Back for other reasons

Alexis Grey

OOC First Name
Alexis or Joyce
Hey ya'll

I'm back ... And staying for good (and promise won't cause any trouble anymore). Everyone knows me as Joyce, quit HNZ since ... I don't know, months maybe. I went back because 1.) I miss the people and 2.)I need to get back on my 3rd person writing (reading books on a 1st person wipe out all the things I learned from this site). I'm on a new character because, well, too many bad memories o my previous characters.

Anyways, I'm glad I'm back and will participate more on the things around the site. Though, I might start school, online possibly but will make time here 5 hours a day.

I missed the good people here in HNZ, that means all of you, of course. P.S: I'll try not to be dramatic this time around.

See ya'll around
Welcome back Joyce :)

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