Beating the Dawn

Jarrett Vyhnal

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14" Sturdy Hazel Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
Right now, Jarrett was more on edge than ever. And it all had to do with a bloody ring, and Astoria. Jarrett Vyhnal was not known to be jealous, or even act jealous but right now he was insanely jealous. He didn't even know why because right now he didn't even want to look over at Astoria's face. So he left his house with a slam of his door behind him. He walked down the street with a bottle of booze in his hand. He walked down the streets until he found a bench which was where he found himself a lot lately. It was getting close to the evening, and he thought about actually sleeping on the bench. Was that insane? He just wanted go to sleep where he didn't have to see Astoria at this time. He just didn't want to. Jarrett took a long drink of his booze and he stumbled a bit until he found himself seated on the bench, and he leaned back. He rested his head back and he looked straight up at the sky. It was getting darker but through his sunglasses, it made the sky look like a deep purple. It was incredible, but the only reason why he was turning to this was because he was tipsy, well on his way to getting hammered beyond belief. Valera told him time and time again that he needed to slow down and think rationally, but she didn't understand. After years of pent up grief where nothing went his way, and life kept screwing him over one way or another, he was just so irritated at thinking. He hated his mind, his thoughts, everything he had to give up to give everything he didn't have to his siblings. He hated his life, so he was going to resort to what Astoria did a while back, which was drink. It numbed his feelings, and his mind, so it was definitely the perfect cure. For now anyway. He finished the glass and realized that he didn't have anymore with him right now. That wasn't good, but at least he was tipsy. That was good enough for him for the time being.

Jarrett looked around the area with his purple eyes, drooping from the sudden wave of sloth that he just received. Maybe he should just go home or something. Then he could get some vodka and drink until he worshiped the porcelain god. He had not drank so much until he thrown up in many years. Maybe it was time for that again. That was always fun since he never knew what he was going to be throwing up! Slowly, Jarrett stood up and he wobbled a bit on the sidewalk. Was the sidewalk moving? It looked like it was, and getting one step ahead was proving to be somewhat of a challenge. He liked challenges, and he was going to conquer this one. He took one step, and then he stumbled like some idiot, and manage to fall right on top of someone. He didn't know who, and he didn't really care. He just grumbled, "Sorry." He didn't mean to fall like that, or else it would have been intentional. However when he looked at the girl that he managed to fall on top of, well, let's just say he could have easily made it happen either way. This girl, was flipping hot. She looked like one of his gorgeous ex-girlfriends, Kairyx? They didn't work out though. He looked down at her before he said, "Oh, hello." He rolled off of her and settled on the sidewalk where he was laying down. This was the best position for him right now anyway or else he was going to be sick. Why did he want this? He didn't know why, and he wanted to just get back home, but right now he didn't know which way to go. Maybe he was a lot more drunk than he thought? It was definitely possible that he managed to do that by accident.
<COLOR color="#000">Freya Calvaresi grabbed a fistful of her honey blonde hair and twisted it up into a messy bun to keep it from falling into her face. She was in a hurry to get away from home. Her father was in another one his; 'overprotective father modes' he got into. He had a dangerous job that put the family at risk on many occasions, so from time to time Freya's father had a tendency to go into moods where he became highly overprotective. He wouldn't allow anyone to leave the house, he put protective spells over the house, he even sometimes came into each room after everyone had gone to bed just to make sure they were still there. It drove Freya absolutely nuts. "He'll flip when he realizes that I snuck out." Freya smirked. Her father knew she had a tendency to ignore the rules and get into trouble. She was homeschooled for this very reason. Freya used to go to Hogwarts in Scotland, where she was sorted into Hufflepuff. But it was short lived. Freya had gotten into trouble every other day for something small or annoying. So her parents pulled her out to teach her at home, where her behavior could be monitored more closely. Freya didn't mind being taught at home though, it was a lot easier for her to get everything done without distractions. School was long and over with though. Now Freya was attending a muggle University, where she was majoring in Physical Therapy. Life was good. But Freya was stressed with her father being like he was. So she was going to have a day out to herself. Taking a small walk around town to shop wasn't going to be that dangerous was it? Freya didn't think so. So there was no way she was going to let her father continue to be a spoil sport.

