Austin Needs Everything

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Austin Kirkland

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mimi c:


I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin

Austin doesn't exactly live a normal life. He's home schooled and lives in California, though has relatives in Italy and New Zealand. Also, he's a bit different in the sense that he's a singer as a living. He grew up with a natural talent for singing and always loved to perform in front of people. Now he juggles his public life along with his private. Because of this life, Austin can be cocky at times, but he always gets back down to his routes. The problem, though, is because of his fame, sometimes he is not trusting of people's motives if it comes to relationships or friendships. Also, he has future hopes of possibly working for the ministry. Because of this aspiration his studies are extremely important to him.

And I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in

He needs a couple of friends from before he started performing, only one or two, just to be confidants. For this I'm really thinking that a family friend would be ideal, you know, one of those friends that knows you better than you even know yourself. Also another friend 'in the business' would be cool.

If I could walk on water
If I could tell you what's next

Austin hates anyone spoiled or ungrateful, so a character like that would be ideal for an enemy. Although this isn't really high up on my priority list.

So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire in the swing of your hips

For a girlfriend, I'm very specific. For this I need a down to earth type of girl. That way she can really keep Austin in check and keep him level headed. In addition, maybe she's a little resentful of his choices for a career and other things like that. It would make for an interesting RP! Also, I need a spoiled sort of 'Princess' to try to tempt him a bit, maybe make the down to Earth girl a little jealous? I'm open for all sorts of ideas if you want to suggest anything.

'Cause everything works love
Everything works in your arms

Last thing! I need a music agent for Austin, maybe someone to act like a parent to him but also know when to reprimand him? Thankies. :)

lyrics; matt nathanson - come on get higher
credit; perfect_denial @ CAUTION
I have a few people for you..

Maximililan Jez. 16. Italian, lives in Rome. He designs clothing mostly for women like his sister. He cares alot about what people say but also cares for people. He will be attending Durmstrang as a 6th year.

Adalyn Jez. 14. Obviously Italian as well. She's very troubled and likes to be herself even though herself if found to be scary on the outside. On the inside she's breakable but she has many walls built up. She sings in a Rock Band and many people consider her to be older then she really is, which helps her in alot of situation.

Dyfan Venturino. 16. 6th year at Beaubatons School. He is nice to people who deserve it and is considered to be very wise. He can be one of those average friends type of person.

Alexa Venturino. 16. In a set of triplets with Dyfan. Homeschooled and tutored in teh dark arts. She would be the ideal person to hate as she doesn't have any realy feeling anymore unlike Adalyn.

Gwenneth-Adrie Linde. 15. German. Nice to everyone she meets, though she is starting to become more tough considering she is a Durmstrang student. She could easily fall into family friend if Austin's parents are magical as well. For her father works for Ministry in the International Magical Coraporation in Germany and spends his time traveling around the world for work.

If you need a Music Producer then contact Kathy Johnson. She was orginally mine but I made her for someone else. :)

Well for you I have the perfect girl, I have Amanda Finnigan. Not only is she down to earth, but she's super sweet and intellegent. At the moment she's in Durmstrang, and is an extrememly hard worker. Amanda can keep his head leveled but also show him a really good time :)
Oh jeez that's a lot of people, it took me a while to choose. :wub:

I think that Gwenneth would make a nice friend for Austin! And yes, his parents are magical so I think that them being family friends would work as well. Possibly Dyfan and Alexa as well. I would find it funny if one of the siblings hated him while the other was his friend.

And then I think that Amanda would be perfect! :) I think that from your description they could get along really well as a couple.
Sure :) Would you mind starting one though?
Hey there! I have here Solenn Erina Goldameir,
she's the heiress of 'The Goldameir Republic'.
Although she moved out of her parents place and decided to have new life for a while.
Just check her CD for more details, it's under the siggy.
Anyways, Solenn's family may be wealthy but she's not a spoiled girl.
I can be a friend or more. I'm open for any ideas of yours. ^_^
Hmm, maybe Solenn could meet Austin somewhere, then it develops from there?
Maybe she could even be a fan turned friend.
Austin Kirkland said:
Oh jeez that's a lot of people, it took me a while to choose. :wub:

I think that Gwenneth would make a nice friend for Austin! And yes, his parents are magical so I think that them being family friends would work as well. Possibly Dyfan and Alexa as well. I would find it funny if one of the siblings hated him while the other was his friend.

And then I think that Amanda would be perfect! :) I think that from your description they could get along really well as a couple.
Haha I know it took me awhile to think of them all I kept having to go back and check my list for students (though all but one are still students for me)

Gwen and Austin sound fine to me the first topic can even be over in his neck of the world if you want.

