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Professor Emmaline Hopkins

Potions Professor, Fashionista, Studious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
10 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Emmaline was thrilled to be back at school. She loved being here and definitely had missed her friends while she was gone. Although it was nice to enjoy a little break, free of classes and stress (other than the stress her mother always decided to fill her with). It was also nice to spend some time with River. The two girls rarely saw each other at school, which had for a while put a little strain on their relationship. However, over the break, alone with each other's company, River and Emmaline had seemed to come to terms with what had been bothering the two of them. It was a relief that Emmaline could feel was lifted off of her shoulders. The young Gryffindor had a smile on her face as she thought about how nice the break was, but how much better it was to be back on the Great Hall. She had spent the break cooking most of the meals, since her mother had worked way too many double shifts. Although she had grown so sick of macaroni and cheese as well as other easy frozen meals. She was glad to be back to some 'real' food that was so deliciously made by the Hogwarts house elves.

Emmaline sat at the Gryffindor table, her plate a little too full with lunch items. There was barely any room for a single thing left. She spent a few minutes digging into the food. She took a large bit of her sandwich, holding it in her hand as she flipped the pages of her Divination textbook beside her. Emmaline was taking a lot of new electives this semester. Most of them were the ones she was most excited about in the first place She wanted to get a head start on reading the chapters. Between reading a few pages, Emmaline took another bite of her sandwich, drifting into her own little world as the sounds around the Great Hall fell away. She once again felt like she was back where she belonged.

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