Closed Babies no more

Shanaos Zhefarovich III

Curse Breaker / Father of 4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Shanaos Zhefarovich the Third had been happily married for so many years to his equivalent to a high school sweetheart. They lived rather happily even if they sent their kids over to Ilvermorny for a while. Shane could hardly believe that their twin girls, their earliest, their firstborns. They would be graduating this year. Johan still had a couple of years to go, and their youngest, Liam had yet to start school, but they were considering sending him to Hogwarts New Zealand since their move not too long ago. Shane prepared the Christmas tree so that when the twins and Johan got home, they would see their home to be highly decorated. Shane manually put the star on the top as it decorated the ceilings with colorful lights. "Hilde, if you don't mind, lower me down slowly." The couple didn't have ladders, so the hovering charm worked out just as well. He was grateful that his wife was great at charms.​
Hilde Lindstrom loved her life. Not only was she married to the most amazing man that she fell in love with so many years ago. Shane came into her life back in school and never left. They married and now have a beautiful family that they have had the ability to move to various parts of the world. She was also in close touch with her sisters. The triplets had a love/hate relationship growing up that settled on the love side as adults. All three were happily married and had kids, but Hilde was the only one that kept the Lindstrom last name. Shane had agreed it was best to have the children keep the pureblooded name alive in the wizarding world.

With a flick of her wand, Hilde guided Shane to the floor next to the tree with ease. "Slow enough, darling?" she asked with a grin, knowing he had nothing but a smooth descent and landing. "The star looks perfect. Now we just need to have the kids home with us and the holidays can start."
Shane felt himself lowered to the floor, which he was glad that Hilde did not drop him on his arse. If he was being one, then he would not have blamed the former Slytherin. He nodded, "Yeah, though any slower and we would be celebrating new years instead." He teased her while approaching, giving her a swift kiss on the forehead. He looked toward the tree and with a clap of his hands, the lights came on. He waved his wand and a plethora of gifts floated in from various rooms to settle under the tree of all colors, shapes and sizes. "Should we trust the twins to get Johan back home though? I know they are getting ready to graduate, but last thing I want to do is to have to pick him up after they forgot him for the third time." First time was an accident, so he believed. The second time, Shane had a thought that maybe that wasn't an accident at all. At least Liam was going to go to Hilde's old school. After Johan and the twins made their legacies at Ilvermorny, he did not want to pull Johan out for that reason.​
Hilde smirked at the cheek of her husband. She could have set him to lower from the top of the tree at a pace that wild continue til tomorrow afternoon, but decided to play nice at the moment. With the kiss, she knew Shane was joking with her, but revenge would be hers later. Best when he least expects it to happen.

"Well, if they forget their brother this time, " Hilde started, "we can establish a semester of horror for the girls like none have ever seen. Random howlers, missing permission slips for off campus activities, clothing that was packed but somehow ended up left at home, you know, all the things that would drive those two crazy." Her eyes sparkled with mirth as she thought if new ways to torment her eldest children. It was so strange to think this was going to be their months in school. As she hung the stockings along their fireplace, a very muggle tradition, but one that Hilde somehow grew up with, she ran her hands over the stitches names on the fuzzy white top of each red sock. Alannah in green shimmery letters. Astrid in red. Johan in silver and finally Liam in gold. Hilde and Shane had their names in black, a matched pair to stay together forever like the couple. "How can it be that they are almost ready to graduate?" Hilde spoke softly, still not wanting to admit her girls were almost ready to be adults on their own.
Shane chuckled as his ever so loving wife mentioned what they could do to their children. Yes, that all sounded so evil. "We can only do that for the next six months though. Then we have to find other ways to embarrass the twins." Shane hated thinking of it like that, but he hoped that Johan could at least hold his own with the girls. He looked over the stockings that hung over the fireplace, with the letters in shimmering colors. "I rather not think about it. We were getting together around their age. I swear if they bring anyone home though..." Shane was a bit of a protective father, and he would never allow anyone less than perfect near his girls. He had a little more leniency with the boys, but his girls though.

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