Arial Molotov

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Arial Molotov

Active Member
OOC First Name
Madz <3
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk


the pumpkin queen

Don't say you care I know you don't
And I won't leave I'll try and pretend
And I won't leave I'll try and pretend



FRIEND OF A FRIEND boys and girls of every age, won't you like to see something strange? come with us
ACQUAINTANCE and you will see this, our town of halloween. this is halloween, this is halloween, pumpkins
SAME CLIQUE scream in the dead of night. this is halloween, this is halloween. trick or treat til lthe neighbour's
INNER CIRCLE gonna die of fright. it's our town, everybody scream in this town of halloween. i am the one
JUST MET hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red. i am the one hiding under your
FIRST NAME BASIS stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair. this is halloween, this is halloween. hallo
GIG FRIEND ween! halloween! halloween! halloween! in this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin
SECRET FRIEND song. in this town, don't we love it now, everyone waiting for the next surprise. round that
PARTY PEOPLE corner, man hiding in the trash can. something's waiting now to pounce and how you'll scream
DRINKING BUDDY scream! this is halloween, red 'n'black, slimy green. aren't you scared? well that's just fine
GOSSIP FRIEND say it once, say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice. ride with the moon in the dead of night
CONFIDANTE everybody scream, everybody scream. in our town on halloween. i am the clown with the tear aw
FORMER ENEMY ay face. here in a flash and gone with a trace. i am the who when you call 'who's there?' i
SECRET FRIENDS am the wind blowing through your hair. i am the shadow of the moon at night filling your
FAMILY FRIEND dreams to the brim with fright. tender lumplings everywhere, life's no fun without a good scare
CHILDHOOD BUDDY that's our job but we're not mean in our town of halloween. in this town, don't we love it
PARTNER IN CRIME now, everyone waiting for the next surprise. skeleton jack might catch you in the back and
INSEPARABLE scream like a banshee make you jump out of your skin, this is halloween, everyone scream, won't
CLOSE FRIEND you please make room for a very special guy. our man jack is king of the pumpkin patch, every
BEST FRIEND one hail to the pumpkin king now. this is halloween, this is halloween. halloween! halloween!
PRACTICALLY SIBLINGS halloween! halloween! in this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song!


ENEMY BY ASSOCIATION well, well, well, what do we have here? sandy claws, huh? oh, i'm really scared.
INDIFFERENCE so you're the one everyon'es talking about? you're joking, you're joking ! i can't believe my
ANNOYANCE eyes. you're joking me, you gotta be. this can't be the right guy. he's ancient, he's ugly, i don't
TOLERANCE know which is worse. i might just split a seam now if i don't die laughing first. when mister oogie
SCARED OF YOU boogie says there's trouble close at hand, you'd better pay attention now 'cause i'm the b
SCARED OF ME oogie man and if you aren't shaking then there's something very wrong 'cause this may be
RIVALRY the last time that you hear the boogie song. well if i'm feeling antsy and there's nothing much to do
FRIENDLY RIVALRY i might just cook a special batch of snake and spider stew. and don't ya know the one
TENSION thing that would make it work so nice? a roly-poly sandy claws to add a little spice. release me now
FAKE FRIENDS or you must face the dire consequences, the children are expecting me so please come to
FORMER FRIENDS your senses. you're joking, you're joking, i can't believe my ears. would someone shut
SECRET ENEMIES this fella up, i'm drowning in my tears. it's funny, i'm laughing, you really are too much,
BACKSTABBED and now with your permission i'm going to do my stuff. oh the sound of rolling dice to me is
CHEATED music in the air, 'cause i'm a gambling boogie man although i don't play fair. it's much more fun, i
JEALOUSY must confess when lives are on the line. not mine of course, but yours, old boy, now that'd be
I HATE YOU just fine. release me fast or you will have to answer for this heinous act. oh brother, you're
YOU HATE ME something, you put me in a spin, you aren't comprehending the position that you're in. it's
DIE ***** DIE hopeless, you're finished, you haven't got a prayer. cause i'm mister oogie boogie and you


