Barbie Tectra

Barbie Tectra

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
I don't know, come closer and I'll tell you...
Full Name:
- Barbie Lynn Tectra

Date of Birth:
- April 9th, 1995

Current Age:
- 31

Hair Colour and Style:

- Barbie's hair is dark black, and usually is cut about shoulder length. It's normally wavy, but when she straitens it, it comes down to mid back. She doesn't normally wear her hair up.


- Her eyes are categorized as Hazel, although she actually has Gray colored irises, and they are greener when she cries.

Height and Weight:

-She is about 5'4" and weighs A little over 145lbs

Special: Barbie has scars on her shoulders from when she had surgery to reset her bones. She had "fallen" down the stair. She also has stitches on her upper left thigh. And a birthmark above her belly button, that looks like a very small moon.

Fashion Sense:

- Barbie, contrary to her name, dresses in darker more sophisticated outfits then most. She dresses to make herself look presentable to others, so that she can show that she's high class. That she's a lady. She wears knee-length skirts most of the time, and wears pants often too. She is rarely seen wearing sleeveless tops, or tank tops without something over them, because she's self conscience about her scars.

-Back when Barbie was young, she was the life of the party. she was fun, smart, and beautiful to boot. But something changed when her husband died of "mysterious Causes". After being put on trial for her abusive husbands death, she became cold and cynical. She doesn't trust easily, and hasn't been with any man since her husband's death. She thinks they are scum.

Barbie also has no respect for the law. Her ex husband was a police officer, and when she came clean about being abused, the men and women of law enforcement, turned their head away. It wasn't until after her husband's death that they found her words to be true. But, by then, she had lost respect for authority.

If Barbie becomes involved with a man, it is most likely that she will turn away from him once things get serious. She couldn't handle going through it again. Every day she acts strong, holding her head high, but inside she's still that scared little girl. She could never show it to anyone, unless she really trusted them.

though she seems stone cold, there is still one thing she loves. Her parents. Every month, on the last day of the month, she visits their grave site. She gives them flowers and lays cookies on each site, because her parents used to bake them for her. She usually stays there for an hour, talking to them and even praying that where they are, they're safe.

Family has always been the one soft spot for her. She loves children. She has never been brave enough to have any of her own, not only because her personal image is important; but because she is afraid to have a miscarriage. Since she was deemed a mother at risk when she was young.

On top of all this crazy is a bottle cap that says Sadistic witch; and that is Barbie!

Mother: Alexis Marie (Lynn) Tectra
Deceased at Age 42
Car Accident

Father: Mortimer Alec Tectra
Deceased at age 48
Car Accident

Her View On Family

-To Barbie, family is the most important thing anybody can have. She remembers being 19, and throwing herself no the caskets because she didn't want to loose her family. She loves children and thinks that if she could, she would have them. She knows she will most likely not have a family, because she is getting on and still hasn't tried to find anyone. But, there is still hope for her, right?

- Barbie's only pet is a rescued cat name Starvin' Marvin. She saved him when he was hit by a car, and took him to the vets. He is missing one back foot, but is perfectly healthy other then that. She loves him like family. Though, no body has ever seen him around her, because that would mean showing her soft side.

Area of Residence:
- Barbie is a drifter, and lives just about anywhere imaginable. She has Stayed in in hotels in America. Her family's old home in Ireland,a and now she is renting a place in New Zealand; hoping to find her own place to buy since she paid off the family home.

Blood Status:
- Unknown

- Barbie has so many blood types so here it goes.
From her Father's Mother, she's Irish, Dutch and German.

From her Father's Father, she's French, Dutch, and Irish

From her Father, she's Irish, Dutch, French, and German

From her Mother's Mother, she's American, Bulgarian and Dutch

From her Mother's Father, she's Russian, Bulgarian, and German

From her Mother, she's American, Bulgarian, German, Dutch and Russian

So all together, She's American, Bulgarian, German, Dutch, Russian, Irish, and French.

Of course, if need be, tracing back farther can reveal more bloodlines, but i don't see how that was necessary.

Special Abilities:
-Barbie has the special ability to make annoying people go away! :glare:

Interests or Hobbies:
- As far as her Hobbies go, she likes to photograph things, and is darn good at it. She has a talent in archeology, as far as dating things goes. She had worked in a museum and an auction house, helping with displays and dating the new objects that come in. She still does some on line work for a place in America.

Additional Skills:
- Barbie has been known to cook great oriental dishes. However, she can't cook much else. She can fry chicken, and noodles; but she wont eat them often. She became a vegetarian after working a weekend researching the slaughter houses and animal cruelty.

- She can handle herself, she's headstrong, she usually gets what she wants, and she's good with children.

- She has a soft spot for children and animals, she doesn't trust easily, her stubbornness can get her into trouble, and she is sadistic which pushes people away from her.

Describe your character in three words:
- Sadistic, mean, and secretive.

Favorite place to be:
- Alone with her auction items. That's her happy place to be.

- None yet

Hogwarts House:
- She has graduated, but when she went to Hogwarts, she was a proud slytherin.

Best school subjects:
- When she was in school, she loved Charms and COMC

Worst school subjects:
- She was terrible at potions and always fell asleep darning history of magic.

Extracurricular Activities:
- She does the extra work for the auction house, and will go for long walks for exercise.

Current Job:
- Working online for an Auction house across seas.

Your Patronus:
- Her patronus is the mighty tigress. Brave, cunning, and sexy in her own way.

Your Patronus memory:
- Her patronus memory was her wedding night, which is hard to think about it being happy because she got a phone call two hours after her wedding to identify her parents dead bodies.

Your Boggart:
- She is still afraid of her late husband coming back for her.

Your Animagus:
- Her animagus would be a tigress, a silent killer; and a loving mother.

Mirror of Erised:
- She would see herself married, happy, with her family.

- Barbie's history is a long one, though she had a happy childhood, adn went through schools getting all O's and always behaving. A lot of people called her a teacher's pet, but it didn't bother her. in her sixth year she changed a little bit. She started noticign boys, adn one boy in paticular. Ryker Laxir. He was smart, handsome, popular; and he asked her to dance at the Yule Ball. Form that moment on, they were inseperable. After graduation, they mosved in toggether. Adn two years later got married.
It was just after the wedding when Barbie's phone rang. Seh answered in her giggly, bubbly voice, only to find that her parents ahd been in a head on collision with another car. She needed to identify the bodies. That night, she cried in her new husbands arms, and for weeks after that, she had streesful situations upon stressful situatins come around. She had to figure out this, plan that, buy the caskets; and finally bury her parents.
At the funeral she threw herself across the top of the caskets. She was so upset, that her husband carried her home. ANd when they got home, she was in for the beating of a life time. He called her weak, a sniveling wh0re, and beat her till she fell unconscience.
These types of things went on for a very long time, until her husband "mysteriously vanished.
Now, she's here in New Zealand, trying hard to start over, without worrying about guilt or her past.

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