Freya turned the corner fully expecting to see a ling string of shops or a beach waiting her, but instead she was greeted with a heavy form, stumbling into her and knocking her onto the ground. "Oof!" Freya grunted as she felt the body fall on top of her. Well this was certainly unpleasant. "Oh...ouch." It didn't hurt too much, just a little bit of soreness on her backside due the fact that she had landed on her back. The guy apologized, so Freya wasn't mad. Freya rarely ever got upset at someone who meant no real harm to her. The guy was still on topof her but Freya managed a meek smile. "Dude, it's all good." It was actually almost kind of funny. Was he drunk or something? At least he was kind of cute. So it could have wound up being a lost worse than this. It could have been a really big fat guy, who wasn't cute at all. Freya almost shuddered at the thought. The next thing he said made Freya wonder if he was trying to flirt with her or something. Luckily he rolled off right after that. He didn't look so good though, like he was going to be sick or something. "Dude, are you okay? Do you need some help or something?" Freya leaned over him. It was hard to see his eyes because he was wearing sunglasses, but she wondered if they were closed or not. If he needed help though, Freya would gladly help. Freya would help in any way that she could. Even if he did just knock her over.​
Jarrett really did not know where he was, and he was sure that he smelled like any sort of common drunk since he was drinking himself until he could not feel his feelings anymore. He was not feeling the pain right now, but boy he was feeling something. Like he was about to get sick all over the place, and that was the last thing he wanted to do in front of someone pretty. This girl that he was looking at was insanely beautiful, like the goddess Aphrodite. Perhaps she was. He was open-minded to those sorts of things, so it could be possible that she was. Jarrett wanted to ask, but as soon as he started to say anything, it just did not come out of his mouth. Instead he looked like an idiot with an open mouth. Who was she anyway? Jarrett continue to stare, and instead of saying something like if he was okay, and if he needed help, he said, "Wow, Aphrodite, I am honored to have fallen for, er I mean on you." That was not answering either question, but he was just very drunk right now, and really needed a cold shower and a coffee. He needed to really sober up or else he could do something he would end up regretting later. Jarrett needed to find his way home, or else he would end up going somewhere that he did not know, and end up freaking out when he sobered up and realized what was going on. His common sense was out the window right now. Thankfully his sunglasses were on though. The last thing that the drunken Quidditch player needed was someone commenting on his eyes, since they were odd colors anyway, he just did not want anyone or anything to make fun of them. He was a bit sensitive at the moment anyway.

Then her questions registered to him, and he knew that he actually needed some help. He needed to find his way home, or something. Jarrett groaned and nodded at the questions. He did not even know his address at the moment, so he did not know where he ought to go. Perhaps to a motel? He had money on him, both wizarding and non-wizarding. He could buy himself a motel room for the night. He had a cell phone somewhere, to call Valera to let her know where he was. He sighed, "Can you help me to a motel? I can't remember where I live." She was leaning over him, and he just smiled like some idiot before he fell back on the sidewalk, unable to really hold himself up anymore. There was just so much he could drink before he was unable to think or walk. He thought that he might need something more to drink now. He was getting a headache. What can be done to where he does not have to think or feel pain? Maybe there was a surgery or something. Or he could have someone erase his memories and have to relearn everything all over again. He would be strangely okay with that. "Maybe I can summon my broom and I can fly to a motel. Have you seen my magic wand anywhere?" If she was a muggle, she might not get what he meant, or thought of something completely wrong. He rummaged around through his jacket and he could not locate it at all. Just his luck, he just had to forget his wand, didn't he?
Freya wanted to laugh at this guy, but a part of her felt so bad for him, that she could do nothing but shake her head. Normally drunk people cracked her up. They always said what was on their mind, plus they knew how to have a good time. But this guy was kind of just depressing. "My name’s Freya. Not Aphrodite. I dislike anything Greek, especially the gods.” Freya didn’t know why she was even going to bother to share her likes and dislikes with some drunk guy. But she was serious about her dislike for most things Greek, especially the gods. During one of her semesters of Uni, she decided to take a Greek mythology class. In her opinion, the gods were even more flawed than the humans they pretended to be above. Freya wasn’t sure if she should be feel honored or disturbed that this guy seemed to be into her. He was cute and everything, but he was also very drunk. Sometimes people appeared to be more interesting or attractive than they really were when one was drunk. "I hope I don’t turn out to be one of those girls a guy wakes up next to and instantly wants to chew his arm off to get away from. That would be a real kick in the gut.” Freya thought to herself as she helped the stranger up. There was a hotel not far from here that she could take him to until he sobered up. He appeared to be drunk to the point where he probably didn’t know where he even lived. Before Freya started to move, she made sure to pick up his wand and hide it from him. That way he wouldn’t try to use it and do something stupid to himself like blow himself up or something.

