Closed Baking Fresh Cookies

Marc Morales

a coward, please forgive him
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Confused Bisexual
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
04/2040 (11)
Marc walked towards the kitchen, wishing to help the elves even if they rejected it. He felt so bad about them doing so much work, plus he was still used to doing house work that it was awkward that he wasn't doing anything. He should probably change that habit, he thought to himself, but he would still need it when he went back home.
Mary Lou had never thought about what a muggleborn support group would be like. Mostly since she wasn't one. She, as it had been revealed to her, was the product of a non-magic mum, and her wizard father. She'd heard a lot of terms thrown around since she had started at the school and not all of them were nice, so she definitely tended to avoid them. Being at Hogwarts was... well, it wasn't as cracked up as some of these people probably thought it was, since so far, Mary Lou had a number of terrible experiences that only made her feel worse. It was true, not all of them were so different to her life in the normal world, but many of them were exacerbated by the inclusion of magic, or being in the magical world, such as that fateful Potions lesson where she'd nearly died. That had certainly opened her eyes a little. So her first year hadn't been great, but she thought she could have a really good start to second year, because surely she couldn't have two bad years in a row, right? Well, she'd apparently been very, very wrong, because honestly, so far her second year had been even worse than her first. She knew she should see Miss Maria, but how could she go and see Miss Maria when she couldn't tell her what was happening? Luxen had threatened her, she couldn't just tell someone that, how was she supposed to believe that they would believe her anyway? No one ever did before and she thought this would be different, but it wasn't. She almost wished she hadn't walked into he student lounge now, but, what could she do? She definitely needed to be around people but, how could she be? With people she didn't trust? No, no it was best she stay somewhere in a corner where no one could find her. She turned right back around and headed out of the student lounge, because she needed to be somewhere with absolutely no people. That was what she needed, a nice little place she could be on her own. The support group definitely wasn't for her then, she just needed to stay away and do some cooking or something, yes, that was the smart thing. And so, Mary Lou headed down to the kitchens, because that was her safe haven. The kitchens was where she could forget everything and just... let herself drift away. It was smart, safe. That was what she needed. However, as she'd headed down to the kitchens, she'd walked right past a younger boy who was very probably a first year, because he definitely wasn't one of the second year boys, she knew all of them, though she supposed he could be a transfer? No, that probably wasn't true. "Come on," she said quietly, gesturing the boy to follow her. She could definitely do with an assistant.​
Marc was startled by a girl who gestured to follow her. He didn't know her, and he should probably just leave and come back next time, but she looked so sad. He didn't like people being sad even if he didn't know them. It didn't matter if the reason wasn't serious, the girl was sad about it and he would be damned to hell if he didn't help her. So he followed her into the kitchens, hoping that he wasn't putting himself into trouble.
I am so sorry about this
Mary Lou didn't say much as she moved around the kitchen grabbing the things she needed to bake her cookies with. She wasn't entirely sure why she'd grabbed the random first year, but she just wanted some company and he'd been right there. She gestured to him to grab the big mixing bowl beside him and to bring it over to her as she poured some flour onto the counter. She needed to make sure the surface was caked enough that it wouldn't cause problems for her later. "Have you ever baked anything before?" She asked, him, not looking up from where she was spreading the flour out.​

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