Dyf&Alexa&Austin. I know but things happen that way. Alexa actually can't stand her siblings anyways so she'd hate anyone who they liked just for spite.
Adalyn Jez said:
Haha I know it took me awhile to think of them all I kept having to go back and check my list for students (though all but one are still students for me)

Gwen and Austin sound fine to me the first topic can even be over in his neck of the world if you want.

Dyf&Alexa&Austin. I know but things happen that way. Alexa actually can't stand her siblings anyways so she'd hate anyone who they liked just for spite.

Sure! :) (for the Gwen and Austin thread.)

Dyf&Alexa&Austin. I'd love that, and it works perfectly. :)
I have three characters to offer, maybe they can be friends with your character :D

First one is Nathalie Blanchard, 5th year, beauxbatons student. She's a part-veela and is very unpredictable as she often changes persona depending on the person whom she is interacting with. She is really friendly though. :D

Another one is Hikari Izumi, a werewolf, 5th year, Durmstrang. She is known for her extremely demanding and aggressive attitude towards boys. She always attempts to reform them to live up to what she considers are acceptable standards of behavior, she's very blunt as well, not really aware of what the others would feel about what she was saying, but she's kind. :D

And lastly, Ansel Blanchard, he's just a newly created character but I'm planning to send him of to Durmstrang too. I don't have a CD for him yet and his character is not really developed, but I do have a general idea about what his personality would be like, he is generally, moody and silent, but he is considered more bearable than his brother. Most of the time though, he is cool, calm and collected. He may appear cold and ruthless, but he actually has a caring side.

Well For a friend I have Seth Makwa, he is down to earth with a love for nature and animals. He grew up in hawaii and is a surfer and as such he has that surfer boy laid back vibe about him he is a little older but I really dont think by much. If you want more info I can get you some more but if this is good than that makes it a little easier for me.

For a music agent I could offer Corvin Blackwood, he is in his late twenties andhas connections all over the place due to the fact that he is also a musician and a quidditch agent and so he knows all about keeping his clients in check and taken care of, he is super kind and a little on the goofy side and would treat you more like a little brother than a father figure.
@Ansel: I think that it would be cute if Austin and Ansel had a sort of big brother/little brother relationship, like Ansel would come to him for advice and things like that. But that's just an idea.

@Seth: Both of the characters sound like they could be great. As far as Corvin though, I think that would be exactly what Austin needs in an agent/big brother figure.
Austin Kirkland said:
@Ansel: I think that it would be cute if Austin and Ansel had a sort of big brother/little brother relationship, like Ansel would come to him for advice and things like that. But that's just an idea.

@Seth: Both of the characters sound like they could be great. As far as Corvin though, I think that would be exactly what Austin needs in an agent/big brother figure.
yeah, that would be really great! Since he is a cousin of Nathalie, he's a part-veela as well, and I'm actually planning to apply him as a werewolf, so figures that he will surely have a lot of problems that he will need some advice to. :D
Ansel Blanchard said:
yeah, that would be really great! Since he is a cousin of Nathalie, he's a part-veela as well, and I'm actually planning to apply him as a werewolf, so figures that he will surely have a lot of problems that he will need some advice to. :D

Great! :D Do you want to get these two in a thread?
Well, I have Maia her. She is is the process of being "discovered" She will be a singer, but will eventually branch off into acting. so if they could be friends-that would be good as they are kind of in the same business. All info is in her CD-siggie. ♥
Do you want to start one and I can start then other then?
@Maia: That would actually be great! She seems really cool

@Adalyn: Sure! Do you have a preference for which one you want to start?
Austin Kirkland said:
Ansel Blanchard said:
yeah, that would be really great! Since he is a cousin of Nathalie, he's a part-veela as well, and I'm actually planning to apply him as a werewolf, so figures that he will surely have a lot of problems that he will need some advice to. :D

Great! :D Do you want to get these two in a thread?
sure! so, would you like to start the topic or should I? :D
Austin Kirkland said:
@Maia: That would actually be great! She seems really cool

@Adalyn: Sure! Do you have a preference for which one you want to start?
Not really so you can pick if you want :D
Would you like me to start either of these if so which ones?

Also if you can tell me where in the World would Austin be @ that would help ifyou want me to start :p
Could you start it please? I've got some other characters-Jake Storm in patricular-who have kind of piled up-a lot of replies to do. :( sorry!
Ansel : Could you? ^_^

Gwen : Um... Hm. I'm always bad with decisions! :D

Corvin : Sure. And maybe one with Corvin and Austin? Anywhere is fine honestly. :p

Maia : It's no problem! I understand completely.
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