Beautiful Monster.

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Danielle Raven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth

There she is. She's currently brunette, but it won't be lasting long. (The reason why I haven't changed her siggie :p )
What I need for Danielle is a boyfriend. She's never really been into having friends, but maybe a girl or so wouldn't astray, as someone she could B!tch with.
The guy needs to be a pureblood, because Dani wouldn't go near anyone else, but possibly there could be some reason why her family would disaprove? It would just make her like him more. Perhaps he's a bit wild, or impulsive? I'm open to any ideas with Dani really, so if you've any plots in mind, feel free to Pm me.

Danielle can be a bit of a cold fish. She's extremely beautiful, and knows it. She uses it completely to her advantage, and tends to manipulate guys. She is very intelligent, but doesn't care about grades. She has modelling work lined up for when she leaves school, and has no interest in school, or an important job. she enjoys throwing parties, and can be very proper, until she gets worked up. When she's angry, she goes a bit crazy, and when she's happy, she's on a complete high, but she needs help getting there, because her family never really approved of 'fun.' She is a lot to handle, so he'd either have to have a lot of patience or have just as bad a temper, to match hers.

So, if you think you might have anyone to suit Dani, or have any plots in mind, just shoot me a PM, or post here.

Thank you!!!!

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