SHAMELESS FLIRTING i sense there's something in the wind that feels like tragedy's at hand and though i'd
INNOCENT FLIRTING like to stand by him, can't shake this feeling that i have. the worst is just around the be
FLEETING GLANCES nd. and does he notice my feelings for him? and will he see how much he means to me?
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS i think it's not to be. what will become of my dear friend? where will his actions lead
ENEMIES WITH BENEFITS us then? although i'd like to join the crowd in their enthusiastic cloud, try as i may, it
**** BUDDIES doesn't last. and will we end up together? no i think not, it's never to come. for i am not the one.
MAKEOUT BUDDIES my dearest friend, if you don't mind, i'd like to join you by your side where we can gaze at
CUDDLE BUDDIES the stars. and sit together, now and forever for it is plain as anyone can see we're simply me
BED WARMER ant to be. what's this? what's this? there's color everywhere! what's this? there's white things in the
ONE NIGHT STAND air. what's this? i can't believe my eyes! i must dreaming, wake up jack, this is isn't fair! what's
SEXUAL TENSION this? what's this? what's this? there's something very wrong. what's this? there are people sing
FLING -- CURRENT ing songs. what's this? the streets are lined with little creatures laughing. everybody seems so
FLING -- PAST happy have i possibly gone daffy? what is this? what's this? there are children throwing snow balls
FLING -- FUTURE instead of throwing heads. they're busy building toys and absolutely no one's dead. there's frost on
MIXED FEELINGS every window, oh i can't believe my eyes and in my bones i feel a warmth that's coming from inside
LOVE/HATE oh, look what's this? they're hanging mistletoe. they kiss, why that looks so unique, inspired. they're gathering
SECRET LOVERS around to hear a story, roasting chestnuts on a fire. what's this ? what's this? they're covering it
CRUSH -- ON YOU with tiny little things. they've got electric lights on strings and there's a smile on everyone. so now,
CRUSH -- ON ME correct me if i'm wrong, this looks fun. this looks fun. oh, could it be, i got my wish? what's this?
CRUSH -- MUTUAL oh my, what now? the children are asleep. but look, there's nothing underneath. no ghouls, no
IN DENIAL witches here to scream and scare them or ensnare them, only cozy little things secure inside their dreamland.
FORBIDDEN what's this? instead of screams, i swear, i can hear music in the air, the smell of cakes and pies is absolutely
PHYSICAL ATTRACTION everywhere. the sights, the sounds, they're absolutely all around. i've never felt so good before
LUST the empty place inside of me is filling up, i simply cannot get enough. i want it, oh, i want it, oh, i want it for my own
SEXUAL TENSION i've got to know, i've got to know, what is this place i found? what is this? christmas town. it was a long
CHILDHOOD SWEETHEARTS time ago, longer now than it seems. in a place perhaps you've seen in your dreams. for
PAST -- STILL CHEMISTRY a story that you are about to be told began with the holiday worlds of old. now you've probably
PAST -- BAD wondered where holidays come from, if you haven't, i'd say it's time you begun. for holidays, are the result
PAST -- GOOD of much fuss and hard work for the worlds that create them for us. well, you see now, quite simply that's
PAST -- I WANT YOU BACK all they do; making one uniwue holiday, especially for you. but once a calamity ever so
PAST -- YOU WANT ME BACK great occured when tow holidays met by mistake. what have i done? what have i done?
FUTURE -- POSSIBLE how could i be so blind? all is lost, where was i? spoiled all, spoiled all, everything's gone wrong.
FUTURE -- DEFINITE what have i done, what have i done? find a deep cave to hide in, in a million years, they'll find me only
CURRENT dust and a plaque that reads 'here lies old jack'. but i never intended all this madness, never. and nobody really
STAR CROSSED LOVERS understood? how could they? that all i ever wanted was to bring them something great. why does
ENGAGED nothing ever turn out like it should? well, what the heck, i went and did my best. and, by god, i tasted something
FINALS swell. and for a moment, why i even touched the sky. and at least i left some stories they can tell, i did. and for the first
MARRIED time since i don't remember when. i felt just like my bony self again. and i, jack, the pumpkin king, that's right i am
IN LOVE the pumpkin king. and i just can't wait until next halloween cause i've got some new ideas that will really make them scream.


