Back Again

Maria Granger

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Maria had been away from Hogwarts for a while now by was glad to finally be back for her second year. As soon as she arrived to the school, she immediately wanted to go by the lake. Maria sat at the edge of the water and the thoughts from her previous year came flooding back. There were good and bad memories but she wanted her second year to open new doors for her in terms of goals and relationships.
Sam was bored so decided she would take a walk outside in the fresh air and relax a bit. She ended up wandering down by the lake having had no initial direction to her walk. As she walked by the side of the lake a girl came into view in the distance sitting at the edge of the lake. As she approached her she decided to introduce herself having not made friends in her first year due to a long absense she hoped to change it this year perhaps starting here. A few feet from where the girl sat she stopped and spoke "Hey I'm Sam I don't think we've met."
Maria heard someone behind her. She turned and saw a girl standing there who looked about her age. ' Hi, my name is Maria. Its nice to meet you.' Maria replied with a smile. This girl seemed new or maybe Maria never noticed her before by either way she liked the company.
After receiving a friendly reply from Maria Sam sat beside her with a smile. "So what brings you down to the lake?" She asked not wanting to seem nosy but not wanting an awkward silence to fall between them already.
Maria looked at Sam and replied, ' I just arrived at hogwarts few hours ago and this is my favorite place in the whole school so I just wanted to sit here. Alot happened for me last year and for some reason it always brought me here.' She didn't mean to sound corny but it was true, every incident always started or ended by the lake or somehow links to it. ' What brings you here Sam?' Maria asked.
Sam listened to her reply and couldn't help be curious about what had happened to her the previous year. "Boredom," she said with a small laugh "I had nothing better to do and just ended up here no real reason behind it. Are you glad to be back?" She couldn't think why anyone wouldn't be happy to be back she loved the school but it was all she could think to say.
' Oh ya don't get me wrong I'm very happy to b back.' Maria replied. ' What house are you in?' Maria asked Sam. Not that it mattered what house she was in but Maria wanted something to talk about with Sam
Sam hadn't even thought to talk about school and felt stupid as she had to pause to think about the answer. "Eh...Ravenclaw," she smiled hoping her hesitation was shorter than it had felt. "What about you? And what year are you in?"

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