Armand Mayfair

Armand Mayfair

Well-Known Member
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Full Name: Armand Mayfair
- Birth Date: November 2
- Basic Appearance:
About 6', with smooth skin and desirable features. Armand has wavy shoulder-length hair, he prefers it that way because he thinks that he looks better with it. He has handsome dark eyes that could look mean sometimes. He also has well-shaped nose that matches his mouth that could look mischievous or generous at times. Even as a child, it is quite clear that Armand would grow to be a very handsome man that would attract many women in the future.

- Siblings:
Armand is the first of the Mayfair triplets
Marianne Mayfair, one of the triplets. Armand describes her as "someone who is obsessed with elegance and beauty". Armand finds that quality irritating at times though he would much prefer to be with Marianne than Cosette. Marianne and Armand shares the same interest in beauty, though not as obsessed as Mariannne.

Cosette Mayfair, one of the triplets. Armand thinks of Cosette as being too quiet and not fitted to be one of the triplets because she's not as active as the other two. Of course Cosette shares the same overwhelming beauty with Armand and Marianne, but she doesn't go to parties so much (which of course, Armand's favorite past time) Nevertheless, Armand is proud of Cosette, accepting the fact that triplets can never have the same interests.

- Pets, if any: Armand wants to have a black cat because he thinks it suits him.

- Hogwarts House (And why): Armand prefers to be Slytherin since they're cunning and all. But there's a great deal of courage in him that might drag him to Gryffindor.
- Best school subjects (And why):
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Wolf, a pathfinder, symbolizing Armand's quest for the meaning of life.
- What would their Boggart be? Prison cell. Armand saw a prison cell when he was 6 years old. It was, as he described, "a place where you can never have friends and where people will see you as someone who should be left alone" and Armand's worst fear is to be alone, no one to talk to.
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) Cat
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? His whole family, because ever since he was a child, their father was never with them. Armand believed that their father abandoned them though when he grew up he found out that their father was just busy. Even so, the thought never really left Armand's mind.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? Memory of him and his sisters. Their family was never whole, that was why Armand felt really happy thinking that at least he still have his sisters. Two only two people who would actually be with him the rest of his life-- or so he believed.
- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Diary,
What a tiring day it is! Though of course I've always had tiring days. But this is a specially tiring day, diary. It's my first day at Hogwarts. I couldn't say it's boring here, with all the magic and all. I deeply enjoyed the sorting. Such a thrilling event. The sorting hat kept on talking and talking, sometimes asking me. But I don't answer. Why would I? It would drain all the excitement away, right? I met a lot of students of course. There are those who are beautiful and approachable, Marianne would surely love to meet them. And there was those Cosette types too, with the quiet personality and such. But of course my sisters are still more beautiful. I should get going then, diary.
Current Age:

Armand is superficial, but not so much as his sister Marianne. He loves socializing with people and fortunately, people love to socialize with him too. Armand is interested in philosophy and he wants to know what life really means. He is sometimes ignorant of other people's feelings, making it look like he's indifferent with them. Because he and his siblings were raised in a rich family, Armand doesn't understand much about being poor and of course the dreams of poor people. Armand's hobbies are painting, reading, acting and going to parties.

Trace Mayfair
-His father is a muggle and a businessman in the muggle world. He was the reason why the family is rich despite being only half bloods. But because of his busy work, he was never really home. Armand blames him for the siblings' loneliness when they were still children, but he didn't confront his father about this yet.

Gabrielle Pelletier Mayfair
-Armand's mother is a witch and a pianist. She performs in both muggle and wizard occasions, thus becoming rather popular. She is gentle and Armand had always loved her. But when the siblings grew older, Gabrielle started to perform around the world, thus leaving the siblings alone with some house elves that the family purchased. Armand though didn't hate her for that, because he understands his mother's talent, that it is inevitable for a vast talent could be kept in one place.

New Zealand

Area of Residence:
Wellington, New Zealand

Blood Status:
Half Blood


Special Abilities:
None YET

Interests or Hobbies:
Painting, reading, acting and going to parties. He's the artistic and social type. Armand loves watching opera and orchestra performances. That was why his sisters sometimes say that he's living in the classical period.

Additional Skills:
He's a fast learner

Socializing and debate

Complex things. Even though Armand is a fast learner, he tends to hate wordy explanations, making him ignorant in some areas of life.

Describe your character in three words:
Good-looking, talented, ignorant

Favourite place to be:
Their vacation house in France

Lots, though Armand is not that close to them. He prefers staying with his siblings.

Plans for your future:
To travel around the world and explore things some people would never have the chance to see
This is my first time to ask questions it goes!

-Do you think Armand's attractiveness can be an asset or liability?
-What do you think about your siblings? What are their best and worst qualities(1 of each is fine)
-Why is a black cat suit him?
-What do you think will be Armand's worst and best subjects?
-Would Armand's personality be the same even if he's poor?
-You said you have a house in France. Would you rather go to Beauxbatons or Hogwarts?
-What's the first place you'll go if your going to start your travels around the world?
-What would Armand want to do in the future?(job)

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