PARENT and finally everything worked out just fine. christmas was saved though there wasn't much time. but after that night
PARENT -- STEP things were never the same. each holiday now knew each the other one's name. and though that one
SIBLING christmas things got out of hand, i'm still rather fond of that skeleton man. so many years later i thought i'd drop in
SIBLING -- HALF and there was old jack still looking quite thin with four or five children playing strange little tunes in their xy
SIBLING -- STEP lophone band. and i asked old jack "do you remember the night when the sky was dark and the moon shone
EXTENDED FAMILY so bright? when a million small children pretending to sleep nealy didn't have chirstmas at all, so to speak.
IN LAWS and would, if you could, turn that mighty clock back to that long fate ful night? now think carefully, jack. would you do
RESPECTED the whole thing all over again knowing what you now, knowing what you knew then?" and he smiled, like the old
LOYALTY pumpkin king that i new. then turned and asked softly of me, "wouldn't you?" something's up with jack, something's
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT up with jack. don't know if we're ever going to get him back. he's all alone up there, locked away inside
ADMIRATION never says a word, hope he hasn't died. something's up with jack, something's up with jack. christmas time is buzzing
HERO in my skull. will it let me be? i cannot tell. there are so many things i cannot grasp. when i think i've got, and then at last,
OBSESSED through my bony fingers it does slip like a snowflake in a fiery grip. something's here i'm not quite getting. though i try,
STALKER i keep forgetting. like a memory long since past. here in an instant, gone in a flash. what does it mean? what does it mean?
FAN in this little bric-a-brac a secret's waiting to be cracked. these dolls and toys confuse me so. confound it all, i love it though.
PROTECTIVE -- OVER YOU simple objects, nothing more 'bout something's hidden through a door though i do not have a key.
PROTECTIVE -- OVER ME something's there i cannot see. what does it mean? what does it mean? what does it mean? i've read
PROTECTIVE -- MUTUAL there christmas books so many times. i know the stories and i know the rhymes. i know the christmas
BAND MATE carols all by heart. my skull's so full, it's tearing me apart. as often as i've read them something's wrong. so hard to put
ROOM MATE my bony finger on. or perhaps it's not as deep as i've been led to think. am i trying too hard? of course! i've been too
CLASS MATE close to see the answer's right in front of me, right in front of me. it's simple really, very clear like music drifting in the,
WORK MATE air invisible but everywhere. just because i cannot see it doesn't mean i can't believe it. you know i tihnk this christmas
TEACHER thing is not as tricky as it seems. and why should they have all the fun? it should belong to everyone! not everyone,
MENTOR in fact, but me! why, i could make a christmas tree and there's no reason i can find, i couldn't handle christmas time. i bet i
DISRESPECT could improve it too and that's exactly what i'll do. eureka! i've got it! i don't believe what's happening to me! my
DISTRUST hopes, my dreams, my fantasies. won't they be impressed. i am a genius. see how i transformed this rat into a most
INFLUENCE -- GOOD delightful hat. my compliments from me to you, on this your most intriguing hat. consider, though, this
INFLUENCE -- BAD substitute, a bat in the place of this old rat. now this will never make a present, it's been dead now for much
OTHER -- SPECIFY too long. try, something fresher something pleasant. try again, don't give up. we're making christmastime.


let's keep this poop simple now; all lyrics and quotes you see here are from tim burton's 'the nightmare before christmas' haven't
watched it? you totally should. also, this plotpage was made by ALL MY LOViNg; over at this nifty little place called CAUTION
2.0 do not remove the credit or she will sic a rabid (!) skeletal dog named zero on you. kayso, for the actual plotting; there are
a whole lotta choices up there so be original with your relationships and the histories you make gotta be unique too. :) no one
liners for the history, i want to read at least one decent paragraph down there. i have the final say on everything but you can
suggest if you want to. unless you're being a total idiot, i'm a pretty nice person? kayyyy? :) now go crazy.



CLOSE FRIEND you please make room for a very special guy. our man jack is king of the pumpkin patch, every
BEST FRIEND one hail to the pumpkin king now. this is halloween, this is halloween. halloween! halloween!
PRACTICALLY SIBLINGS halloween! halloween! in this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song!
<FONT font="tahoma">

hayley williams. "you look like me?"
tinsley. "no way."

[center]100X100 ICON; copy and paste it thrice, kthx.
[font=times][size=1][color=MEMBER GROUP COLOR]FIRST MIDDLE LAST[/COLOR];[/size][/FONT]

relationships go here, thanks.[/center]

[B]your character nickname.[/b]
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