Back At It Again

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Byron Hunter

New Member
OOC First Name
First of all, hello everybody! Most of you won't know me in the least, but I have been familiar with HNZ for a good number of years. I originally was on Hogwarts Scotland (anyone remember HS?), before that board merged with this one. I had a student that I continued to play out a bit and tried out a couple of other characters here but nothing ever stuck. I've been wanting to get back into things here for a bit and now I've caught you at a new sorting. :D So here I am with my new character, Byron.

Byron is a first year Slytherin. He grew up in a strange household environment. His father works with the ministry in a job that consumes most of his time. This has not necessarily caused a bad relationship between Byron and his father, though it has affected the young boy. He looks up to his father, whose workload seems to be continually increasing. He has seen his father become more and more occupied with work, becoming no more than a slave to the ministry. This has hurt his son in a big way. Byron has vowed to not let such a thing happen to him, to be no kind of slave. He resolved to take his future completely into his own hands.

Byron likes to be in control of every aspect of his life, and gets very uncomfortable when he isn't. This has led to a bit of an anger and a need for power. He enjoys Quidditch, dueling, and other hobbies where he can feel empowered and tough. However, he is quite adventurous and loves to make friends. He will try to use some people, sometimes without even noticing it himself, but he is very loyal to friends.

So that's just a little bit about Byron. I'm looking for any and all kind of RP's! Whether a one time thing, making friends, enemies, whatever. So just let me know if you're interested.
I definitely remember Hogwarts Scotland! What characters did you try out here? Anyways, welcome back!!

I have a first year in Ravenclaw, Gabriel Black. His family is very unusual since Raziel (his father) is an auror and Jacqueline (his mother) is a Professor but also a leader of the Scits. I don't know that he was given tons of attention growing up. He has three half siblings but none of them ever lived with him so he's more of an only child. Gabriel is ambitious, witty, driven, daring, intelligent, stubborn, maybe a little on the quiet side. He is careful to keep his emotions in check. He doesn't show fear or pain as those are signs of weaknesses and neither one of his parents will tolerate that. He loves Quidditch. He loves his family. Dark hair. Blue eyes. (Nicholas Hoult is his pb). He could really be a friend or an enemy. Up to you!
I had Blake Hunter back on Hogwarts Scotland and tried him out a few times here..

Sounds like to me they could become good friends!
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