Avarice Reilly

Avarice Reilly

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Curly 12 1/2" Flexible Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
"Doubt thou the stars are fire...

Doubt that the sun doth move,"

Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt I love
<SIZE size="50"><SIZE size="50">

[name] Avarice Eva "Vanity" Reilly
[etymology] Avarice; excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain : greediness, cupidity.
Eva is a female given name, the Latinate counterpart of English Eve, derived from a Hebrew name meaning "life" or "living one." It can also mean full of Life or mother of life. It is the standard biblical form of Eve in many European languages.
Vanity; "excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit"
Reilly; Meaning of the Irish name Reilly. Listen and learn how to pronounce Reilly so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: Meaning courageous, valiant.A surname in Ireland that can be used as a given name.
[nicknames] Usually the use of her middle name Eva, or Evie
[alliance] to her husband and her family
[birthdate] 21st August 2010
[zodiac sign] Leo
[age] twenty-nine
[gender] female
[sexual orientation] straight
[dialects] English, French
[hometown] Nice, France
[residency] London, England
[vacation destination] Corisca
[heritage] French/Italian
[blood status] Unknown, Part-Veela
[blood type] B (+ve)
[siblings] Aphrodisia Cassie Vanity; Older sister living in Norway, Attended Beauxbatons
Penchant Bela Vanity; younger sister living in Dublin, Ireland, Attended Beauxbaton
[first wand] Curly 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
[occupation] Owner of a magical tea shop in London
[health status] Healthy; pregnant
[allergies] Rose water
[pet] None
If music be the food of love, play on
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting

[five words] Gracious, caring, determined, focused, loyal
[beliefs] Avarice was raised in a non-religious household, and she was raised with a fairly liberal father who trusted his children to do what they pleased without bringing too much shame to him, Avarice believes in family and she believes that family can come in every size and shape, she believes in the goodness of people, and she very firmly believes in escapism, just knowing that escapism through the arts are necessary to be happy.
[boggart] Losing either her child or her husband, Avarice has always worn her heart on her sleeve and she loves simply, she doesn't feel conflicted in her love, almost never, so losing her family would be horrible to her, she would find it so difficult because she'd never stop loving them.
[goals] Despite what she once thought, having achieved most of the goals that she wants in her life, Avarice really just wants a large family, she doesn't think she or Bruno will have a particularly large family but she wants one, and she's fairly certain that Bruno does too. Her goal right now in life is just to have children and raise them as well as she can with Bruno
[loyalties] She has no particular loyalties outside of her immediate family, they use to be towards her sisters and her father, but since getting married have shifted to her husband and her own family with him.
[magical talents] Particular good at transfiguration spells and at divination, but aside from that has no other magical talents.
[other talents] Avarice was once pretty good at football, which she used to play as a child, getting fairly good at it, but she hasn't played in a long while so isn't that great at it any more.
[patronus form] Gazelle
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun

[relationship status] Married, for two years, wed in 2037
[whom/when] To Bruno Reilly
[past relationships] Aside from a few flings at school and in the years which followed, Avarice's relationships rarely lasted more than 5 months and she'd definitely never think of them as anything of note. She was always very loving but there were always issues and Avarice being determined and strong willed knew that she shouldn't have to accept anything less than the best.
[first kiss] Her first kiss was in her fifth year at Beauxbatons, she was asked out on a date by a boy in her year and at the end of the date he kissed her. She enjoyed the kiss but the relationship itself was horrible.
[innocence] Avarice no longer has her innocence, she lost it when she was nineteen years old with a guy she'd been seeing for a couple of weeks. Her father had never placed much importance in it so she didn't either.
[past sexual partners] Avarice has had a number of previous sexual partners, she was always careful and she didn't just sleep around but mostly slept with the guys she was seeing at the time. She wasn't the kind of person who slept with someone on the first night, she liked to just give it a bit of time before she did.
[turn ons]
[turn offs]
[the perfect fe/male] Before meeting Bruno, her preferences weren't that clear, but now when she thinks of the perfect male all she sees is him, she just sees their relationship, what they have and she loves it, she loves him.
[the perfect date]
It is not enough to win a war
it is more important to organize the peace

[playby] Sarah Gadon
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] Alona Tal
[natural hair] Light blonde colour
[hair modifications] She has dyed her hair on many occasions but Avarice doesn't stray too far from her natural hair colour, she has never really seen the point in such a thing, since she does really like her natural hair colour
[eyes] Much like the rest of her family, Avarice has blue-green eyes.
[height] Avarice stands at 5" 8 which is a little taller than the average for woman, but her family were always relatively tall so it made sense for her to grow to such a height.
[weight] Avarice is of average weight for her height group, she eats well and takes care of herself and therefore is a healthy weight which she is also happy to be.
[complexion] She has a naturally pale complextion due to her parents but she tans very easily and goes fairly dark in the sun
[scars] No visible scars
[birthmark] No visible birthmarks
[smile] Avarice would describe herself as having a nice smile, it doesn't really take too much to make her smile
[body build] Avarice has a a slim build, her family had always been slim, even her father as he's grown older, they all eat well and she doesn't drink often at all.
[body modifications] She has pierced both her ears
[dominant hand] Right Handed
Words are easy, like the wind
Faithful friends are hard to find

[school] Beauxbatons
[hogwarts house] Not Applicable
[special titles and awards] None
[extracurricular activities] Quidditch, Chaser
[favorite subject] Potions
[best subject] Divination
[loathed subject] Charms
[worst subject] Defense Against the Dark Arts
[grade average] EE
[year of graduation] 2027
<COLOR color="black"><FONT font="georgia">My bounty is as boundless as the sea
My love as deep; the more I give to thee

Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from various works by Shakespeare
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye


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