Awww your so cute

Faith Sparks

Active Member
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Faith walked around. She had been getting her school stuff and was now just relaxing. She was very happy and felt better to be out in the cool air. She flicked her hair as the wind blew past her. She enjoyed the feeling of it. She knew that she would miss this kind of thing when she went to hogwarts, she was so scared she diddnt even know anybody there. Faith sighed then sat down and watched other people walking past doing their own bits of shopping. She smiled once more
James was leaning on a wall smiling into the to cool breeze, he was watching the crowd walk past most seemed to be around school age he figured that they must be all shopping for school supplies like he had been, well for a whole five minutes, he had always hated shopping.
He was thinking about leaving and braving the shops again when he noticed a really pretty girl walking and flicking her hair in the wind, she was slightly younger than him and was looking worried about something, he help his breath and made his way over to where she was sat, with his heart in his mouth he cleared his throat "Is this seat taken?" he said quietly with a brief nod to the space next to her , he felt his cheeks start to burn, he could never talk to a girl without blushing like an idiot.
Faith lookde up and saw a slightly older boy. She smiled and nodded. " Well it is if you sit there." She giggled slightly. She was happy to be speaking to someone. " Im Faith." She smiled. She hoped that he was in Hogwarts because then she would no someone. She also liked the idea of having a cute boy to show her around
James smiled at the girls cute giggle, "James" he replied still quiet, thankful that his voice was coming across less shaky then he felt, "thats a really nice name" he commented once he had sat down nervously looking at his feet.

"so were you school sh-shopping?" he asked tripping over his words, he dared to look the girl in the eyes as he spoke, his cheeks had flushed a hot pink once again, he hated the fact he could never be around girls without messing up, or getting his butt kicked by one of them. He wasn't sure what to do with himself so he smiled and went back to studying his warn out shoes, so he didn't make a fool out of himself before she had chance reply.
Faith laughed. This boy looked and sounded really nervous. He was so sweet. She giggled at her trail line of thoughts so began to speak again. " Well i was to start off with but i soon gave that right up. What about you were you shopping or were you just walking around for the fun of it" He smiled again
He heard the girl giggle, it sounded friendly for some reason this made him feel more comfortable. He chuckled and finally made eye contact, "I was shopping... for like a whole five minutes, I can't stand shopping, i usually just blackmail my sister into shopping for me" he grinned happy that he had managed to form a sentence.

"So do you have any siblings?"

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