Baby it's cold outside...

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Azolla Loncar

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
azolla loncar ,

this is azolla carolina loncar. yes, she's named after a plant, what of it? zolla
is an eleven year old girl who is going to be attending hogwarts new zealand
in the following 'year'. she doesn't care too much about what house she'll get
into because girly is generally apathetic anyway. the only thing that she really
cares about are animals, which is why she wants to work with magical creatures
when she graduates. she doesn't have any magical creatures herself because her
grandma didn't want to have to take care of them. however, she does have a pot-
bellied pig, a puppy and a cat. they aren't all that strange pets but that was the
only options she was able to choose from excluding a horse and she is kind of afraid
of them. basically, i need friends for her and maybe a few enemies but not lovers
because she has a final set and she is also way too young for that. also, i would
really love it if someone wanted to play her siblings, edelweiss loncar, who is sev-
enteen, a hogwarts slytherin (m), amaryllis loncar, sixteen, hogwarts slytherin (f),
larkspur loncar, fifteen, hogwarts ravenclaw (m), laelia loncar, fourteen, hogwarts
hufflepuff (f) and calla loncar, nine, too young for school (f).

pandora cohen ,

so this is panda. she is one of my newer characters and yes, i did base her off of
panda from skins just a bit. sue me, i love skins. so for those of you that don't
know anything about skins (le gasp) i'll summarize her character. panda is a nine-
teen years old and a healer-in-training at saint mungo's so if you happen to end
up in the hospital, she may or may not be helping the healer so she can learn. panda
is also a very sweet, innocent girl who really only wants to do good for people but
it tends to end up badly for her because she is so naive. but she also is willing to
learn more about the darker side of life that isn't all that innocent so i would like it
if maybe panda could get a friend, who is kind of like effy stonem and can teach
her the darker parts of life and all that good stuff. i'd also a lover for her
who is kind of like thomas tomone because i'm cliche.

sarima vasquez ,

so this is my first year slytherin who i have not used like at all. she's very dark
and kind of mean and very machiavellian so she probably won't get along very
well with other people so unless you have something to offer to her in the long
run, she won't pay much attention to you. this gives her a lot of enemies so
suggest plots for that, please. now, i would like people who might have some-
thing to offer her so she can consider them her comrads. i am not set on
a final because i don't think she would be one for romantic relationships
at all.

kalani alexandra ,

hey doesn't she look familiar?! well that's because kalani is a twin to riley alexandra.
the thing is, both kali and riley don't feel comfortable with going to the same school
only to be confused for one another all the time so kali attends beauxbatons. she is
in her sixth year and a prefect, making her a hopeful for head girl of the school but
kali doesn't seem to care one way or the other. she just keeps up good grades and
is really respectful of authority and makes sure that other people are as well. but at
the same time she is still a very goofy girl when she is out of class. it is hard not to
find her laughing with someone else because she is a people person. the only people
that i can imagine having a hard time with her would be people that like spotlight as
much as kali does because she really likes it. or y'know the people that think she is a
suck up. the thing about kali is that she doesn't care to much about what people
think of her, only that she and those she loves are happy. speaking of loves, she
has a final, so don't bother posting unless you are emzies. i would love her to have
some friends and maybe the slacker enemies?

i'm thinking these guys would be good friends, michael here has a little pet rat
named ransom who he takes with him everywhere, which renders him a liiiitle
bit of a loner, as rodents aren't everybody's thing. but that isn't the only reason
he doesn't have many friends, he is rather shy, though he would like to have
people to hang out with, he simply doesn't quite know how to socialize. he has
been a bit closed off lately, but i'm sure zolla could open him up, and they would
probably get on greeeaatt, i'm sure he would be a little jealous that she had so
many siblings too, because he's an only child. he is a ravenclaw firstie. also, if
you want i could take amaryllis for you, will she be a transfer in the next 'year'?
azolla & michael ,
well i don't know if you forgot or something, but we decided
that zolla and michael will be finals. but i agree, at first they
should be friends. also, that would be freaking awesome if
you took her! well she can if you want but originally i didn't
have a plan on it because azolla and calla are being adopted
by jacqueline black (nee burke) because their parents died
and they were taken in by their grandparents but their grand-
father died and now her grandmother has lost her mind, so
because azolla and calla are too young to take care of them-
selves they can't life with them. oh, btw, they are related to
the burkes/kingsleys. maybe she and azolla are close and she
doesn't want to leave her alone?

i'm thinking these guys would be good friends, michael here has a little pet rat
no, i didn't forget, just thought it would be better if they were friends first. do
you want to start a topic soon, or when azolla starts at hogwarts? and okays,
i might have her transfer, will have to ponder it, that idea sounds cute. do you
have any play by ideas/what she should look like?
I wouldn't mind playing Amaryllis Loncar? I can request for her to be transferred next year?
azolla & michael ,
oh okay, just checking. um how about when school starts? i'm
kind of in over my head with stuff right now. and maybe barbara
palvin or someone? i don't know, it's totally up to you.
amaryllis loncar ,
i'm sorry but britt has just snagged this character.
<SIZE size="50">Sarima&Jennifer

I know you mentioned how unlikely it would be
for anybody to get along with Sarima, BUT, Jennifer
has a clever way of laughing off crude comments,
making fun of herself and ending up getting along
pretty well in the end! She's also feisty and a tomboy,
so she's not a wimp and will stand up for herself.
She's brave, loves getting into trouble, and though
she's not a bully, she can be intimidating at times
becauseof her tomboyish ways, which is why I think
they could end up being friends, somehow!You can
read more about her bio (In sig). I'd love itif they c
ould get along!​
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