Banner please! ASAP! [C]

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Arielle Lemaire

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust.
I would like Anybody who feels up to it to fill my request.

Banner Request Form

Character's Name: Arielle Lemaire
Banner Type: Standard
*Banner Size: Just normal size
Celebrity you're using: Talulah Riley
*Background Image: Something pretty but dark. like a forest or something like that.
Text on banner: I would like her name and "Hips swaying, lips lie, Like clockwork, she's in control."
*Fonts on banner: For her name i would like the font to be This And for the other text i would like the font to be This
*Colour Scheme: I would like the colour scheme to be anything that is fitting but i would prefer the colours to be a dark red and black.
*Other: I woud like it to look classy with an edge if its not too much :)
Here are some images of Talulah:



Here is a background i thought was cool:


Sorry the images are so big. The background is optional. I dont care if you just use an image. You'll obviously have to crop the logo at the bottom :p . The background image is just an example. Here you go :)

The Images you wanted wern't showing up so i went and found something you could use temp or perm if you want as your thing says ASAP


Let me know if you want anything changed or not or anything different
Thanks! Its really pretty. I was wondering if you could change the colour of the wrting to Black if thats okay. I just think it will work better ^_^ I will use that one untill you change the colour of the lettering :)
:) Anna :)

With Black Writing
Request Completed & Archived

Your Graphics Request has been successfully completed and as such has been archived.
Feel free to place more graphics requests as you find need. ;)
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