
Osiris Valin

Well-Known Member
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Osiris had finally found his way back to the Great Hall for breakfast, at least now he knew how to get there. He noticed that not many first years were up yet, so he sat by some of the older kids at the end of the Gryffindor table.
He hadn't had a decent breakfast since that one morning in a Wellington diner with Lexi.
He noticed a plate of bacon right in front of him, it was calling his name; he helped himself to a couple pieces and some sausages and eggs. It was delicious, he began wolfing down the bacon when he thought he heard a familiar voice call his name...
Lexi had made her way to the Great Hall, hungry for some breakfast. Once she arrived she was happy to have spotted Osiris sitting at the end of the Gryffindow table.
"Osiris!" she called in a happy tone before making her way over to him. Once she arrived, she sat down and looked at the food in front of her.
She answered her stomach's growling by grabbing a piece of bacon and happily eating it. She swallowed what was in her mouth. "So how's your day so far?" she asked Osiris.
Osiris turned around to see where the voice was coming from, he was happy to see it was Lexi. He smiled at her as she sat down and helped herself to some bacon.
"I'm not sure yet, just got up so we'll see how it goes; though I'm not sure anything could ruin my first day at Hogwarts!" he joked, he had learned a long time ago to expect the unexpected...
He took a sip of pumpkin juice and asked, "Sleep ok?"
Lexi nodded and helped herself to a few sausage links and eggs before replying. "Yeah, I slept great actually. How about you?"
Osiris pointed to his baggy eyes, "Not so great, Nyctea came to knock on the window halfway through the night...she didn't want to sleep with the other owls in the Owlery so I put her in her cage." He closed his eyes sleepily, remembering how much she had hooted during the night, he had barely slept at all.
"Well, I sent her back to the Owlery this morning, hopefully she'll stay there this time..."
Lexi giggled. She knew how much Nyctea loved being around her owner. "Well, I let Ares sleep in his cage last night; luckily for me he didn't make a peep. I sent him to the Owlery this morning, so maybe if Nyctea can find him, she'll feel a bit better about staying there; as will Ares. They are already starting to become great friends." Lexi grinned before taking few bites of eggs.
"It would," replied Osiris, he finished up his placed and reached into his bag, but he couldn't find his timetable...
"What's our first class again?" he asked.
Lexi had finished her plate of food and pushed it a bit in front of her. "Our first class is Potions... with Slytherin." She didn't really enjoy saying the last bit. From what she had hear, Slytherin students were cruel and only cared about those they thought were worthy.
When he heard "Slytherin", Osiris thought sarcastically, What a great way to start the year!
His parents had both been in Slytherin and he was the exact opposite of them.
"Maybe they'll be different than the previous years..." he said, not believing a word of it.
"I highly doubt it." Lexi rolled her eyes. "So, on a higher note, let's talk about something else... You wanna go do something?"
"You mean besides eat bacon?!" Osiris said, pretending to be surprised, "Ya sure, how bout the Great Lawn, I haven't been on the grounds yet and I can't wait to start exploring..."
"Sure, that sounds great." Lexi smiled. She stood up and grabbed Osiris's hand, dragging him out of the Great Hall.

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