Austin Devearux

Austin Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
Knotted 14 1/2" Rigid Cherry Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Full Name:
Austin Yves Devearux
Birth Date:
November 19th, 2009
Current Age:
Eleven, going on twelve
Basic Appearance:
He has blonde hair. His eyes are a bright green, and seem darker when in the dark, or angry. Common from his father's bloodline.
Father: Prodan Zhefarovich
Mother: Dorothée Monique Devearux

Siblings, if any:
Aleyha Meghan Devearux
Pets, if any:
He has a pet husky.
His sister owns a green python.

Area of Residence:
Sunshine Coast, Australia
Blood status:

What would their Patronus be?
Most likely a wolf
What would their Boggart be?
Failing his classes
What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
Probably a wolf, since it is his favorite animal
What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
Receiving the Nobel Prize in Science, in the muggle world at least
What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
The day he finished the biggest book he had ever read.

Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal,

Surprise surprise, I got my letter to Hogwarts. Ha, I am so glad that I am the older brother. Aleyha will have to wait another year before she goes to Hogwarts. I am still curious on where my dad's locations are at. I hope to finally meet him. According to mom, he was a pleasant man, but not until he matured. I wonder if I am anything like him. I didn't receive the last name. Zhefarovich. That sounds awfully familiar, like I've heard it from elsewhere. Maybe I will meet fellow cousins in Hogwarts! Doubt it though. Dad's sister's daughters have either graduated or are attending Durmstrang. Iulia seems really nice. And quiet. I wonder where Aleyha got her mean and coldness from. All in all, maybe I ought to stop writing in this thing and go on to reading another fantastic novel.
Welcome to the site, Austin! I've got a few questions for you:

What house do you think your character is best suited for?

Which parent is magical, his mother or father? Or both?

What did Austin feel when he got accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand?

Is there a reason why Austin loves books so much?

Why does Austin want to receive the Nobel Prize? Does he have a special affinity for science?

That's what I can think of for now, but there may be more. :lol:
What house do you think your character is best suited for?
I believe I am best suited for Ravenclaw.
Which parent is magical, his mother or father? Or both?
My father is definitely magical, and he attended Durmstrang. My mother is also magical, she attended Beauxbatons and likes to "pretend" to be muggle. She finds them fascinating.
What did Austin feel when he got accepted to Hogwarts New Zealand?
I felt relieved and thankful. I have always wanted to learn more about the magical world.
Is there a reason why Austin loves books so much?
Not really, I just find them enjoyable to read, and they seem to be an escape to another world.
Why does Austin want to receive the Nobel Prize? Does he have a special affinity for science?
Why yes, I love science. And the Nobel Prize is the highest honor, in my opinion, one can receive. So, both put together is a dream come true!

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