Freya had a bit of trouble getting this to work, but eventually she managed to get the guy situated onto the bed, he appeared to be passed out. Or at least, drunk to the point where he was barely able to do anything but breathe. Freya needed to make sure he was okay and alive before she left him. There was only one idea she had to try and wake his ass up, and she knew he probably wasn’t going to like her for it. Freya grabbed a container that could be used as a bucket and went into the bathroom. Carefully she turned on the faucet and let cold water pour into the bucket. When it was full, she carried it out of the bathroom and over to where the guy was laying. With one swift movement, she turned the bucket over and let the water pour out and onto the guy. Freya hoped that the water would not only wake him; but that it would also sober him up a little bit. Then she could see if he was okay and possibly help him get home. Freya would feel bad just leaving him there without helping him. It wasn’t in her nature to do such a thing, even if her dad was against her befriending strangers that could become a potential threat to her, though this guy seemed like he could do little to no harm to her with him being as drunk as he was. He’d likely have a killer hangover too. Freya wondered if she would need to stay and care for him during that time frame too.
Jarrett barely focused enough to hear her name but it was enough to tell him that she did not appreciate the Greek but she was named Freya. Why did she not like the Greeks? He wondered that, but he was not about to ask her as he gazed into her beauty. Though she might not be so pretty when he sobered up, that was for sure. But he had no way of knowing until it was too late. Like Jarrett really cared anyway, he just wanted to do whatever it took to make himself happier, or void of feelings. Whatever it took. He was a desperate man. The one that he really liked was marrying someone else! "I hope I remember your name once I wake up tomorrow," slurred the Quidditch player as he looked at the woman before he looked around at the settings. Everything looked like it was spinning out of control or something. The Quidditch player did not even realize that the woman had picked up his wand and hid it from him. He was so out of it, there was likely nothing that would make him realize what was happening as he lay on the sidewalk, almost ready to roll onto the street. The road did look really nice to lay on right now, and so very tempting. Would Freya even allow him? Jarrett felt himself getting up somehow with the help of Freya, and he did not know where he was going. Instead his head sort of rested limply on his chest, like he was in serious need of medical attention. He really needed some sleep or something. He needed to tell those that lived at his house that he was not coming home tonight. Would he even make it? He could not even remember his own phone number!

Feeling himself somehow land on a bed, Jarrett merely laid there like he was grounded to the bed. It felt really nice and stuff, so he could easily go to sleep. Which he did without so much as moving a finger. But fate had other plans for him. As he was in a deep sleep, somehow something really cold managed to wake him up, and fast too. The cold water managed to wake him, but also helped him focus on his surroundings and clear his mind. He was still drunk since there was a lot of alcohol in his blood stream, but now he was more alert than anything else. He quickly sat up and regretted it. His head thumped like someone took a hammer to it. Taking off his wet sunglasses, he rubbed his temples to try to get it to stop. He looked up at the woman that helped him, and he narrowed his eyes to get a good look. Since he was drunk right now, he did not care about the color of his eyes and how she would judge them. "Um, Freya, right? Thanks for pouring water on me." He shrugged and he collapsed back into the bed, not wanting to get up. "Why...why did you help me out?" Jarrett asked as he closed his eyes for a brief moment to get rid of the migraine. There was nothing worse than that, but for now, he would manage to stay awake. His judgment might be a little bad, but he would get used to it in no time. To his amazement, she was still beautiful. He would not mind looking at her, and before he knew it, he was checking her out and liking what he was seeing.
Freya didn't really feel that bad for dumping water on the guy, mostly because she got a good kick out of playing tricks on people. The water wasn't a planned trick, but Freya still got a delightful kick out of it. She actually wanted to help this guy though. He looked like he was having a rough day. Freya watched carefully as the guy sat up, took off his sunglasses and rubbed his temples. Freya was surprised to see how strange his eyes looked. They were an unusual purple. When he spoke, Freya was shocked to hear that he remember her name. Hwoever, Freya had no idea what his name was. "Yep! Sorry, in your drunken state you were unable to tell me your I have no idea what to call you." Freya had a small smile on her face, so it was pretty easy to see that she was sort of amused by all of this. It wasn't every day that she got to meet a cute drunk guy that needed her help. Freya just prayed that he wouldn't throw up on her. After noticing the trouble he was having with his headache, Freya decided to try and hunt down something for him to take that would help with his headache. Her tiny hands felt around her purse for a bottle of aspirin she had just for something like this. After a moment of searching, she finally found the bottle and quickly dropped a few pills into her hand. Freya approached the guy and handed them to him. Freya even retrieved a glass of water for him too. "Hopefully those will help your head out some." Freya was no doctor, but she did know some good ways to a cure a hangover. Though with the looks of this guy, he might be out of her reach.

