Astaroth Dante Zhefarovich

Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Unyielding Pine Wand with Doxy Wing Core
"All of us believe that this is not up to you...

the fact of the matter is that it's up to me..."

How can we fake this anymore (anymore)
I'll never take part in the growing population
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="#000">
[name] text
[etymology] text
[origin] text
[nicknames] text
[alliance] text
[birthdate] text
[age] text
[gender] text
[sexual orientation] text
[dialects] text
[hometown] text
[residency] text
[heritage] text
[blood status] text
[blood type] text
[main wand] text
[secondary wand] text
[occupation] text
[health status] text
[allergies] text
[pet] text
[title] text
[special that required approval] text
Turn our backs away, and choose to just ignore (choose to just ignore)
Or waste my time with further education
[five words] text
[personality] text
[beliefs] text
[boggart] text
[fears] text
[likes] text
[dislikes] text
[goals] text
[good habits] text
[bad habits] text
[strengths] text
[weaknesses] text
[loyalties] text
[magical talents] text
[other talents] text
[patronus form] text
[annoyances] text
(Some say) Some say it's ignorance
Forget what we know, it's just a big show
[chinese year] text
[zodiac sign] text
[fixed sign] text
[interpersonal sign] text
[planet] text
[element] text
[birthstone] text
It makes me feel some innocence
What they want to control
[martial status] text
[whom/when] text
[name and name] text
[past relationships] text
[innocence] text
[past sexual partners] text
[turn ons] text
[turn offs] text
[aphrodisiacs] text
[the perfect fe/male] text
[the perfect date] text
(Some say) It takes away a part of me but I won't let go
So jaded frustrated, it's all so complicated
[playby] text
[ages used] text
[former playby] text
[ages used] text
[natural hair] text
[hair modifications] text
[eyes] text
[height] text
[weight] text
[complexion] text
[scars] text
[birthmark] text
[smile] text
[body build] text
[body modifications] text
[dominant hand] text
[style] text
Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way
Fashion no passion surrounds me
[school] text
[hogwarts house] text
[special titles and awards] text
[extracurricular activities] text
[favorite subject] text
[best subject] text
[loathed subject] text
[worst subject] text
[favorite professor] text
[loathed professor] text
[grade average] Grade
[owl grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[newt grades]
Potions: Grade; Exam: Grade
Charms: Grade; Exam: Grade
History of Magic: Grade; Exam: Grade
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Grade; Exam: Grade
Transfiguration: Grade; Exam: Grade
Astronomy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Herbology: Grade; Exam: Grade
Muggle Studies: Grade; Exam: Grade
Arithmancy: Grade; Exam: Grade
Ancient Runes: Grade; Exam: Grade
Divination: Grade; Exam: Grade
Care of Magical Creatures: Grade; Exam: Grade

[graduated] text​
"When we all fall down, it will be too late...

why is there no reason we can't change..."

When we all fall down, who will take the blame, what will it take
All I know is I've heard this all before

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="1"]Spouse[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text

[relation] text
[born/death] --, ; --,
[blood status] text
[special] text
[heritage] text
[martial status] text
[occupation] text
[education] text
[titles] text
[playby] text
[roleplayer] text
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

Nothing could ever be this real (be this real)
Reality's a bore, you ask me to believe in something fake
<FONT font="times new roman"><COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50">[history]
"A life unsatisfied that I could never feel...

I could never feel..."

(Some say) This future's not so bright, some can't make the sacrifice
Well I can't bring myself to do what you want me to

People in RP: Title
People in RP: Title

(Some say) It's much more than just black and white and I won't follow
This is who we are and nothings gonna change

<COLOR color="#000"><SIZE size="50"><FONT font="times new roman">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Green - No Reason by Sum 41; Black - Thanks For Nothing by Sum 41
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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