Closed Beat the Heatwave

Dale Paterson

USA ---> NZ || Making Moves
OOC First Name
1/2039 (11)
There had been an ongoing heatwave the last few days and Dale had been stuck inside. He decided to head to the park early morning to try to beat the heat. The sky was hazy and the air was humid. Dale adjusted his shorts and their belt before entering the park. This was his first summer in New Zealand and since he was coming from the United States, he was disappointed that there wouldn't be snow for Christmas. Wiping some sweat from his brow, he made his way to the swings. The park was fairly empty since it was so early in the morning, just the occasional jogger or dog walker.

Dale sat down on the swing and began to kick his feet. He liked the swings when he was alone, he felt like that didn't make him look so lonely. Kicking his feet, Dale began to swing higher and higher in the air. His eyes looked around the park, following the different people and examining the playground equipment. There was a set of monkey bars that he hadn't tried to make it across yet.
Alexander decided to go to the park, hopefully meeting some people that were part of the wizarding community. He was still new to the whole concept of him being a wizard, finding out that his father, that he never even knew about was a wizard.

As Alexander made his way to the playground in the park, through his really hot weather, he noticed that there were not many people at the playground, only a boy that looked like he was playing on the swings. He looked around at the park, deciding on what playground equipment would entertain him the most. He makes his way to the monkey bars and starts swinging on them, back and forth for a while.
Dale noticed another boy around his age enter the park, as he swung high in the air. He decided to watch to see where he went. Since moving to New Zealand he hadn't met many kids his age, mostly just his parent's co-workers. Watching as he went to the monkey bars, Dale began to slow down how fast he was going on the swing. The boy his age was just swinging back and forth on the monkey bars, the ones that Dale hadn't made across yet.

