As a thank-you.


Patricia agreed to Ruki's suggestion, the Three Broomsticks was always a good option when it came to eatting out in Brightstone. As Patricia made her way back to the village she forgot just how busy it was, such a change from the big open field she just left. Patricia laughed at her friend's comment, it was true, "I don't think people will take kindly to being kicked in the head." she said with a laugh, if we went up high enough... she thought as they approached their destination, but quickly putting it out of her head.

Pushing open the door to the Three Broomsticks Patricia glanced around for an empty table, this place was always so busy but fortunately there was a spare table. "Over here." she said, pulling Ruki over to the empty booth in the corner of the crowded pub. Sliding into the seat she let out a relaxed sigh, much enjoying the seating arrangements here than that of the broom. Picking up one of the menus she only glanced at it, she had been here often enough to know what she liked, "What are you having?" she asked her friend.
Rukevra broke out into a bout of laughter as Patricia responded to his words. Kicking people in the head was certainly one way to make them move. As he moving towards the door of the Three Broom-sticks, the young wizard caught sight of several peoples shopping. Stepping in-side the building, Rukevra suddenly remembered he needed to purchase a new pot of ink for the remainder of the term. How he was managing to continue the amount of notes and essays the fifth years where being given was beyond him. Before he had much of a chance to say anything, the young Gryffindor was being pulled towards a corner of the pub; and an empty seating area.

After watching his friend slide onto the seat, the young wizard wedged his broom against the table and the seat; before taking a seat himself. Picking up a menu and reading through the items, Rukevra selected something simple. "A soup and a coffee.", he responded to the younger girls question. "I also need to purchase some new ink, so I could do that whilst you wait for our order?". There was little reason for her to go with him, and they may lose their seat if she did.
Hearing her friends order Patricia felt bad about ordering her usual, it was more than what he was ordering but then again it was her birthday, she was going to treat herself. Patricia had forgotten that her friend had other business to attend to during the visit today. "Of course go ahead." she said, feeling bad for keeping him back from other things he had to do. "I'll see you when you get back." she said with a smile as she watched her friend leave. As she waited she ordered Ruki's soup and coffee along with her own burger and chips with a butterbeer; the perfect birthday meal. Waiting for Ruki and the food to arrive she thought back on the day so far, it had been by far one of her best, if not her best, birthdays. She couldn't think of a better way to spend it.
After placing his order, the young wizard listened to his friend's words; smiling back at her as she agreed to wait for their order. "I won't be too long.", the young boy replied; before sliding from the seat and heading out-side. With the events of the day winding down to a relaxing afternoon, Rukevra made his way through the jostling students still busying themselves with their own fun.

- - -

Money to be spent:

Squeezing himself past several first-years, the older wizard felt suddenly taller as he towered over them. Over the past few months, a slight growth spurt had taken place; giving the young wizard several extra inches to his height. Before Rukevra could re-call memories of his own child-hood, an older witch stepped from a store door-way; muttering foul words under her breath. She was seemingly angry at the owner for not buying her ring. Now distracted from his own task, the young wizard's gaze fell across the displays in-side the store window. Various items of jewellery shone through the pane of glass.

As he stood for a moment, Rukevra took in the beautiful items on display. Each one becoming better as the price increased. Turning away from the store, the young boy placed his hands into his pockets; and took a single step forward before stopping. His eyes lit up slightly as he spun back around. Moving towards the door, the young Gryffindor decided to purchase a gift for his friend's birthday. After several minutes of discussion with the store owner, the young boy managed to reach a reasonable conclusion for a gift. Finding the money wasn't an issue for the Vanderzuk child, as both of his parents where sat on their own small fortunes. After completing his purchase, the young wizard made his way from the store; a gift-wrapped present placed securely in his pocket.

Continuing with his earlier plan to purchase a pot of ink, Rukevra moved swiftly towards the other store. Once in-side, the fifth year located a bottle of black liquid; and sought out a sales assistant. After paying for his second purchase of the day, the young wizard set off back to the Three Broom-sticks. A cup of coffee had his name on it.

- - -

And now we relax (return):

Returning to the public house, Rukevra checked the gift in his pocket; making sure it wasn't visible, and, pushing open the door, stepped in-side. Thoughts of cold soup flashed through his mind, but it was likely Patricia would still be waiting for the order. Reaching the corner table once again, the Gryffindor smiled towards his friend. "Miss me?", he said; sliding back into the booth just as the waitress wandered over with their food.
After telling the waitress that she wasn't ready for her food order yet Patricia took her drink and sipped on it as she waited for Ruki to return. She kept glancing out of the window to see if Ruki was in sight, but she couldn't see him amoung the crowds of other students; and he wasn't easy to miss. Nearly finishing her drink she heard the door open and she looked over at it hopefully. Her smile return as she saw her friend return back to the seat. "I sure did." she said, watching as the waitress came with their food. "Perfect timing!" she beamed as she looked at the food, realising just how hungry she was. As Patricia started to eat her food she looked over at her friend, "So, did you get your ink?" she asked, trying to start some general conversation
"Perfect timing indeed.", the young wizard responded; as he pulled his order towards him, before thanking the waitress. "Looks good.". The young boy's hunger became more apparent as he looked over his soup. As he settled in to start eating, Patricia began a small conversation. Stirring his soup, the young wizard looked up-wards and responded. "I did. Those first years out there make me feel tall.", Rukevra laughed.

Taking a sip of the chicken soup, the fifth year glanced back at his friend. "Has your day been as you expected?".
Now Patricia was finally getting some food she felt a lot better, there was no better way to end the perfect day than a meal with a friend. Turning on her seat she relaxed herself some more, keeping her eyes on her friend as he talked. At his words Patricia joined in on his laughter, "Well you are tall." she confirmed. "Either that or the first years are really short." she said with a shrug as she popped a few more chips into her mouth and began chewing on them; The Three Broomsticks had the best chips. Hearing his question Patricia swallowed her food. "No! It's been so much more better than I could have imagined." she told him, beaming. "Thank you for today. I honestly have no idea what I would have done if you hadn't suggested meeting up." she continued, truly grateful for her friend saving her another boring birthday alone.
Listening to Patricia's words caused Rukevra to smile. It was nice that he had a chance to make someone's day. Continuing to eat his meal, the fifth year wondered when it would be best to give his friend her gift. Seeing the happiness spread across her face, he decided he could wait; and allow her to enjoy the rest of her day. Spreading out the fun seemed a much better idea.

After the pair had finished their meals, and discussed several varying subjects including OWL's; favourite professors; angry Herbology plants; and just how the chicken soup was made, Rukevra chose to call the day to an end. All of the students would have to make their way back to the castle shortly, and beating the rush of short first-years seemed to be a decent plan. Paying for their meals, the young wizard gave the waitress a sizeable tip; before heading back to the table and collecting his broom. Flying back to the castle would have been fun, but not worth the risk of a professor nagging them.

Heading out-side once more, Rukevra walked along-side Patricia; as the two made their way back to the school. Today had been rather interesting indeed.


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