At the side of lake...

Dawn Rain

Wind has blow softly. Make the young boy who was sitting at the side of lake feel better when he take a breath. He knew, lake is a good place to blow away some bad problem. This is the reason, why he choose to get there.

He sat. Take a look to the horizon in front of him. Blue sky and white clouds has become one. Make the people never bored to see it. Dawn change his looking direction. Next he was looking the surface of the lake. Very calm you know, almost no lifes that the like show up. Can he get a same behavior like the lake?

That's just a dream of course. Once again he mumbled to his self. He took a little stone, throwing it to the center of lake, and hoping that the bad feeling will go with that stone.
As Bridget sat by the lake wondering about what the school year would bring and who she would meet she heard someone approching she turnd to see another first year who she though she rembered his name to be dawn? but wasn't sure she decided to go over and talk to him who knew mabey theyd become frineds, she was lonely and he looked like he was to normal she dosn't just walts up to strangers and introuduce herself, yeah she may be EXTREMLEY out going but that dosn't mean she wasn't nevours meeting new people so she thought what the heck ill try something new who knows what'll happen. She walked over to the boy and sat down next to him and introuduced herself "Hi my names Bridget Black, your a first year arn't you?? she asked the boy.
Lake was shining. Quietly, make a different circumstances around him. He smile to the sky, still sat without speaking anymore.

"Hi my names Bridget Black, your a first year arn't you??"

Who said that? Dawn turn his head, smile to the girl who sat beside him. "Yeah, i'm Dawn Rain, Ravenclaw first year. And you? Not a Ravenclaw, eh?" He smile again to the Black. A new friend? Not bad, maybe.
"Nope proud Gryffindor," Bridget respond. "So what'd ya think a school so far?" she asked not really knowing what else to say. She sat down next to Dawn and smiled at him waiting for his respons, while she waited she looked over the lake at how calm it looked.

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