Bad News

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Katalina Harker

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Okay....So I've got good news and I've got bad news
I've heard it's always better to start with the good news first so here it is: I'll have a good bit more time for HNZ :oy:
And now here's the bad news: I didn't pass my maternity component of my nursing course. :( =((

Sorry, I'm trying to keep my spirits up so I thought I'd start with a joke. :ph43r:

But yes unfortunately I didn't pass. Passing grade is a final average was a 77.64 I was so close, just not close enough. :( My heart is utterly broken right now, but that feeling will pass in time. I do have a plan though. I go in the morning to submit my readmission application so that I will be able to start back into the program in August of 2009. This pushes my graduation date back a year, which sucks, but I'm not going to give up. I've come too far and worked my butt off too hard for the last 4 years to give up now. This is just a little bump in the road like we all have in life, but I'll get everything back on track in due time.

I want to thank you all for the words of encouragement, prayers and offered help over the last few weeks. You guys truly are a God sent blessing for me. HNZ has been my stress relief for the last 10 months. You guys are the best! :wub:
I am so sorry for u.I hope you do great next year and apss with flying results.Nurses are great and being one surely is a good work to do.You will be in my prayers. :D
Oh Kat, I am so sorry to hear that! We all know how hard you've been studying and how hard you work at your schooling. You're a wonderful, smart and talented person and I love that you're not giving up and going the distance. Honestly I don't think that 'giving up' is in your vocabulary. :D

You >XO< .
I am going to protest this. How dare they not pass you?
Awwww, Kat, I'm so sorry! :hug: You totally deserved to pass it, you were studying so hard and it's horrible when you just miss out by the tiniest bit. But at least you're not despairing. You are awesome and I admire the fact that you're keeping on keeping on. And you'll be Nurse Kat before we know it. :p
Think on the bright side, you'll be even better at the course next yeaer since you'll have already done it all =P
I'm so sorry, you really deserved to pass. Evil nursing board. lol! But stay happy, you worked your socks off and were so close, so there is no chance you'll fail this time around.

Stay positive!
Good Luck!
Aw, Kat, that must've been hard when you found out. And after all that hard work too. But agreeing with Lemi here, you'll be even better at it now that you know what's coming.

Just so's you know, HNZ is always here for you.
Feel free to PM me if you wanna talk.
OMG, that totally sucks! I'm so sorry. If you need to talk just PM me. But on a good note, you get to have another stint at the babies!

Aw sorry about that Kat,
how dare they not pass you?
*gives silly people evils* :hug:
OH my dear friend, :console:
I saw this and was heartbroken for you. The effort you've been putting in and to get just below. I know you have the stuff to repeat and continue stronger and better than before. Maternity is obviously your calling and I know you'll make a wondeful mid-wife someday. Keep with it and keep at it.

Chin up my friend,
miss you. :hug:

Linda ;)
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