Back to Scotland I go.

Caysi Romance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caysi (Main Account)
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Landing in front of her house, she waited to for Alex to land as well. She picked up all her trunks and made her way to the front door.

" What do you think of it?" She asked Alex, Caysi still couldn't believe that this was the house that she had grown up in, her father kept it all these years. Caysi was happy that it was her father only home and no one else, she didn't feel like being attacked by her brothers and sisters for information. " Ready to go inside?" She asked Alex.
Alex had not enjoyed the ride over here to be honest. His legs were sore from flying on the broom that long and he could swear his hair was a right windswept mess. But never the less, he would spend his holidays living in his friends house and for that, he was happy enough.
To be honest, he hadn't really been paying attention to where they were going but he landed right behind Caysi, and quickly disillusion his broom. Picking up his trunk he looked at the house in wonder. 'Woah. You're joking me? Maryhill? But I thought you said we were going to Ireland, not Glasgow.' he announced. He couldn't believe she had a house in the best part of Glasgow almost. They were like mansions. Not too mention some of the preppiest people lived here as well.
A broad grin was present on his face before he winked at Caysi. 'You bet I am. I bet you're living room 'll be bigger than my house,' he joked with her, though he wouldn't be surprised if her living room was the size of half of his house.
Caysi nodded. " My father is the only one that's going to be home, maybe my youngest sister from time to time but she lives with my brother so that would mean that he would have to come." Caysi was confused, but she did that all the time and many people that knew her would say that it's one of her hobbies. She opened the door and let Alex and herself in. " I'm home.." She said softly. But she didn't think that she would get a response. " I'm home!" She nearly screamed, although she could hear some ruffling in the kitchen. " Well sorry about yelling, do you think that my father would remember you?" Caysi asked, considering that her father remembered all her friends and including their parents, her father was on social butterfly as they would call him. " That's the living room." She said happily, making her way towards the kitchen, " Just leave your stuff at the front, we'll go back to it later." She said.

Alex smiled as he followed Caysi easily. He laughed as she confused herself, though he hadn't really been listening much. No one had to know that little fact though. It was just his habit of zoning out on people getting the better of him.
As Caysi stepped through he had not been expecting her to scream her head off. He jumped slightly, before laughing as he heard a clang from the kitchen the same as him. 'Me? Have I met your father?' he asked, not remembering at all if he had. But the guy probably wouldn't remember either, thankfully.
'Yep,' he agreed, resting his trunk against the floor and peering into the lounge. Well, he was right. It was 2/3 his old house: his studio flat.
Seamus was just finishing on his work when he heard his daughter scream. " Merlins Beard, must she yell?" He asked himself. He shook his head and returned to finishing his work, he only had a bit left to do. After finishing the work he decided that it would be best to go see his daughter before she screamed for someone again.

" Caysi, must you yell all the time?" He jokingly asked his daughter. " But it is great to have you back home, seeing that I'm alone and nice and quiet here." He emphasized the quiet part. " Well hello there." He extended his hand to the young boy, Caysi seemed to bring a friend home. " I'm Seamus Finnigan, and you are?" He asked smiling.

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