"Eh, we've all had those days where we've been drunk out of our mind and can't remember where we live. You look like you needed some help, how could I resist?" There was only one bed in the hotel room, So Freya sat next to the guy. Honestly, she was surprised that he didn't succumb to alcohol poisoning. If he was so drunk he could barely walk five feet, he must have ingested a lot. Was he some sort of wild partier or was he an alcoholic? Freya could have guessed a million and one reasons on why he had allowed himself to get that drunk, as it was really none of her business. "You're lucky you didn't die of alcohol poisoning or something." Freya stated, as she adjusted her legs and looked down at the guy. Freya wasn't going to lie and pretend that she didn't drink every once and awhile, but never in her life had she gotten that she drunk. The worse thing she had probably ever done was hook up with some random stranger that had disappeared the next morning. Hell, Freya didn't even remember what he looked like. After that night Freya decided to lay off the drinking a little bit. If this guy kept drinking like this, it was hard to say what could and what will happen to him. "Do you remember where you live now? I can help you home." Freya offered. He probably needed to be where his family was, in case he had been away from home for awhile and they were worried about him or something. It was the least she could do.
Jarrett was too out of it to realize that he had taken off his sunglasses. The room was a little dim anyway, and he did not even notice. He could not believe that the water helped him sober up enough to be here with some hot girl. Like, she was unbelievably hot. He got really lucky running into her, didn't he? He thought that he did anyway. She said that she had no idea what to call him so he had to focus on what she meant. Oh he never told her his name? "Oh, that's Jarrett. Jarrett Vyhnal." She seemed like she was amused about that. Or just amused about this entire thing. He was not amused but that was because he had this massive headache that he would give anything for in order to have a potion that got rid of it. Apparently fate was being really cruel to him anyway. It wanted him to suffer like he was doing right now. He could hear her digging around in her purse too. He did not want to look up because the light itself was hurting his eyes. He sighed and hoped that he would not have to deal with something loud. Maybe she was trying to help him out some more? He heard her getting a pill bottle out and then handed out the pills to him. He opened his eyes and he took some of the pills into his hand. She was really nice for some reason, and he did not know why she was. Jarrett accepted it though. He also accepted the glass of water, and he swallowed the aspirin. "Thanks, you are a life saver." He looked over at her, and he grinned a bit. He did not know if it would sure his headache or not, but it could really help him out one way or another.

Jarrett made sure to scoot over a bit when she sat next to him, to give her some room on the bed. Jarrett shook his head and he sighed, "My sisters haven't. I won't let them touch a drop. But I hardly ever get this drunk. I just misjudged or something." The last thing he wanted was to get that drunk again. There was not telling what trouble he could have gotten into, so she saved him from doing something really stupid. She told him that he was lucky that he did not die of alcohol poisoning, and he nodded. He did not want to comment on that. She even asked if he remembered where he lived now, and if he would like some help home. Remembering the reason why he got this wasted to begin with, he did not want to go home. Jarrett shook his head, "I remember my way home. It is just, there is a girl that I allowed to live in my home. I kind of like her, and she is seeing this perfect guy. I took her in, gave her a home and everything, and she goes out with this guy. I just don't want to go home right now. If you don't mind, I would like to remain here." He rested his head against the pillows and tried to soothe the headache he was receiving right now. Right now, he did not care where she was going to go, but he just wanted to remain right here, in the sanctuary of his insanity. She was more than welcome to hear him complain about his problems though.
Freya was relieved to finally know his name. It bothered her not knowing who someone was. Her father always told her to make sure she knew a person before she let her guard down. Freya didn't really agree with her father on most things, but this was one of those things she actually did believe in. "Jarrett? That's a nice name, it fits you. My name is Freya Calvaresi. Most people call me Frey though." Freya smiled down at him. "You're a beater for the Translyvania Quidditch team, right? I remember seeing you before. I'm a Professional Cheerleader for another team, so I've seen you play a few times. You're pretty good!" Freya thought he looked familiar. It was easy for her to see why not. Hopefully Jarrett didn't think she was a total creep for noticing that. If not, oh well because it wasn't like he could do anything. He was suffering from a hangover while being stuck in some motel room in a place he was probably unfamiliar with, what was he going to do? Freya nodded her head when he said that she was a lifesaver. Freya knew she was of course, especially since he'd likely still be in the street if she hadn't helped him. Drinking to the point where he couldn't even stand was very unhealthy, and as much as Freya wanted to tell him that, she withheld. There had to be a reason he drank like that. Perhaps he was an alcoholic or something? He didn't look like one at first, but Freya was only trying to put a reason as to why someone would allow themselves to get that drunk. It was Freya's way of trying to see the best she could in everyone instead of just assuming the worst about someone she barely knew.

