Closed Baking Treats

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (26)
Lily hummed to herself, working alongside the elves in the kitchen as she made more cupcakes. These ones were dark chocolate, filled with a light, sweet whipped cream. They were Rose's favorite. Her little sister had been so upset lately Lily just wanted to do something to cheer her up. She sang softly to herself as she worked, not noticing the whipped cream on her cheek as she whipped up more batter. She would share these with Jasper and Elliot, too. Maybe she should make some for Clifton? She wasn't sure if he liked sweets. She might have to ask. Ooh, and maybe some for Elliot's friend Lars? He was nice. She started to pour the batter, her sweet voice filling the kitchen. "Red is the rose, that in yonder garden grows, fair is the lily of the valley, Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne, But my love is fairer than any,"
Mihail Styx was enjoying his day, but he felt like he could use a small meal. Some chicken and veggies. That sounded really good. As he walked into the kitchen, Mihail noticed that his girlfriend was making something with the elves, and singing to herself. His thought on food just went out the door as he leaned against the wall, taking in her singing. She was very sweet, just a little clumsy. Mihail really liked Lily and was glad that she was his girlfriend. He was always over the moon when they held hands. Mihail approached her from behind and gently tapped on her shoulder, "You know, sweets are good for dessert after a nutritious meal." Mihail smiled a little more, half joking and half not. He did believe in nutrition. The older he got, the more he cared about what he put in his gut, and same with his friends.
Lily nearly jumped out of her skin as an unexpected voice rang out behind her. She nearly dropped the bowl, the spoon clattering against the counter. She managed to set the bowl down without spilling any batter. "Mihail!" She gasped, twirling to face him. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" She placed a hand over her pounding heart, the other one clutching the counter for support. She could feel the blush heating her cheeks. "D-does, ah, does that mean you don't want a cupcake?" She asked hesitantly.
Mihail couldn't help but laugh when Lily dropped her spoon. At least the bowl was not spilled. He did see some whipped cream on her cheek. She was entirely too cute for words. "I will try not to do that again, but I can't help it. You are kinda funny when you jump." Mihail reached forward and wiped the whipped cream off of her cheek, and wiped his hand on his robes. "I think I can make an exception for you, but only this once."
Lily could feel her blush intensifying as Mihail brushed against her cheek, wiping something on his robes. She swallowed nervously, offering him a shy smile. "O-okay," She stuttered a bit, biting her lip and looking away. "What, ah, what do you like then? I-i mostly just bake, but, ah, maybe I can learn to make you something else?" She offered, wincing at how bad she sounded. She wished her heart would stop pounding so hard. Maybe then she could act a bit more normal around the boy.
Mihail chuckled as Lily blushed. She was still somewhat nervous around him though he was completely comfortable with her. If only she would relax a little bit. “I like a lot of American cuisine. So, a lot of meat, mostly. But, I tend to cook so how about I make you something instead?” Mihail offered since he was itching for some grilled chicken tenders and dumplings. Maybe a side of green beans. All of it was flowing in his head, while he imagined what it would taste like.
Lily took a few deep breaths. It was Mihail. Not a monster. She needed to relax. She gave him a shy smile, tucking her head behind her ear. "Sure," She applauded herself in her mind for not stuttering. "Maybe, ah, maybe I can help you though?" She offered, speaking a little slower but with more confidence than before. It was hard to get a grip with Mihail around, but she needed to do better. She bit her lip a moment, then stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. She pulled back right away, her courage gone as quickly as it had come. She looked away, unsure of how he would react.

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