Casually walking towards the monkey bars, Dale waved as he approached the boy from the front. He was curious how old the boy was and if he would be going to Hogwarts too. Dale had a bunch of questions for him, but he didn't want to come off strange. Besides, talking to new people was hard. "Hi." Dale wrapped an arm around the vertical ladder of monkey bars. He tugged against it, seeing how sturdy it was. "Have you done this monkey bars before?" His American accent was obvious.
Alexander notices that a boy is waving and walking towards him, so he decides to stop swinging on the monkey bars and stand on the wooden platform that is planted on each end on the monkey bars. Alexander smiles shyly at the boy. "Hey," Alexander says quietly and shyly. "No, I haven't actually. This is my first time in this playground" Alexander says, his kiwi accent coming in strong with some of the words. Alexander slowly comes down the ladder of the monkey bars. "Is this your first time in New Zealand?" Alexander says with curiosity, as he notices that the boy around his age had an American accent.
Releasing his grip on the bar, Dale tucked his hands into his pockets. He had spent several days at the park since the move a few months ago. "I've been coming here the last few months," Dale said. "We moved here from the United States." He moved to the platform where the boy his age stood. "Want to take turns climbing across?"
Alexander found it interesting that a boy around his age had moved to New Zealand from the United States. He had always wanted to travel around the world. Alexander nods with interest when the boy explains how he had been coming here the last few months. He notices that the boy then stands on the platform he was just standing on. "Sure," Alexander says quietly with a shy smile and shrug before he stood on the platform with the boy again.
Dale decided to try to swing across the bars first. He grabbed the second bar with both of his hands and swung himself off the starting platform. Carefully reaching out his left arm he grabbed the next bar and swung to it, holding on again with both arms. Dale made his way across swinging with force from bar to bar. As he reached the other platform he looked towards the boy his age. "My name is Dale, by the way."
Alexander watches as the boy as he swings across the monkey bars. Once the boy made his way to the other side of the platform, he introduces himself as Dale. Alexander smiles at Dale. "I'm Alexander. But you can call me Alex if you want" Alex says quietly but loud enough for the other boy that is on the other side of the monkey bars to hear him. After Alexander introduces himself to Dale, he makes his way across the monkey bars, slowly and steadily. Once he got to the other end of the monkey bars and stood on the platform, he turned to Dale. "How do you like New Zealand so far?" Alexander says quietly as he wipes some of the sweat from his forehead the hot heat of the sun.
Dale knew quite a few Alex's back home, it seemed like a popular name. He made room on the platform for Alex to stand when he made it across. "It's alright. Seasons are different." Most of Dale's complaints had been the weather. It was exceptionally hot and he was used to quite a bit of snow; especially in December. "Do you guys ever get snow? Isn't it weird having Christmas without the snow?" This would be his first Christmas in New Zealand and it was definitely odd for him.
Alexander smiles and says a quiet 'thank you' when Dale leaves some room for him to stand on. He nods and chuckles quietly when Dale tells time about the weather difference. "Well, I guess it depends on where in New Zealand you live," Alexander says quietly with a shrug. "The South Island gets to experience snow more than the North Island," Alexander says with a shy smile. "But, I think you'll get used to the weather later," Alexander says shyly. "Have you seen anything else in New Zealand aside from this park?" Alex says curiously and quietly while looking around the park.
Dale shrugged, he lived in Queenstown. "I feel like it's going to take me a full cycle of seasons before I am used to it." He laughed. Thinking about it, he really had only been to the park. Dale had complained there wasn't much to do and his parents sent him to the park. They had been so busy with the move that they didn't help him find places to be. "I've been homeschool since we moved. They said it would be easier until I go to Hagwats?" He couldn't quite remember the name of the school. "I heard there was a zoo with magical creatures. I have been asking my parents to take me."
Alexander smiles shyly and nods when Dale tells him about being homeschool and laughs quietly about how he pronounced 'Hogwarts'. "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at your pronunciation of the school," Alex says with a quiet apology. "I think you mean 'Hogwarts?" Alexander says while questioning shyly. "Don't worry, It took me a while to remember as well. I only just found out that I'm a wizard a few weeks ago." Alex says shyly. "Did you know that you were a wizard when you were younger?" Alexander questions shyly. He hoped that he wasn't annoying this boy that could be a possible friend of his.
Dale tried to hide his embarrassment when Alex laughed, but smiled and laughed along. "Yeah, Hogwarts. It's just such a strange word." He brushed it off, not easily hurt for long. Alex reassured him it took him a little while as well. "I always thought I would be going to school in America, so I know about the schools there. I don't really know anything about Hogwarts." Dale said with a shrug, wondering if the boy knew much more. His question was more relevant with he said he had only just found out about his magical heritage. "My parents are both magical. I've known about magic since as long as I can remember." He glanced toward his acquaintance, wondering what it would be like to not have known his whole life. "Is it strange? Just finding out, I mean."
"It defiantly is a strange word," Alexander says quietly. Alexander decides to sit down on the platform and crossing his legs slightly. "I honestly didn't know there were more than one magical schools." Alexander as he blushes slightly from embarrassment. Alex nods when Dale says that he knew about magic as long as he could remember. "It's really strange," Alexander says quietly and a slight nod. "I found out that the dad I never met, is a wizard. I don't even know why I'm telling you that" Alexander says quietly and with a slight laugh. Alexander was more of a person that kept things to himself, he didn't even know why he was telling someone he just met, a part of his life story.
Dale followed Alex's lead and sat down on the platform, hanging his feet off the edge. He was surprised that the boy didn't know about the different schools. It was difficult for him to imagine what that would be like. Dale wasn't sure what to say to Alex, as they had only met. "It's okay." He leaned back using his arms to prop him up. The hard texture of the platform pressed into his palms. "I've got two dads, kind of. My real one and my step-dad." Dale didn't know what it would feel like to not know who his parents were.
Alexander nodded as he fiddled with a piece of thread that was hanging off the end of his jumper. "That's interesting. It has just been me and my mum" Alexander says shyly with a shy smile. "What do you like to do in your spare time?" Alexander says shyly, as he tried and change the subject. He then looked around the park to see if there was anything else that would be interesting to entertain him, but when he found nothing that was catching his eye, he turned back to Dale and listening to him carefully. "And are you excited to go to Hogwarts?" Alexander said quietly, as he bit his nails with some nervousness.
Dale wondered what it would be like if it was just him and his mom. His parents were together until he was 6 years old, then they separated. Almost immediately, his mother had a new boyfriend who then became his stepdad. Dale currently lives with his mom, step-dad, two step-sisters, and a new half-brother on the way. "When I'm not stuck doing school work with my sisters, I come to the park here." He didn't mind that there wasn't a whole lot to do, he just liked being away from the busy atmosphere at home. "I have a baby brother being born soon. Everyone is kind of busy with that." Dale had a birthday coming up also, but no plans had been made. "Yeah, are you?" He was looking forward to Hogwarts. It was all new and a little scary, but getting some time away from home would be good.
Alexander nods when Dale explains to about how he goes to the park in his free time and about his sibling. "That's cool. Is it fun having siblings?" Alexander says quietly. Alexander never had siblings in his life. Well, none that he's known. He wonders what it's like to have a sibling. "W-well, I'm excited but slightly nervous," Alexander says, as he stutters a little. Alexander was excited about new adventures, learning more about his heritage and exploring what is out there. But also nervous because what if he gets teased at school for not knowing about the wizarding world? I shouldn't be thinking about that now. Alexander thought
Dale shrugged, he wasn't sure how he felt about getting a new sibling. "I don't mind having siblings. We get along most of the time." He had been an only child until he was seven and met his stepsisters. Not a whole lot had changed since they spent time some time at their moms. Now that they all moved to New Zealand and he was getting a new half-brother, he knew it would be different. Hogwarts was starting to feel like it was more of an escape. "The castle sounds massive. I had never seen a castle until I moved here." He couldn't wait to explore the castle for hidden passages or secret hide outs.
Alexander nods shyly when Dale explained about his new sibling. "I haven't seen a castle in my life. So I-I'm kinda excited for t-this experience" Alexander says shyly while stuttering. Alexander was really excited and nervous about his magical experience.
Dale noticed Alex seemed to stutter occasionally, but it didn't bother him. He didn't want to mention it and make his new friend uncomfortable. "I wonder what house we will be sorted in. I don't really know much about them. Most of the schools in America don't have houses like that." He shrugged. The ones near colorado didn't have houses that he had heard of anyway. Dale sat back up, brushed the dirt from the palms of his hands and swaying his feet off the platform. "I want to play quidditch."
Alexander shrugged. "I don't know much about the houses either. This whole thing is still new to me" Alexander says quietly. Alexander was confused. He didn't know what this 'Quidditch' was. "What's Quidditch? Is it a g-game?" Alexander says with a stutter and more confusion. There were so much more things to learn about the Wizarding World. He would have to read up about this 'Quidditch'

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