"You sound just like my dad. So protective. But you know what, that made me want to rebel even more so you might want to be careful. Ah so you don't get drunk like this all the time? Good, I was worried that you were an alcoholic or something!" Freya handed over another pillow for Jarrett in case he wanted to lay down and aid his hangover. If he didn't feel better soon Freya would probably even try to find him some bread so she could help him soak up all the alcohol in his stomach. Jarrett seemed to be able to remember where he lived, but shockingly he didn't want to go home. Freya paused raised and raised an eyebrow. Why didn't he want to go home? Freya was about to question him, but he beat her to the punch and confessed that he didn't want to come home because of a girl he liked. They lived together and he apparently had given up a lot for her, but she blindsided the poor guy for someone else. Freya's lips curved into a tense frown at the moment he was finished explaining the whole situation. No wonder he didn't want to go home. His heart was broken. "What a b*tch. Want me to go beat her up for you? If she makes you feel so bad, she really isn't worth your time, trust me. If you really want to stay feel free. I was going to stay anyways." Freya wondered if he would take her advice or tell her to mind her own business. Either way, he needed to focus on someone who made him feel good instead of someone who brought him to drink every time they were around. He didn't even want to go home and see her so maybe he should kick her out even?
Jarrett just felt like trash right now, and he wished that he had a beer or something, but he knew that he would be in even worse shape if he drank anymore. It was taking some time force his headache to go away, but at least with the wake up call, he remembered that he had brewed a little potion to help him out. He reached into his pants pocket, and he pulled it out. He drank it down, before setting the vial to the side. Already the hang over and the results of the drinking was wearing thin. Oh magic really helped him out, and he did not know what he would do without it. "Yeah, you told me your first name earlier when I stupidly called you Aphrodite." He was surprised that he could even remember that, but it worked and he nodded a bit. He knew that he was fairly easy to recognize with his hair and sunglasses, not to mention his mouth. She was a cheerleader for another team, and he looked her up and down, seeing why she was made into a cheerleader indeed. "A cheerleader? That is pretty hot, since I am bold and just don’t care anymore." Jarrett just wanted to have some fun. The one person he wanted was having fun with this perfect guy, so why could he not have some fun too? He needed something good in his life, and he was going to try and take whatever he could get. He doubted that he could ever be blamed for his decision. Now that he was thinking straight, he needed to do something with his life than pine around for someone that would never choose him over some pretty boy.

