back in time to bat the Quaffle away from the centre hoop and towards the ground. Finished, she headed back over towards the captains to tell them thanks before standing to the side to wait for Elvira. She hadn't seen as much of her friend's try-out as she'd have liked, so she hoped it had gone better than her own had done.
Elvira had been reluctant to join the Quidditch team last year because she knew so many people were already trying out, but now that they had actually played against New Zealand she knew for sure she wanted to be in on this. It didn't matter that they had lost, that just meant they had to do better and she could help with that. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited, eager to get into the air. Then it was her turn and she bumped Celine's fist in passing. "You too, Cel." She said with a grin before she addressed the captains. Both were older girls and she admired them both, though she had to admit Jessica's pink hair was something she was slightly jealous of. It looked awesome. "Elvira Rojas, trying out for seeker."

She mounted her broom and kicked off, eagerly doing a small loop of the field before seriously looking for the snitch. She scanned her surroundings, occasionally glancing at Celine as she tried out for Keeper. It took her a long time to find even a glimpse of the little golden ball, and she grew increasingly frustrated. When she finally spotted it hovering slightly higher than she was, she pounced with aggression. Because she didn't look before flying over, she was only barely missed by a bludger coming for her which made her yelp and nearly fall of her broom in surprise. When she had recovered, the snitch was gone.

Blushing furiously, she went on the hunt again, feeling the eyes of the captains and the other team members on her as she did. It didn't take as long to find it this time, and she approached with more caution. She sighed in relief when she wrapped her hand around the little ball, though she knew she had been lucky in finding it again this fast. She hoped her lack of caution didn't count against her too much as she flew down to land on the ground. All she wanted was a spot as alternate so she could help out in case they needed it.
Grace HollandChaser/Co-Captain
Jessica ParkBeater/Co-Captain
Emma BarnesChaser
Brendan FulkeChaser
Peter Lee-PrescotBeater
Dominik MilneKeeper
Liesl HubertaSeeker
Jamie DerouinAlternate Chaser
Celine LussierAlternate Keeper
Elvira RojasAlternate Seeker
[th colspan="2"]Beauxbatons Team Y29[/th]

OOCOut of Character:
Thanks for trying out! ^_^ this team will be posted the On Topic board as well, along with practice dates when we decide on those.

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