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Melanie Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Well hello my fellow HNZers!


This here is Melanie. She is a home schooled girl who is spoilt rotten by her adoptive father Ryan Porter (You may know him as the heartless death eater/quidditch player). She is high and mighty and acts as a pure blood should act, though she isn't one. She is a nice girl to the people who are worthy of it but she can be terrifying and nasty to the people she hates.

As she is home schooled, she doesn't know many people. I want to get her out and about! The only things she has is her adoptive family and one friend who is in school. She needs everything and anything you can provide, even a boyfriend if you have one. The only thing I ask is that you be able to do a decent post. I don't mind one paragraph as long as it has at least four lines or two paragraphs with three lines.

Loves and huggles to all who reply

I can offer you Hayley Huberta or her younger sister, Heather Huberta. She's very much like Hayley but worse.
Hayley is more like a quiet type and look down on other people by ignoring them and act as if they don't exist. Or probably insult them and attack them verbally.

Heather, she's a brat who gets jealous easily and is more arrogant than Hayley. Hayley can hide her feeling when she's feeling jealous but not Heather. She hates muggleborns from the deepest part of her heart, but Hayley, she pretend to hate them in order to be respected by her father.

So maybe... Friends??
They both sound good to me. It's up to you which one would be best suited for her, or both if you want. I prefer the sound of Hayley though.
Hey Summer. :hug:

Well, I can offer you Aaron as Melanie's boyfriend? I remember when Hamza (or was it Xavier?) RPed with Melanie. Boy was it interesting. xD Aaron is a pretty out going kid, a little shy, and is Part-Veela. Once he opens up, you'd be surprised as to what he's willing to do. :p
No problem. ^_^
arryt then ...

D'u wanna start / d'u want me to start?

We'll have to wait till Brightstone Weekend.. xD
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