BAM, And The Dirt Is Gone

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Blaine Michaels

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blackthorn 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather
Hey all you freaky kiddo's (Summer, Hehe).

So, here's the dealio really. I need plots and stuff for my characters, cause im bored and losing my muse. Hehe. At the moment, i am in need of a variety of things, and this is the list:

- Blaine Michaels -

Blaine is a 6th year Beauxbatons, and is a playa to the bone. Honestly, i think he changes girls more than his underwear, which he likes to change daily. Alcohol is his best friend, and the party doesnt start till he rocks up. But thats all about to change. His father is a rich business man, and he owns buldings all over Los Angelies, and is sick of his son's disruptive ways, not that Blaine cares. 16, Co-Captain of the schools Quidditch Team, and with the whole school at his feet, Blaine thinks he can live like this forever. What i need is for that special girl to come steal his heart. Also, i will need a few badass friends fo him, preferably males, as Blaine is a pig and most woman would get offended hearing the conversation that goes on with his inner circle. And for those girls who like to party, i need some one time stands, and some flings. Who's interested in dancing with the devil? And who can steal that firey heart?

- Demyx Demon Bane -

Demyx, as most of you know, is a 23 year old Auror, who had just gotten engaged. He has his inner circle, and is content. But i need some of you Auror's out there, because inside of work, he is a go it alone kind of guy, and has barely associated with any of his fellow Auror's. Also, for the upcoming wedding, we will need a few guests. Its not for a while, but i would like to get the list down now. Preferably, i would like older characters, who would/can know Demyx or Ashlyn. If you havent met either before, you dont need to. Just wait for my PM and we'll work out their history. (Please dont ask on here though. Post your character offers and a description and ill PM you.)

- Chase Michaels -

Chase is a 21 year old musician, in a band and living the dream. What i need is some friends and best buddies, as he doesnt have many besides his inner circle. He's a nice and charming man, who is on the way to being engaged, and by the looks of it, has a daughter on the way too. Oh My God.... haha?

- Ash Richards -

Ash is just about to graduate from Beauxbatons, has just moved in with his girlfriend and soulmate Chloe, and is living out his dream as a professional Quidditch player. What i need is a best friend or two, ones from Beauxbatons and preferably around his age.

So thats it. Post here if your interested with your character suggestions, a description of each suggestion and who you are offering them too. Thanks.
Who you calling a kiddo? Again!? :p

I have mates for Blaine if you want them. Though it could get confusing for one of them (Also Ed Westwick. We seem to have the same taste in men :p)

Markov Kalforovich is pretty much the same as him only more likely to keep a stable girlfriend. He smokes, drinks, whatever, and can do so because, well, his family is dirty rich.

He has a group of friends that Blaine may also get along with but Markov is the most likely one to work.
Both of them sound good, though the whole Markov/Blaine thing will be weird with the same playby. But im up for that plot we talked about on msn?
Alexia here could be a friend for Demyx if you want?
Oh hot damn, Teigan, hellooooooo. Definately. Are you able to start? Im not fussed where...
Sure, Ill pm Demyx with it when I'm done :) And do you mind me saying that they know each other but not well?
I also have this character Danika. She is fifteen at the moment and she is currently looking for a new toy. If you want she could date Blaine for as long as you want. Her pb is Jessica Szohr incase you wanted to know which is funny seeing a Jessica Szhor dated Ed Westwick for a while. Lol coincidence I swear.
Haha thats fine, if you want, Dem and Alexia can know each other however you want. Past lovers, good friends, forgotten friends.... any way.

And as for Blaine, he doesnt gtend to date, but more or less play with women. If you know what i mean... but if you wanna, we can RP them together.
Yep thats fine. Lol, I pmed Demyx with the thread and I will make one for Danika and Blaine soon.
Hey I have Ailis here for Blaine if you want. She is going through a tough time but is also a bit wild and likes the 'bad boy image'. However he would have to wait for her to get to him a little first before she became her more wild self.

Don't really mind what happens between them but it would have to be their secret as her siblings are protective of her, her brother so much so that he would not care about getting in a fight about it.
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