Awwww man...

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Hamza Khalid

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hamza [Main]
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" with an Essence of Griffin Feather core
As the topic title say's, I'm actually very sick atm. :cry: :cry: Sore Throat, lots of coughing, headache, and my body shakes as well, so I need some time off from the computer. So my activity on HNZ will be low for the next 1-3 days. Hopefully the medicine that I take will work on me .. I say Hopefully because my body doesn't like medicine, it doesn't use it, my Immune system like to fix things for itself and it does heal rather quickly, which is why I said 1-3 days. I threw up driving my way back home today from Uni and I had to pull over for a little bit and I was feeling very dizzy. I'm feeling a little better right now, but no way near enough to be on the computer.

I :wub: y'all and I promise to be back VERY soon. :wub: :wub:
:hug: awww Hamza!!
see have my healer charrie on - talk about great timing xD

hope you feel better soon, we'll miss you tons and must plan out some rp time when you are feeling up to it ;)


I hope you feel better soon!
Drink lots of Orange juice, take lots of vitamin C and rest!!!

Take care,

An Updated for everyone. I'm feeling a lot better now, not fully recovered, but almost there. I'm feeling well enough that I can come back on HNZ now. :D
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