Open Bad weather drawings

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
It was winter and the weather was horrible. even Ivy who loved being outside had decided not to face the cold and wetness that was the day. even at the least it would make her hair get so frizzy, it would take an age to get the brush through it, and she hated when her socks got all soggy and cold. She had tired of being in the common room. there was only so much study you could do. and so many games of exploding snap you could play before someone, usually a fifth or seventh year told you to be quiet. She had wandered down to the arts clubroom. she knew she wasn't a member of the club but it was somewhere where her brothers and sister had spent a lot of their time. and she liked the feeling of being with them. besides she wanted to work on her drawings before she went home. so that she could show cas.
She found a spot on the sofa and curled up starting to add some detail of the picture she was working on. she was not a natural at drawing but she just needed to practice some more.
Hazel had finally finished studying for her exams and now she decided she deserved to do something fun. She had been on a jewelry making kick lately, especially bracelets. She headed to the arts room, it had the best supplies and was usually pretty quiet. She hummed ot herself as she walked in, thinking of bead patterns she could use for her new bracelets. She didn't notice another girl was already in the room until she was already inside, she stopped. "Oh! Hi, do you mind if I join?" She asked. She hadn't seen the girl before, but she tended to like anyone with an artistic streak.
Ivy didnt know if she was doing it right. she was trying to draw the farmhouse back in Australia. but she couldn't remember the proportions or if the front window had two pannels or three. she should have brought the photo she had of her birthday last year of her and all her siblings out except tara out the front as her guide.
She looked up from her picture as she heard the door open and she saw an older student approach. well she was fairly sure she was older as she knew she want a first year and there wasn't anything younger she could be. she gestured to the wider room "Of course, its a club room" she said its wasn't like when needed her permission to join just like she didn't need permission to be there.
Hazel looked at the younger girl as she spoke, smiling slightly. She was right, but it didn't really answer her question. Hazel shrugged, pushing her hair off her shoulders. "I know it's a club room, but that doesn't mean it can't bother you, like if you're doing like... secret stuff," she said, gesturing to the girl's drawing.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry i totally forgot about this thread

ivy shook her head as the older girl said that even though it was a club room having her in there could bother her. "no, im just ppracticing my drawings. nothing secret about it." she said. "the real secret is im not even a member of the club. i just like the rooms" she added.

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