"I don’t want to be your dad. You can be as bad as you want, I do not mind at all. No I am not an alcoholic, but I think I am getting there if I keep it up." Jarrett shrugged his lean shoulders since he really did not care if he became one or not. Then he remembered his sisters and he had to be strong for them. They needed a good role model in their life. Though he could always go get Camden and make him lead the family. Give Jarrett a break or something. Sighing, he simply laid back into the pillow as he waited to be questioned as to why he did not want to go home. He really did not. Astoria, just looking at her, made him want to hit himself and go drinking. He needed to take a break and have some time to himself so he could just think. As soon as she was called a b*tch, Jarrett did not like it, but he did chuckle a bit when she offered to go beat her up for him. She was not worth his time, and he sighed, "I guess not but I don’t even know anymore. Thanks, I do need a place to crash. I just need to be able to think for one night." One night, and that was it he needed this, and he felt better already. Was that the potion or Freya?
Freya bit her lip. She had a lot of ideas that could potentially help Jarrett with his problem, but whether or not he responded to them really depended on how much he cared for the girl who was causing so much pain. He seemed like what she was doing was really bothering him, so there had to be some level of feelings there. "Look, I have some ideas that might be able to help you get your sanity back. First of all, find yourself another girl. One who is into you and won't hurt you like she is. Two, kick the b*tch out. She's hurting you badly, and yet you are letting her live in your house and allowing her to do it." Freya combed a few fingers through her hair and waited to see what Jarrett had to say about that. He needed to find someone else to pay attention to, and he needed to kick the girl out. It was as simple as that, he just needed to have the guts to be able to do it. It seemed like he liked this girl quite a bit, but Freya was sure she could disprove that in a heartbeat if he would let her. Freya believed that there was few things on a man's mind, and love was usually not one of them. Jarrett couldn't have been very different from the guys she had been with in the past, except he liked to drink a bit more and he seemed to be hungover some girl that wasn't really that into him. Freya figured she could help though, as long as he was willing to let her help. Personally, he was probably a bit too hungover to be able to resist too much, and this might be something he wanted. To get that girl out of his head.

"You know what would really help getting everything off your mind for awhile? If we hooked up." Freya suggested as she pulled her sweater off of her body. Surely that would get him interested, and help keep his mind off of certain things. Freya didn't wait to see what he would say before she began to hover over him, hoping to entice him. He didn't have a girlfriend, and that girl wasn't his, so he shouldn't care whether or not he had a little fun. It's not like you have a girlfriend or anything. Plus I've heard it's pretty good at relieving stress." Freya's hands went to Jarrett's shoulders, as she coaxed him as best as she could to relax a little bit. If he wanted to forget for a little while, he needed to let go. After that, he could figure out what he wanted to do on his own, or he could allow Freya to get to know him a little bit better. It didn't matter much to her.
The moment that Freya even mentioned to him that he should get another girl, he gave her a look that basically told her to never mention that again. He did not want another girl. He wanted the girl that he felt like he could never have. Was that so difficult to process? And he was not going to kick Astoria out. She needed someone with her, and she needed a place to live. He was not that heartless. Well, he could be. He kicked his brother out of his life, he did not want to do that again. "No, I don't want another girl. And no, I won't kick her out. She doesn't have any other place to go because her brother is f**king insane. If I have to suffer then let it be. Probably just karma giving me some anyway." He was positive that this was payback for something that he had done badly in the past. It was something that he needed to right, and he had to suffer through this. Maybe something good will happen afterward, he doesn't know. Freya seemed to be looking out for him, like they were friends or something, but she didn't know his past. She didn't know the bad things he had to do in order to raise some money for his siblings. Maybe the reason why his parents were killed was because of him. That was probably pushing it, but he couldn't help but think that sometimes. There had to be a reason why his family went through what they did, and why he had to suffer through so much. It had to be the universe paying him back for something. Freya did not know that he was in bad shape, but then again he was hungover, so that had to be a few clues right there.

The moment that she mentioned that they should hook up made him look over at her. That did not sound like a bad idea. In fact it sounded really appealing. She was hot too, and she took off her sweater which made him smirk. He liked that in a girl. She was definitely the one to fool around with. And he too had heard that it was good at relieving stress. Boy was he stressed right now too, as if it were not obvious enough with the way he was behaving. "You know what? Why not? You are hot. So I think that we are going to relieve a lot of stress right now." He grinned a bit as he reached up to pull her face toward his own in a deepened, almost sloppy kiss. It was not going to mean anything at all, since Astoria had Tristane, and he had no one. Just some blonde woman that was willing to help him out. It would definitely not be long until the two were sending their clothes flying all over the motel room.
Freya was worried that she had pissed Jarrett when she spoke about Astoria in an ill manner. A part of her wanted to toss in that nothing was going to get better if he kept longing after her like a lost puppy, but it was none of her business. He would figure it out when she broke his heart into tine pieces. Girls like her were the reason that many guys were jerks, but Freya was determined to have a good time. When Jarrett agreed to her idea and kissed her, Freya knew that she was going to have a good time tonight. After tonight there was no guarantee's that Freya and Jarrett would keep in contact with one another, but Freya was proud to know that she fixed someone's night up. "Cool." Ceasing the kiss for a moment and crawled over Jarrett before their lips met again.


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