Awe Look, Kitties!

Flora Ayley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Flora and her family were spending a few days in New Zealand, mainly to visit her brother but also to check out Hogwarts New Zealand. Flora was actually being given the choice of what school she wanted to attend, of course Beauxbatons was out of the question because she couldn't speak French, and Drumstrang just seemed to dark for her liking. So her choice's were the original Hogwarts and Hogwarts New Zealand. Hogwarts Scotland seemed like the most logical choice, it was closer to her home in England and she knew people who would be attending. Hogwarts New Zealand however held an appeal for Flora that she couldn't really explain. First of all it would mean she would get to spend more time with her brother, and New Zealand was beautiful. Flora had managed to sneak a few minutes away from her parents as they had lunch at the leaky cauldron.

Obsidian Harbor was so interesting with so many interesting shops. Clothing stores, a broom and quidditch shop, an Ollivanders, and a pet shop! Flora ran over to the window of the pet store and squealed with delight watching the cute little kittens on display. They were the most precious creatures she had ever seen. Running around and jumping playing with each other. Flora pressed her hands up against one of the windows and a little brown kitten came up and tried to bat them away, "You are the most adorable thing I have ever seen!" Flora said smiling brightfully.
Dante walked along the streets of Obsidian, kind of a boring way to spend a day in his opinion. He hadn't found anything interesting out here, and all the people were boring. He had even taken a look around all of the shops to try and alleviate some of his boredom. Dante chuckled to himself, and sighed. He had no idea why he was even here, and now that he was, he wished he could just leave. Dante walked amongst the crowds, and looked at the displays of all of the shops. He didn't know if anybody here would actually talk to him or not, that was one of the reasons he hadn't bothered to talk to people. Some people were just too quick to judge, in his opinion.

Dante walked up to the Pet Shop, and looked at the girl looking through the window. She seemed to be captivated by the Kittens. Dante sighed. He couldn't see the fascination in pets, they all bored him eventually. He looked over at the girl, though, and smiled. "Hey there." He said, without even thinking about what he was doing. He didn't care though, what she thought of him. She could ignore him, and he wouldn't care. he just wanted to attempt to make friends with somebody. Dante shrugged, and looked back at the kittens. He still couldn't understand how people could be fascinated by them. Maybe they were all just simple minded?
Flora was considering going inside the store just to meet the kittens, what harm could it do? Her mommy and daddy had told her that she could get a pet when she started school. She still very much wanted an owl though, how else could she keep in touch with her parents? Flora would decide when the time came, for now she was to absorbed in the little balls of fur. She was about to enter the store when someone spoke to her. Flora whipped around with a nervous look on her face... She wasn't supposed to talk to strangers. The boy standing there looked around her age though... No one her age could really hurt her, especially in the middle of a crowded street. "Um hi," Flora said nervously looking down at her feet. What should she do? She didn't want to be rude, but she also didn't want to disobey her mommy and daddy.

Flora looked up again trying to gain some confidence. She would be meeting all new people at school, no mommy and daddy there to take care of her and tell her what and what not to do. This thought made Flora sad, what would she do without her friends? They had all cried for hours when Flora told them she would be going away to private school only to come back on holidays. Flora had grown up with Hannah and Zoe, what would she do without them? "I'm Flora, who are you?" Flora asked her thoughts coming back to the boy standing in front of her. This was no time to be thinking such sad thoughts.
Dante chuckled to himself, she seemed to be quite distracted by the pets, and he had no idea why. Dante could care less about them right now, but his opinion on them would probably change when he attended Hogwarts. He smiled when she turned around, and looked to be nervous, at first anyway. She seemed to not want to talk to him. Maybe she had grown up with people who told her not to talk to strangers. Dante had never really obeyed that rule. Because how else did you make friends, except by talking to complete strangers? That was his reason for disobeying his parents wishes, anyway. And he was sure as hell going to stick by it, he had been hit by them enough.

Dante rolled her eyes at her. "Hey." He said, chuckling. She definitely seemed too innocent to be any fun, but he wasn't one to judge on first looks. She could be a really fun person when it came down to it, but he would have to wait and see for that. He shrugged, and looked back at her. So she wanted to know who he was now, aye? He chuckled, and relented. "I'm Dante. Dante Summers. T'is nice to meet you, Flora." He said, smiling. He hadn't heard of anyone to be named Flora before, he quite liked the name, now that he had heard it though.
Flora blushed as Dante laughed, was he laughing at her? What had she done wrong? Was there something on her face? No she had just seen her reflection in the window, she looked fine. Maybe he was laughing for no reason? Whatever his laugh was about Flora decided it was best to ignore it. "Nice to meet you Dante" Flora replied in her usual quiet voice. So far so good... Merlin I hate meeting new people, I'm going to be a basket case at school she thought with a sigh. Flora decided to turn away from the boy, maybe then she would calm down a little. "Cure aren't they?" Flora asked looking at the kittens. Most boys probably thought kittens were stupid... That was a stupid question. "Sorry I'm so nervous, I'm not good with new people" Flora finally said. She figured she might as well give Dante an explanation if she was going to act like a crazy person.

Sorry its so short >.<
Dante blinked as she blushed. He had never known anybody to blush when somebody had laughed at them. He would love to know what was going through her mind. She seemed to be interested by little things, but she seemed like a good person to get to know. He thought she would be anyway. He didn't know how long they would last as friends, or even if they would be friends. But, this was as good a time as any to find out. Today was, anyway. He smiled, and looked over at the kittens. He really didn't see the whole fascination that some people could have with them. They were animals, what was they special about them? Sure they were cute, but what made them different from everything else.

Dante smiled strangely, and wondered if he should admit he actually thought they were a little bit cute. If she had asked him five minutes ago, he would have said that there was no way they were cute. He wondered why his mind was changing so fast. He shrugged the thoughts off, and wondered what was going on with her. "Ah, well that sure explains it." He said, before he could stop himself. He covered up the awkwardness that would have come from that with a chuckle. He really didn't want to have her question him on why he said that, though. "Yeah, the kittens are sort of cute." Dante said, smiling.

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