Open battered and bruised

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
hugo could hear something. he knew that he should probably wake up and get ready for classes but it was warm in bed and his body felt heavy he didn't want to move. even something as little as opening his eyes seemed like too much work. and for some reason he ached all over. his chest hurt, his head as though he had been beaten up and left to die. maybe he was dead it was so warm and comfortable here. but if so why was he so sore. he let out a groan and tried to open his eyes. there was something vaguely familiar but also wrong about his soroundings. the light was wrong it wasnt his dorms light. "huh" he said as he tried ot bring things into focus and peice together what he could see and work out where he was.
Rion wasn’t brave enough to join the duelling club - and watching Horror knock Hugo unconscious on the platform had quickly reminded her why. All duels were quite brutal, but this one had been particularly violent; Horror wasn’t just satisfied with winning but seemed to want to make poor Hugo suffer as much as possible too. Poor Hugo. Most people would have given up when they got injured, but not him. Was that bravery, or recklessness? Rion wasn’t sure. Either way, she didn’t have any of it herself.

He was awake. Rion stood up, trying not to look as though she’d been sat with him for the last twenty minutes. She had only come to check that he was all right, but it was warm and quiet in the hospital wing and the chair by his bed had looked inviting. Anyway, she liked watching the nurses tend to people. If she were cleverer, she’d have liked to be a healer, but she wasn’t any good at magic, not really.

After a short hesitation, she sat back down. “Hey,” she said quietly. “It’s OK. You’re in the hospital wing.” He didn’t look good at all. “Are you still in pain? Should I get a nurse?”
Hugo shut his eyes, the light was so bright. he opened them slower as he heard a voice and looked towards where it came from. "uhhh" he said as memories of the duels came flooding back along with the act across his chest and in his head. Theodore practically forcing Oz to go on a date with him. Then horror beating him to a pulp in his duel. Though despite the thrashing there also came a feeling of pride. He had done well. and even managed to fight back when he had been injured. he had channeled his inner Aragorn and faught on. only to be flung against the wall like a puppet.
He looked over to where he had heard the voice before and saw someone sitting there. it took a moment for him to focus enough to recogniser her as rion. "what time is it? how long have i been out" he asked his words sluring together slightly it hdefinatly been a few hours as the light was closer to evening than lunchtime. "i feel like i have been in the washer" he said in response to the question of if he was in pain. the nurses must have helped with the pain. but feeling what it would be like being a sock in a spin cycle still remained.
Evan would often spend his days wandering about the castle. It seemed like there had been a commotion today down at the Duelling Chamber. The blasted Duelling Tournament again. It was preposterous that even in this era, children still fought children. Some had ended up in the Hospital Wing and he was there now to check up on the children. He wouldn't be able to help to cast spells, but it couldn't help to be readily of service. It seemed that he arrived just in time for one of the children to awaken from their debacle. "You have not been unconscious for that long and should continue to rest child," Evan tutted as he floated over to the pair. It didn't seem like there were any complications at the moment. "Is there a need for pain potion or is the pain manageable?" He would have to call for the nurse if there was a need since he couldn't actually get the potion needed. He could of course tell the other child, but it would be frowned upon. Ridiculous really. He still had his mental faculties and could tell differences between potions.

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