Art and more

Calixa Rider

Well-Known Member
Calixa was completely and utterly bored. There was never anything to do around this place. Why didn't she just stay away from here. She didn't have any real friends, and the only family around here didn't like her anymore, ever since the divorce. She took out her sketch book, something she always kept with her, and began drawing. Lately all she could draw were the two eyes that haunted her most, but today it was different, she drew a flower. And then more, and soon it was going to be beautiful. Now all she needed was someone to converse with.
Gabriel had a day off, and decided it would be best spent discovering new places, and doing some practice sketching. He was pretty keen to try some new artistic techniques he had found online last week. He apparated to Brightstone, figuring it was a good place to start, since he hadn't spent a lot of time there, so it would be unfamiliar surroundings to sketch. All Gabriel's drawing things were in his bag, and he was feeling pretty confident about spending a day honing his artistic skills. When he had left the house Eddie had still been unconscious, and Gab had tiptoed out, feeling excited and full of an energy he had been lacking for awhile.

After awhile of wandering, looking for the perfect place to sit and start sketching, Gabriel noticed a woman, intent in her own artistic pursuit. Artist's curiosity tickled, he walked over to her, sitting down next to the woman and asking; "What're you drawing?"
She had almost finnished the little sketch when a voice came to her. As she turned she put a smile on her lips and stopped squinting in the wind. "I'm drawing a flower, i mean, kinda." She said, showing him the picture. it had evolved from a flower to a color sketch of a small girl being held. But it wasn't quite done. She looked over his outfit and approved. He was cute, but maybe a little too young for her. She loved the sight of his lip-rings, they reminded her of her own lip ring.

She smiled and waited for him to critique her picture.
Gabriel took the sketch, looking it over with an artist's eye. He wasn't a big fan of the sketchy look, since his job generally called for bold, clear lines, no room for error. He thought this picture had managed to avoid making it look amateur though; rather, it looked simply like part of the style. He looked it over for a good couple of minutes, then handed it back, smiling. "That's really good. Her upper arms are slightly too narrow in comparison to her forearms, there's no shape or muscle definition. That's the only thing I can find wrong with it." He said, then realised how that could have been taken as rude. "I'm sorry, I'm just an artistic perfectionist. I draw on people for a living, so mistakes drive me crazy." He laughed. "I'm Gabriel."
She smiled as he looked over the paper. She was suprised when he only found two flaws, she thought it was terrible. She hated the way she drew, she hated everything she did though. Maybe she was just too hard on herself. "Yeah i know, i have trouble with that. I'm sure i can learn though." She was even more suprised when he said he drew on people for a living. That emant he was a tattoo artist, or a freak. "Really!? That's so cool!" She said with a grin. "I'm Calixa."
Gabriel shrugged. "It's just a matter of doing anatomy studies and loads and loads of practice. When I was an apprentice I spent every day off I had drawing. I would find a park bench and just sit there all day, drawing whatever I saw. It really, truly works. You'll draw things you never even thought of before, and in ways you never thought of before. It really broadens horizons." He grinned. "I'm Gabriel."
"Nice to meet you." She said in her slight British accent. "You sound like you know a lot, though being a tattoo artist i assume you would." Seh smiled at him and looked back at her photo. "So, you from 'round here?"
He smiled. "Pretty much. I have to spend most of my time drawing, so I keep my skills up. Can't make a mistake on someone's skin, because it never goes away." He smiled, and nodded to her next question. "Well... sort of. I live near Obsidian Harbour." He said, getting his own drawing things out of his bag.
She nodded in understanding. If someone had messed up while doing her tattoo, she would have been ticked. She smiled as he seemed to search in his bag for something. "That's cool. Your own flat or.. what?" She asked curiously.
Gabriel got a pencil, eraser, and sketchbook out of his bag, and rested them on his lap. "Yeah, I just moved out. I lived in Scotland for a few years after finishing Hogwarts, to do a tattooing apprenticeship, then moved back in with my mum, and I've finally taken the plunge into the real world." He laughed. "I've got a flatmate, Eddie, but I don't see him too often."
She listened to him talk about his home. He didn't remind her of the Scotts she had seen while on vacation. All dressed in kilts and cloths of the sort. "Or really? That so cool." She said with a slight accent. "i don't have any flat mates yet. Maybe soon though." She said with a little smile.
Gariel smiled. "They can be a pain sometimes, but the company is nice. I had no idea how lonely it was living alone until I tried it." He smiled, stretching his legs slightly, then put his pencil to paper and started doodling some guidelines.
Gabriel smiled, covering his paper teasingly. "You'll see." He smiled. In truth, he wasn't drawing so much as designing; swirling patterns, all forming one shape. He had been toying with some ideas for his next tattoo for some time now, and this seemed like as good a time as any to do a first draft.
"Aww!" She pouted like a young child, whom had not received her sippy cup. She tried to peak over his shoulder, maybe get a glimpse.
Gabriel smiled, tilting the drawing so Calixa couldn't see. "Nuh uh. No cheating." He stuck his tongue out, and hunched over his drawing so she couldn't see it. Of course, then it became so dark HE couldn't see it either, but it still served the purpose.
Calixa rolled her eyes and groaned. "No fair!" She said, sounding much like a child. She almost always did. She waited as he hunched over his drawing, hoping she could see it soon.
Gabriel sketched quickly, adding more and more to his design. This was it; he could feel it. This was the final design. He was totally happy with it. When it was done, he showed it to Calixa. "This is the finished design for my next tattoo." He smiled, biting his snakebites absentmindedly.
She listened to the light scribbling of the pen. It was a beuatiful sound, the artists music. He finnished and showed it to her, it was beautiful. He was an amazing artist. "Amazing!" Seh exclaimed, the looked at him. "What part of the body would that look best on, do you think?" She asked. Maybe she'd get it done as a tattoo.
"I'm getting it on my side." He smiled. "These," he pointed to the swirls coming out the left side "fit between a couple of other tatts as background and this," he pointed to the lines that contined down beyond the bottom of the paper "goes on until it reaches the border of another tatt." He smiled. Gabriel knew his ink in and out; his entire body was a work of art he had designed, and he loved it.
She smiled. "Really, you must have a lot of tats. I only have two." She grinned, then looked at the drawing a bit more carefully, looking at the intricate swirls. She knew any child could draw mindless swirls, but what Gabriel had done was more then childish scribbling. It was art.
Gabriel laughed. "At this point I might be getting a bit excessive. I've got way too many. It's a bit of an addiction of mine." He smiled sheepishly, trying to do a mental tally of the amount of ink he had gotten over the years. No sooner had one tattoo healed than he was in there getting another one. He was going to run out of skin soon.
"Really?" Seh questioned raising an eyebrow. "What was the most painful?" Seh was very curios. She thought that the one on her chest was terrible, the two paw prints hurt so much.
Gabriel bit his lip ring, thinking. "Probably either the ones on my ribs or my neck." He gestured to the white-ink tattooed swirls on his neck. "That was so goddamn painful."
She giggled slightly. "I'll take that into mind when i'm picking out tatts." She tilted her head to the side; she was running out of things to say.

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