bad news

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Alexis Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caley was bored again so decided that she would go for a short walk,see if anyone was around that she could talk to.She had been wandering around the harbour stopping and looking in shop windows as and when she saw something she liked.a few shops went by when she came to one that had something in the window that had intrigued her on what it was. she stopped and examined it for a while.
Steve walked down the path when he saw someone he was relieved to see. He walked up to Caley and wrapped his arms around her. "Oh Merlin. I'm so glad to see you Caley." It had only been the night before that he had watched his cousins die and it had shaken him. He didn't realise he would find it so hard to see someone die.
caley jumped as she felt the arms go around her but looked up quickly to realise that it was steve,she giggled.`oh really well im glad that your glad to see me.`she said `how are you .`she said hugging him tightly and pressing her head in towards his neck leaning on his shoulder.`ive missed you`she said quietly,so she didnt deafen him as she was right my his ear.
Steve shook his head. "Not good." Steve held Caley close to him. He was getting worried. He was losong too many people who were close to him. First his dad dies, then his brother-and best friend-moves back to England and then he watches his cousins-and other two best friends-die while he did nothing. Steve felt he couldn't hold Caley close enough.
`whats wrong`she asked reaching up and playing with his hair. caley felt his grip become tighter and hugged him back,what ever the problem was it must of been something big.`do you want to come back to mine, we can talk for a bit`she said softly.taking his hand and starting to slowly walk towards her house.she kept looking him in the eye and she could tell that what he was going to say wasnt going to be easy for him.
Steve nodded. It was better than standing in the middle of the street like a ghoul. He walked with her to her house, staying silent the whole time. He didn't know what to talk about. His cousins were the only thing on his mind and he couldn't get the image out of his mind.
when they arived at the house she let them in and led steve to the sofa,she wondered why she was generally picking up the pieces.`what happened whilst i havent been here??`she asked.`im just going to try to help but you dont have to tell me if you dont want to.`she said comfortingly.`sometimes its best to say what s on your mind``she said hugging him tightly.
Steve sat down. He was going to tell Caley anything she wanted. She was like family to him. He loved her so much. He wouldn't have the heart to hide anything from her. "Last night, I watched Paul and Jasper die." His voice went rugged on the last word. He still couldn't believe what had happened.
caley was shocked when she heard the last word of the sentence her mouth opened wide.`im so sorry `she said burrying her face into him.`im sorry that it happened im sorry that you had to witness it`she said hugging him.shee was truly shocked whow could it of happened.
Steve kissed the top of her head and kept his arms around her. He didn't want to let her go. He'd never forgive himself if she had been with Paul and Jasper or even if she had been with him. "Mum's losing it." Steve's body was shaking slightly but he kept it under control. "Nick's moved back to England to live independantly, Ana's turned psycho ad has run away, Woody's got with the wrong girls and moved out, Lily and Jerry keep getting beat up by Shaylah and now this."
Caley kept her arms around steve she knew it would be tough for him,as she heard him explain about all his problems. `hey,calm down, everything will sort its self out,you will be ok,we will be ok.`she reasured him.`what do you mean about woody?i dont think ive met him`she said.`why would shaylah beet up the twins?`she didnt understand,but she would do all she could to despite not knowing.
Steve felt weirdly comforted by what Caley said. "A few weeks ago, Woody brought Maya-his girlfriend-into the house and introduced her to mum and the two of them didn't get along. The next week, he brought his friend-Rosie-into the house and they were a bit drunk at the time. Mum and Rosie got in an argument and Woody left the house with Rosie. He hasn't lived there since." He shrugged. "And Shaylah's on the other side of the feud. Mum had a massive go at Shaylah's mum for a load of different reasons and then Tracy sent a letter to Sydney who then spread it to Shaylah so Shaylah's been beating up Lily and Jerry to get revenge for what mum did."
`ok i get you`she said keeping her arms locked around him.`so basically woody was with maya then got drunk and brought home rosie and got in an argument,so then left.`she asked. `the is everyone in a huge arguement then?`she asked.
"Yeah basically." Steve shrugged slightly. "And yeah. It's our family against the Rouges. They're scum who don't deserve to live on the planet." Steve felt so much rage for that family. They put so much unwanted stress on the family. Like life wasn't hell enough. And he hated how heartless they all were. He knew how many people ended up in hospital because of those girls.
`hey forget about it,izzys had a few incounters with shaylah and her little friends.`she said.caley thought for a while, she wasnt sure what to say, so stuck to something simple`everything will be ok,ok?`she said`and anyway at least we still have each other,you know what you said about you being there to whitness them die? i would have died my self if they had taken your life too.`she said
Steve stroked the side of her face with his hand. "Don't say things like that. You're the most special person I know." Throughout everything that had happened, Caley seemed to be the only one who had kept a straight head about everything. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
`exactly,its the same to me which is why if you had gone aswell as them i would have died, i wouldnt of been able to live again.`caley caught his had and held it tightly.`i may be specail to you but it doesnt mean im special to everyone.`i wouldnt be able to live without you,i wouldnt trust myself to do keep me going,being able to see you helps me.`she said `you are my life.`she wisspered `and i love you so much`
As Caley moved her mouth away from Steve's ear, Steve leant forward and caught her lips with his. He was so grateful for Caley being there. She had no idea how much she was helping him. "I love you too." Steve still couldn't believe how he had been so lucky to be with a girl as amazing as Caley. He just didn't feel like he deserved her.
caley giggled to herself as steve caught her lips with his.she held it there for for what felt like seconds but was much much more. she knew how steve might be feeling and wanted to get his mind off of everything.she wrapped her arms tighter around steve kissing him whilst she did so.`you know what im going to say...i love you more`she whisspred
"Oh, we're going to be doing it this way are we??" He laughed before grabbing Caley and lifting her off the sofa so he was spinning her round the living room. "You know I'll win." He grinned up at her cheekily
`yes we most certainly are.`she giggled`i dont think you will , it will take ages though for any of us to win because im not giving up.`she giggled. caley caught the grin but did nothing she just continued as she was.`i love you more`she said quietly.
Steve collapsed back onto the sofa so that Caley was now sitting on his lap. "I'm not going to argue with you but I will be thinking these things." He laughed leant his head back on the sofa to look up at her.
caley laughed as steve colapsed on the sofa.`im not going to argue either but i will insist that i love you so much more than you could imagine`she said dropping her head to lean on him.`are you really ready to give up on that??`she asked him just to make sure before she threw love and attention at him from all directions.
Steve leant his head down and kissed her. "Does that answer your question??" He grinned cheekily again and ran his finger down the outline of her face. She was soo beautiful and yet he was so ugly. "I will never give up on out love."

((Before you say anything, that is the first and last time I will ever call Bradley James ugly :wub: ))
caley rested her head on steves chest`no not quite.`she said.caley giggled as he ran his finger around her face.she gigglied as he said that he would never give up.she lifted her self off of him and stood up taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen,she was getting a bit thirsty`do you want a drink?`she sasked and opened the fridge for him to see what they had.once she had got herself a drink she led steve upstairs.
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