Arthur Larson

Arthur Larson

Age: 11 Years old
Sex: Male
Mother: Kiarah ‘Cowper’ Larson - Dead
Step-Mother: Annie Larson
Father: Tommy Larson
Siblings: Three older siblings, one younger. 1 Twin who died
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthday: 30th July
Current Residence: Torbay, Auckland
Occupation: Student
School: Hogwarts New Zealand
Year: 1st Year
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Curly 9 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Acromantula Web Core
Sexual Orientation:
Relationship status: Single
Star Sign: Leo
Interests: Rugby, comics
School Extras: Brotherhood
Languages: English


Arthur is a very nervous individual, he is new to magic and the only one of his family so far to have it. He has thought it all to be some massive joke at his expense. He is very unsure of himself, pretty quiet but does have a good sense of right and wrong. He’s just very out of his depth in this new world that he finds himself in.

He is not overly studious, didn’t massively care about his education, though he knows he’ll approach it differently now that he is magic. Arthur has had a number of fairly tragic things happen in his life and thus hasn’t had the best success in making friends as to a certain point he’ll get too worried about losing them and then pull away.

Arthur has light brown, almost blonde hair. he keeps it relatively long but it doesn't go below his ears. He used to keep his hair short, as that was how Aaron used to like having it and to be less like him he grows it out. He doesn't do much with it, it just remains long. He has light brown eyes. He stands at average height.​




Arthur was born on a warm winter’s night, it was unseasonably warm. He was born a twin, and his twin was identical to him in every single way. Arthur was born second, though he was supposed to be born first because he was smaller. Arthur and his twin (Aaron), had a good childhood. They played lots of games together were not often apart and played with their older siblings a lot. They’d lived a little idlicly on the Northern Island of New Zealand, just a little away from Auckland. They were both on a local rugby team with Arthur showing good promise.

However tragedy struck, when Arthur was eight years old, when coming back from a rugby game, they were involved in a traffic accident which killed his twin, and severely injured him. He was in the hospital for a good few months after it happened, and has some pretty intense scarring on his arm from the incident and from the car windows smashing.

He stopped talking when this happened, stopped for a good few months. His father was trying hard, but it was difficult, and his siblings didn’t know how to be with him. They all missed Aaron. When he was nine his mother took left the house and didn’t return, and it seems that she fell into a river, and was unable to get free. It was ruled an accident. Arthur took a further three months before he spoke again. His father remarried only six months after his mother's death, and they had a child when Arthur was ten, he was very glad the baby wasn't a boy.

He’s never really managed to get back to who he was, feels very much like a shell of a person, and it has been made worse when he got his Hogwarts letter, which told him he was magic.

Arthur now finds himself at magical school.​



Arthur was still sure this was a joke. It had to be. He wasn't a wizard. He wasn't. And yet the candles in this hall were floating. He was glancing around the other students, people who were magic, and he'd be found out to be an imposter amongst them. Then the hat started singing. He glanced around the stool for any evidence of a wire or a battery which would be how it was doing it. But there was nothing. This hat was for real. Magic. Real magic. Arthur watched as people began being sorted, and then he stepped forward when his name was called.

"Magic is very real, all of this is very real. I see a real nervousness about all of this, about the people you will meet here, but in that too, there is certainly a little bravery…Gryffindor,"


Yearbook picture

Curly 9 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Acromantula Web Core​

Length: On the shorter side of things, this wand offers excellent control and aim - easily an extension of one's own arm.
Style: Great care was taken in crafting this wand's wood to spiral to its point, giving it a beautiful aesthetic quality.
Wood: Larch is a durable wand wood that helps realize new talents and always seems to have some unexpected qualities influenced by its owner.
Core: The web of an acromantula is especially strong, so as a core it helps to add a punch to spells. It has been known to be useful for spells of a darker nature. Wands with this core would have no effect against a Basilisk or against a wand that had a core with a part of a Basilisk.
Flexibility: Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.


Father - Tommy Larson
Mother - Kiarah Larson
Step-Mother - Annie Larson
Twin Brother - Aaron Larson
Older brother - Eoin Larson
Older brother - Eric Larson
Older Sister - Victoria Larson
Young Sister - Violet Larson

Dog - Bluey
Primarily family dog
Rat - Squeak
Eric's rat
Hamster - Hammie
Victoria's pet
Cat - Jester
Eoin's cat






Title & LinkAboutYear
Ha. ha. What?Arthur's first attempt at magic1st year
The new LionsArthur joins the dorm1st year
First Year Castle ToursArthur joins the tour of hogwarts1st year
Club FairArthur signs up for the brotherhood1st year
Gryffindor House meetingArthur joins the house meeting - his first1st year
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