Bartlowe, Jayke

Jayke Bartlowe

Active Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual [Kinsey 4]
9" Cherrywood with chinese fireball heartstring core
Full Name: Jayke Newton Bartlowe
D.O.B: October 15, 2010
Hometown: New Orleans, Lousiana United states
Bloodstatus: Muggle-born
Orientation: Pansexual

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6ft. 3in.
Weight: 200 .lbs / 90 .kg
Other Distinguishing Features: Dragon tattoo across his back, Japanese style

Occupation: Journalist // Writer// Artist
Current Home: Brightstone Village, New Zealand
Job Status: Unemployed
Relationship Status: Single

School: Hogwarts Scotland
House: Hufflepuff
Last year attended: 2018
Teams: Yearbook (5 years), Paper (6 years)
PotionsHerbologyCharmsD.A.D.AC.O.M.C.AstronomyHistory Of MagicTransfigurationAncient RunesArithmacy
Exceed ExpectationOutstanding Exceeds ExpectationsExceed ExpectationsOutstandingAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableOutstandingAcceptable
PotionsHerbologyCharmsD.A.D.AC.O.M.C.AstronomyHistory Of MagicTransfigurationAncient RunesArithmacy
OutstandingOutstanding Exceeds ExpectationsExceed ExpectationsOutstandingAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableExceeds ExpectationAcceptable

History: Jayke Newton Bartlowe was born the second child of David and Serena Bartlowe. As a Bartlowe, Jayke was pampered from an early age and groomed to be a worthy representative of the family name. As his older sister was the first to inherit the family's wealth and estates, a fact that Jayke was not one bit envious of as he did not need the added pressure of securing the families legacy tied to his success and failures. He would still be given a small fortune of galleons and a stipend so long as the estate allowed, the same clause was in the will for Jayke's younger brother Theodore. The trio were exactly three years apart and grew up to rather close with each other over the years. Jayke being the middle child was in the shadow of his sister's incredible accomplishments, while his younger brother was the reclusive one which meant Jayke suffered from middle child syndrome the majority of his younger years. Though the family's nanny Ester did provide him a great deal of attention and affections, much to his satisfaction as the older woman was a crafty old witch who had a lot of information to share with the ever curious Bartlowe child. Jayke otherwise was a bit of a curious lad who spent his days getting into trouble and mayhem, though he spent a good share of his free time tormenting the housing staff much to their outrage. Luckily for them, the kids would slowly receive their letters of acceptance to Hogwarts.

Doris was the first child to attend and she was sorted into Ravenclaw, a house that served her well as it gave her the challenge she needed to shine above all her classmates. Jayke was next and was sorted into Hufflepuff much to his indifference, the house was seen as a joke among the others but they were rather mighty in certain subjects. Years later Thomas would find his home in Slytherin but that was almost a given due to his personality as being a bit secretive and cunning. Of course, Jayke's mischievous nature earned him the title of trouble maker though his grades were not as awful as one might imagine. He was rather sharp in certain classes such as Potions, herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures. Doris was of course not thrilled with her brother's knack for all things nature as she struggled with such subject, her strength laid in her uncanny spellwork while Thomas was gifted in the more obscure forms of magic such as Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Divination. Unlike his siblings,Jayke was a social butterfly and was often surrounded by friends of all walks of life. His ability to talk his way out of the most sticky situations and charm even the most coldest of hearts made him alluring and charismatic on top of his other traits. Though he struggled from time to time he managed to magic it out of school in one piece and graduated to boot. A collective sigh of relief by his professors and family was an indication that few thought he would make it that far but now that they had they practically rushed him out into the real world to wash thier hands of him and the trouble he brought with him.

Name: David Bartlowe
Relations: Father
Status: Deceased
Location:Family Plot

Name: Serena Bartlowe
Relations: Mother
Status: Deceased
Location:Family Plot

Names: Theodore Bartlowe
Relations: Brother
Status: Living
Location: Europe

Name: Doris Bartlowe
Relations: Sister
Status: Living
Location: Europe

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