Bachelors come and meet the girl of your Dreams!

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Zaria Love

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10" Cherry wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
I have finally done it everyone, I have created my first real witch character (Elizabeth does not count she will have little to no story outside of hogwarts).

I am going to be arranging some of other characters and doing such should open up a lot of room and as most of my characters are developing nicely and I am no longer overwhelmed I have decided to create a first for me to explore.

Zaria Love

Name: Zaria Love
Age: 25
Occupation: Hieress

Zaria is the next in the family line to become the Sole owner of the Love family diamond industry in france. The Love Diamond is a family owned diamond and fine jewerly supplier and has been one of the worlds top provider of quality jewerly. The Love family can trace there family bloodline back to there more royal roots, the love family descended from a duchess of france and as such the family is well know in europe and have had close relationship with a few monarchs in there time.

With such a rich and deep family background Zaria since birth has been bred to be a lady of class and elgance. Zaria was schooled in the art of being a lady taking numerous lessons in everything from foriegn langauges, the arts, as well as in business. Zaria is a skilled and talented witch as well and graduated from Beauxbaton with excellent marks.

She has recently been sent to New Zealand to set up a new branch of Love diamonds. How there has been a huge push for her to find a good man and settle down and marry. So with that said it comes down to what she needs.

Zaria needs a steady or a final, this process should be a drawn out process as she is not yet ready for marriage. Zaria is pure(virgin) and will maintain this state till she is married and so any lover should not expect any more affection besides the basic boyfriend and girlfriend kiss and snuggle. She also does not put up with cheaters or sleezebags so only the faithful men will get here attention. Money or social status does not matter, but she does deal with muggles on a day to day basis as well as have more muggles in here family than wizards so Death eaters be warned.

So are there any man brave enough to try and court Zaria?
I have Jesse Mcniel. I think that they would go together nicely. He's pretty shy and observant at the beggining, but he opens up quickly if you press the right buttons that is. He was educated at Hogwarts Scotland, being the oldest sibling of his family he has leadership skills and self discpline. He owns his own company as of a few months ago. It's a world wide law firm, that's kicking off to a tremendous start. Let me know what you think.
I forgot, I have Jesse a final already. I have another character, his name is Collin Thomas. Now this guy is an amazing guy. He knows how to treat a lady. He could take her around the world.. mostly because he is a pilot and owns his own plane. He was educated at UCLA so he has a pretty good education.
I looked up Collin and I see that he is 18 and if that is the case he is too young for Zaria lol
Oh no, he's older. I haven't updated that in a bit lol. He's 23 at the moment right now :p
Well I have Aran here, he's a little younger but they can also just be friends. After all I don't mind anything as long as it'll get me into some RPs with him. He's a bit of a jerk sometimes, but always means well. Really all he wants are people who care about him. And finally, he's an artist and really just wants to settle down and have a family at some point. ^_^
Caysi: I think with the age change we could deffiantly try them out!

Aran: I can rp being a freind with you as well, or I have a few male characters that could be your friend as well!
Caysi: So should I start or you?
Aran: I moved our convo to your thread.

Anymore takers!
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