Closed Beachside Encounter

Demetrius Wagner

Magiconservationist Intern | Rich kid
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Demetrius was home for a brief stint, and he didn't really know what to think of it. His life seemed to stagnate somewhat - not that he didn't enjoy his new internship, but compared to everything that happened at Hogwarts everything felt...slower. Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe slow was good. Still, his parents were not necessarily the happiest with his career choice. Once they found out there was such a thing as a government job, and that Demetrius had missed out on that because of his subject choices, they weren't the most impressed. Demetrius' brother was doing better, in their eyes and in Demetrius' too, but that was a given. Demetrius couldn't bring himself to resent his brother despite it all - he'd always been there for him - but a tinge of jealousy couldn't be denied.

As it was, Demetrius was visiting the beach. It wasn't the best time of year for it, but he needed fresh air and to get away from his family for a moment. Whites Bay was Demetrius' favourite in the area. It wasn't a big beach by any means, and curved in quite a bit, but it was picturesque. Demetrius stood on the sands looking out to sea. He wasn't big on swimming, due to his irrational fear of sharks, and the water wasn't exactly warm to begin with at this time of year. Not yet. The wind rushed through his hair, probably due for a haircut if he was being honest, as he listened to the waves crash against the sand over and over. It calmed him, revitalised him. He took in a deep breath and then released it slowly. This was what he'd needed.
Kage loved the winter. The storms made the perfect waves, the beaches were more empty. It was a great time. He had spent most of the morning out on the water, and now he was lounging on the sand. Surfboard was standing in the sand behind him, and he laid out with the limited sunlight on his skin. He had his shades on anyway, shamelessly people watching, and he noticed a man coming up nearby. He watched him for a few, seeing how the cutie seemed to unwind. Kage's lips quirked up in a small smirk. Yeah, he could get that. "Looking to get away?" He called. He was curious what brought the man here. The waves were their own symphony to the soul, and he knew how soothing that siren song was. He sat up a bit, pushing his round, black glasses up onto his head. "Wanna sit with me?" He motioned to the spot next to him.
Demetrius was surprised to be addressed - and by a stranger no less. Demetrius was trying to gauge if he knew him, if he'd met him before at some fancy party his parents had thrown, but he wasn't experiencing any seeds of recognition. The stranger was handsome with good features, Demetrius was noting. But that wasn't important right now. An invitation had been made, and that made Demetrius hesitate. "Do I know you?" he decided to throw out, not unfriendly, but not exactly welcoming.
Kage laughed lightly. "Nah, man. Name's Kage," He offered. "But I'm here, you're here. Call it the universe at work. Let's be friends." He relaxed against the sand, wiggling his toes and enjoying the slight breeze. "Anyone willing to come out here is a friend of mine," He looked back to the man, thinking he looked a bit sweet.

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